All permits issued by departments or offices as outlined in Section 1 of this Article that require the payment of a permit or license fee shall be issued by the departments designated, as a permit for the conduct of the specified business, enterprise or activity at the specified location, and such permit shall be delivered to the applicant by the Tax Collector on the payment to the Tax Collector of the fee required by law or ordinance.
Permits affecting a change of the use or occupancy theretofore authorized by the City Planning Commission for a building or structure, or by the provisions of Chapter II (City Planning Code) Part II of the San Francisco Municipal Code, which change requires approval of the City Planning Commission, permits for moving of buildings from one site to another, and permits for new buildings and structures other than billboards erected for outdoor advertising display, shall be posted on the premises or property affected as hereinafter provided in this Section; provided, however, in the event any other Section of this Code or any ordinance of the City and County shall provide for the posting on the premises or property or advertising in the official newspaper of the City and County of any such permit or application for the same, the provisions of this Section shall not apply. Within two days after the issuance of said permits the department or officer issuing the same shall cause a copy thereof and the notice described in Section 6 hereof to be posted in a conspicuous place on the subject property or location affected by said permit. Posting shall be made on each lot on which a structure affected is located or is to be located, unless any such structure occupies more than one lot, in cases both of individual and multiple construction. Said copy shall remain so posted until the expiration of the 10-day period provided for appeal from the issuance of said permit.
(Amended by Ord. 6007, App. 5/3/50)
Each copy of a permit, posted as required in Section 5 of this Article, shall have attached thereto, during such posting, a notice which shall specify the following:
(a) The name and address of the permittee.
(b) That said permit has been issued authorizing the doing of the things set forth.
(c) That any person who may deem that his interests or property or that the general public interest will be adversely affected as the result of operation authorized by or under such permit shall have the right to appeal to the Board of Appeals; that such right may be exercised by filing a notice of appeal from the order or decision granting said permit with the Board of Appeals at its office, within 10 days after the issuance of the permit, and that said notice of appeal may include a statement of grounds of appeal or objections to the issuance of said permit.
(d) The date of the last day within which said notice may be filed.
Unless otherwise provided by law, the cost of all posting required by Sections 5 and 6 hereof shall be paid by the applicant at the time of issuance of permit. The cost of each such posting shall be $2.50, except that only one fee of $2.50 shall be charged as to such posting of permits issued simultaneously to any one owner for the construction of two or more new buildings or structures of the same use or occupancy, size and construction located on the same or adjoining lots. In such instances, a fee of $0.25 shall be added as the cost of each such additional related posting. For this purpose, adjoining lots shall be deemed to include all lots facing on any one street which constitute a single area of land in any one block.
(Added by Ord. 4541, App. 7/30/47)
Any person removing, tampering with or obliterating any notice posted, as provided herein, as well as any person who interferes with the posting of any such notice, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $250 or imprisonment in the County Jail for not more than six months, or both such fine and imprisonment.
(Added by Ord. 4541, App. 7/30/47)