(a) MOHCD shall provide administrative and clerical support to the Committee.
(b) The Committee shall coordinate with the South of Market Community Planning Advisory Committee established in Administrative Code Chapter 5, Article XXVI, when providing advice on matters within the programmatic jurisdiction of both committees.
(Added by Ord. 242-19, File No. 181215, App. 11/1/2019, Eff. 12/2/2019)
Unless the Board of Supervisors by ordinance extends the term of the Committee, this Article XXVII shall expire by operation of law, and the Committee shall terminate, on January 1, 2035. After that date, the City Attorney shall cause this Article XXVII to be removed from the Administrative Code. Notwithstanding Rule 2.21 of the Board of Supervisors Rules of Order, which provides that advisory bodies created by the Board should sunset within three years, the Board intends the Committee to exist for longer than three years.
(Added by Ord. 242-19, File No. 181215, App. 11/1/2019, Eff. 12/2/2019)
(Added by Ord. 184-13, File No. 130460, App. 8/7/2013, Eff. 9/6/2013; expired 10/31/2018)
(Added by Ord. 184-13, File No. 130460, App. 8/7/2013, Eff. 9/6/2013; expired 10/31/2018)
(Added by Ord. 184-13, File No. 130460, App. 8/7/2013, Eff. 9/6/2013; expired 10/31/2018)
(Added by Ord. 184-13, File No. 130460, App. 8/7/2013, Eff. 9/6/2013; expired 10/31/2018)
(Added by Ord. 184-13, File No. 130460, App. 8/7/2013, Eff. 9/6/2013; expired 10/31/2018)
(Added by Ord. 184-13, File No. 130460, App. 8/7/2013, Eff. 9/6/2013; expired 10/31/2018)
(Added by Ord. 279-05, File No. 051456, App. 12/16/2005, Expired 8/31/2007)
Editor's Notes:
Former Ch. 5, Art. XXVIII (“Single Room Occupancy Task Force”), comprising former Secs. 5.28-1 through 5.28-7, expired on December 31, 2021 per the terms of its sunset provision (former Sec. 5.28-7) and was removed from the Code at the direction of the Office of the City Attorney.
Former Art. XXVIII ("Voting Systems Task Force") expired by operation of its sunset provision on 6/30/2011.
Former Ch. 5, Art. XXVIII (“Single Room Occupancy Task Force”), comprising former Secs. 5.28-1 through 5.28-7, expired on December 31, 2021 per the terms of its sunset provision (former Sec. 5.28-7) and was removed from the Code at the direction of the Office of the City Attorney.
Former Art. XXVIII ("Voting Systems Task Force") expired by operation of its sunset provision on 6/30/2011.
(Added by Ord. 28-16, File No. 151005, App. 3/11/2016, Eff. 4/10/2016, Retro. 12/31/2015; expired 12/31/2021)
(Added by Ord. 28-16, File No. 151005, App. 3/11/2016, Eff. 4/10/2016, Retro. 12/31/2015; expired 12/31/2021)
(Added by Ord. 28-16, File No. 151005, App. 3/11/2016, Eff. 4/10/2016, Retro. 12/31/2015; expired 12/31/2021)
(Added by Ord. 28-16, File No. 151005, App. 3/11/2016, Eff. 4/10/2016, Retro. 12/31/2015; expired 12/31/2021)
(Added by Ord. 268-08, File No. 081227, App. 11/25/2008; amended by Ord. 314-10, File No. 101458, App. 12/21/2010; Expired 6/30/2011)
(Added by Ord. 268-08, File No. 081227, App. 11/25/2008; amended by Ord. 314-10, File No. 101458, App. 12/21/2010; Expired 6/30/2011)
(Added by Ord. 268-08, File No. 081227, App. 11/25/2008; amended by Ord. 314-10, File No. 101458, App. 12/21/2010; Expired 6/30/2011)
(Added by Ord. 314-10, File No. 101458, App. 12/21/2010; Expired 6/30/2011)
Editor's Note:
Former Art. XXVIII ("Voting Systems Task Force") expired by operation of its sunset provision on 6/30/2011.
Former Art. XXVIII ("Voting Systems Task Force") expired by operation of its sunset provision on 6/30/2011.
Creation of Advisory Committee. | |
Findings. | |
Membership. | |
Organization and Terms of Office. | |
Duties. | |
Meetings and Procedures. | |
Sunset. |
Editor's Note:
Former Ch. 5, Art. XXIX ("San Francisco Task Force on Residential Treatment for Youth in Foster Care") expired by operation of its sunset provision on 11/1/2009.
Former Ch. 5, Art. XXIX ("San Francisco Task Force on Residential Treatment for Youth in Foster Care") expired by operation of its sunset provision on 11/1/2009.
The Board of Supervisors hereby establishes the Inclusionary Housing Technical Advisory Committee (the "Advisory Committee") of the City and County of San Francisco.
The Board of Supervisors intends that the economic feasibility analysis required by Planning Code Section 415.10 shall be prepared through a transparent and inclusive public process that will include the Advisory Committee. The feasibility study inputs and assumptions should be based on documented and verifiable costs of housing development over the full course of a business cycle.
(Added by Ord. 76-16, File No. 160255, App. 5/13/2016, Eff. 6/12/2016)
The Advisory Committee shall consist of eight members. All members shall have experience and expertise in development finance. The Board of Supervisors shall appoint members to Seats 1 through 4, and the Mayor shall appoint members to Seats 5 through 8.
(Added by Ord. 76-16, File No. 160255, App. 5/13/2016, Eff. 6/12/2016)
(a) Each member shall serve at the pleasure of the member’s appointing authority, and may be removed by their appointing officer at any time for any reason. Each member appointed to the Advisory Committee shall serve for an unlimited term.
(b) If a vacancy occurs in any seat on the Advisory Committee, the appointing authority for the vacated seat shall appoint a successor to that seat.
(c) Members of the Advisory Committee shall receive no compensation from the City for serving on the Advisory Committee.
(d) Any member who misses three regular meetings of the Advisory Committee without the express approval of the Advisory Committee at or before each missed meeting shall be deemed by operation of law to have resigned from the Advisory Committee ten days after the third unapproved absence. The Advisory Committee shall inform the appointing authority of the resignation.
(e) The Controller’s Office shall provide clerical and administrative support and staffing for the Advisory Committee.
(a) The Advisory Committee shall provide input and advice to the Controller, the Mayor, the Planning Department and the Board of Supervisors regarding the content of the economic feasibility analysis required by Planning Code Section 415.10. The Advisory Committee shall hold technical workshops to evaluate the fiscal feasibility of various inclusionary housing fees and on-site and off-site alternatives, including evaluating a range of project types, inclusionary percentages, and resident income levels, and assessing whether fiscal feasibility varies within the City across different neighborhoods. The Advisory Committee may, but is not required to, prepare written reports.
(b) All City departments, commissions, boards, and agencies shall cooperate with the Advisory Committee in conducting its business.
(Added by Ord. 76-16, File No. 160255, App. 5/13/2016, Eff. 6/12/2016)
The Board of Supervisors and Mayor intend the Advisory Committee to last until the enactment of an ordinance removing this Article XXIX from the Administrative Code. Notwithstanding Rule 2.21 of the Board of Supervisors Rules of Order, which provides that advisory bodies created by the Board should sunset within three years, the Board intends the Advisory Committee to exist for longer than three years.
(Added by Ord. 76-16, File No. 160255, App. 5/13/2016, Eff. 6/12/2016)