(a) The Committee shall be composed of seven voting members appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors shall appoint one alternate member of the Committee for each of the seats of the seven voting members. An alternate member shall temporarily serve on the Committee as a voting member when there is a vacancy in the seat or when the seat is filled but the individual holding the seat is absent from the meeting; the same holds true for an alternate member temporarily serving on a subcommittee or working group.
(b) No fewer than two voting members and two alternate members shall live within the boundaries of the East SoMa, Central SoMa, or Western SoMa Area Plans. Taken as a whole, the Committee shall meet the membership requirements set forth below. Taken as a whole, the alternate members of the Committee would ideally meet these requirements. A single voting member or, for alternates, a single alternate member, may fulfill more than one of these requirements. Each voting member and each alternate member shall satisfy at least one of these requirements.
(1) One member representing low-income residents of SOMA.
(2) One member who has expertise in employment development and/or represents labor.
(3) One member who is a senior or disabled resident of SOMA.
(4) One member with affordable housing expertise and familiarity with the SOMA neighborhood.
(5) One member who represents an arts or cultural organization or a cultural district in SOMA.
(6) One member who provides direct services to SOMA residents.
(7) One member who has small business expertise and a familiarity with the SOMA neighborhood.
(8) One member who is a youth or who represents a youth-development organization.
(c) Each member and each alternate member of the Committee shall serve at the pleasure of their appointing authority and may be removed by their appointing authority at any time.
(Added by Ord. 242-19, File No. 181215, App. 11/1/2019, Eff. 12/2/2019)
(a) The voting members of the Committee shall be appointed for a term of four years. Voting members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. Service for two or more years of a term shall be deemed a full four-year term.
(b) Annually, the Committee shall select a chair and such other officer or officers as it deems appropriate.
(c) The Committee may promulgate such rules or regulations as are necessary or appropriate for the conduct of its business.
(d) In the event a vacancy occurs, a successor shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors to fill the vacancy consistent with the requirements of Section 5.27-2. When a vacancy occurs for any reason other than the expiration of a term of office, the appointee to fill such vacancy shall hold office for the unexpired term of the appointee’s predecessor. Any voting member who misses four meetings within a twelve-month period, without the approval of the Committee by majority vote, shall be deemed to have resigned from the Committee. The Committee shall inform the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of any such resignation. Any absence of a voting member of the Committee shall be deemed approved by the Committee, and shall not count as an unapproved absence, if the alternate member of the Committee designated for the seat attends a meeting in place of the absent voting member.
(Added by Ord. 242-19, File No. 181215, App. 11/1/2019, Eff. 12/2/2019)
(a) MOHCD shall provide administrative and clerical support to the Committee.
(b) The Committee shall coordinate with the South of Market Community Planning Advisory Committee established in Administrative Code Chapter 5, Article XXVI, when providing advice on matters within the programmatic jurisdiction of both committees.
(Added by Ord. 242-19, File No. 181215, App. 11/1/2019, Eff. 12/2/2019)
Unless the Board of Supervisors by ordinance extends the term of the Committee, this Article XXVII shall expire by operation of law, and the Committee shall terminate, on January 1, 2035. After that date, the City Attorney shall cause this Article XXVII to be removed from the Administrative Code. Notwithstanding Rule 2.21 of the Board of Supervisors Rules of Order, which provides that advisory bodies created by the Board should sunset within three years, the Board intends the Committee to exist for longer than three years.
(Added by Ord. 242-19, File No. 181215, App. 11/1/2019, Eff. 12/2/2019)
(Added by Ord. 184-13, File No. 130460, App. 8/7/2013, Eff. 9/6/2013; expired 10/31/2018)
(Added by Ord. 184-13, File No. 130460, App. 8/7/2013, Eff. 9/6/2013; expired 10/31/2018)
(Added by Ord. 184-13, File No. 130460, App. 8/7/2013, Eff. 9/6/2013; expired 10/31/2018)
(Added by Ord. 184-13, File No. 130460, App. 8/7/2013, Eff. 9/6/2013; expired 10/31/2018)
(Added by Ord. 184-13, File No. 130460, App. 8/7/2013, Eff. 9/6/2013; expired 10/31/2018)
(Added by Ord. 184-13, File No. 130460, App. 8/7/2013, Eff. 9/6/2013; expired 10/31/2018)
(Added by Ord. 279-05, File No. 051456, App. 12/16/2005, Expired 8/31/2007)
Editor's Notes:
Former Ch. 5, Art. XXVIII (“Single Room Occupancy Task Force”), comprising former Secs. 5.28-1 through 5.28-7, expired on December 31, 2021 per the terms of its sunset provision (former Sec. 5.28-7) and was removed from the Code at the direction of the Office of the City Attorney.
Former Art. XXVIII ("Voting Systems Task Force") expired by operation of its sunset provision on 6/30/2011.
Former Ch. 5, Art. XXVIII (“Single Room Occupancy Task Force”), comprising former Secs. 5.28-1 through 5.28-7, expired on December 31, 2021 per the terms of its sunset provision (former Sec. 5.28-7) and was removed from the Code at the direction of the Office of the City Attorney.
Former Art. XXVIII ("Voting Systems Task Force") expired by operation of its sunset provision on 6/30/2011.
(Added by Ord. 28-16, File No. 151005, App. 3/11/2016, Eff. 4/10/2016, Retro. 12/31/2015; expired 12/31/2021)
(Added by Ord. 28-16, File No. 151005, App. 3/11/2016, Eff. 4/10/2016, Retro. 12/31/2015; expired 12/31/2021)
(Added by Ord. 28-16, File No. 151005, App. 3/11/2016, Eff. 4/10/2016, Retro. 12/31/2015; expired 12/31/2021)
(Added by Ord. 28-16, File No. 151005, App. 3/11/2016, Eff. 4/10/2016, Retro. 12/31/2015; expired 12/31/2021)
(Added by Ord. 268-08, File No. 081227, App. 11/25/2008; amended by Ord. 314-10, File No. 101458, App. 12/21/2010; Expired 6/30/2011)
(Added by Ord. 268-08, File No. 081227, App. 11/25/2008; amended by Ord. 314-10, File No. 101458, App. 12/21/2010; Expired 6/30/2011)
(Added by Ord. 268-08, File No. 081227, App. 11/25/2008; amended by Ord. 314-10, File No. 101458, App. 12/21/2010; Expired 6/30/2011)
(Added by Ord. 314-10, File No. 101458, App. 12/21/2010; Expired 6/30/2011)
Editor's Note:
Former Art. XXVIII ("Voting Systems Task Force") expired by operation of its sunset provision on 6/30/2011.
Former Art. XXVIII ("Voting Systems Task Force") expired by operation of its sunset provision on 6/30/2011.
Creation of Advisory Committee. | |
Findings. | |
Membership. | |
Organization and Terms of Office. | |
Duties. | |
Meetings and Procedures. | |
Sunset. |
Editor's Note:
Former Ch. 5, Art. XXIX ("San Francisco Task Force on Residential Treatment for Youth in Foster Care") expired by operation of its sunset provision on 11/1/2009.
Former Ch. 5, Art. XXIX ("San Francisco Task Force on Residential Treatment for Youth in Foster Care") expired by operation of its sunset provision on 11/1/2009.
The Board of Supervisors hereby establishes the Inclusionary Housing Technical Advisory Committee (the "Advisory Committee") of the City and County of San Francisco.