The Board of Appeals shall hear the applicant, the permit holder or other interested parties, as well as a representative of the department from whose action the appeal is taken. After said hearing and such further investigations as the Board may deem necessary, but not later than 60 days or a reasonable time after the filing with it of the first appeal, the Board may concur in the action of the department authorized to issue, transfer or revoke the permit, or may overrule the action of said department and order that the permit be granted, restored, denied, or permitted to be transferred, as the case may be.
Any immediately adjacent property owner who requested discretionary review of a permit by the Planning Commission and prevailed, in whole or in part, shall have the status of a party under this Article or the Board's rules in any appeal of the permit to the Board of Appeals by the project sponsor. Status of a party includes, but is not limited to, the right to any notices provided to parties, the right to receive service of papers filed by other parties to the appeal, equal time for an oral presentation including rebuttal time, service of the Board's decision, and the right to request a rehearing; provided, however, that if there is more than one such adjacent property owner, the Board of Appeals may, at its discretion, limit the time for oral presentation to three minutes for each adjacent property owner and a combined total of three minutes rebuttal for all adjacent property owners.
(Amended by Ord. 128-97, App. 4/9/97; Ord. 205-00, File No. 000800, App. 9/1/2000)
Wherever in Part III of the Municipal Code or in any other part of said Code there appears a requirement for a metallic badge, plate, tag or shield, the officer responsible for the issuance thereof may substitute a nonmetallic material therefor.
(Added by Ord. 509-60, App. 10/21/60)
On the filing of any application for the issuance or transfer of a permit for any purpose specified in this Section, or the filing of a notice of intention to revoke any permit, except in any case where such proposed revocation is due to the failure to pay the fee fixed by law or ordinance, the department responsible for the approval of such application, shall fix the time and place of hearing thereon, which shall be not less than 10 nor more than 20 days from the filing of said application, and shall cause to be conspicuously posted upon the premises involved in such application not less than 10 days before said public hearing, notice of such application and the time and place of hearing thereon. Said notice shall also set forth the name of the applicant and the purpose for which the application is made. The department in which the application is filed shall cause said notice to be posted. The lettering of the words in said notice, "Notice of Application for...Permit," shall be one-inch type, and all other lettering shall be one-half-inch type. After the posting of said notice the applicant shall maintain said notice as posted the required number of days.
The classes of permits referred to in this Section are: Service stations, commercial parking permits, public repair garages, public storage garages, commercial and truck garages, automobile sales garages, hospitals of any character, including hospitals for sick animals, dog kennels, places of refuge and detention, laundries including laundry delivery services doing business in San Francisco, junkyards or premises, livery stables, riding academies and riding schools, pawnbrokers, secondhand dealers, secondhand clothing dealers and secondhand furniture dealers, encounter studios, retail firearms dealers, nursing homes, day nurseries, nursery schools, play schools, kindergartens, and children's institutions, but shall not include private family boarding homes for aged or children.
(Amended by Ord. 355-85, App. 7/12/85; Ord. 219-10, File No. 100639, App. 8/12/2010)