(a) There shall be established a Bicycle Advisory Committee (hereinafter "Advisory Committee") of the City and County of San Francisco. This Advisory Committee, composed of concerned and informed residents, will provide the best single source of expertise and perspective for transportation planners. Effective planning is the key to reducing reliance on automobiles, and, in turn, the ultimate solution to the broad environmental crisis we presently face.
(b) The Advisory Committee shall consist of 11 voting members appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Each member of the Board of Supervisors shall nominate one person for appointment to the Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee shall provide information to the Board of Supervisors on the diversity of the Advisory Committee with regard to the age, ethnicity, gender, disability and sexual orientation of its members.
(c) In addition to the 11 voting members, the following City departments will each provide a non-voting representative to attend Advisory Committee meetings: the Police Department, the Department of Public Works, the Municipal Transportation Agency and the Department of City Planning. The Board of Supervisors also requests that the San Francisco Unified School District and the Golden Gate National Recreation Area each be asked to send a non-voting representative to the Advisory Committee.
(Added by Ord. 365-90, App. 11/9/90; amended by Ord. 179-02, File No. 020968, App. 8/29/2002; Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008)
(a) Each member of the Advisory Committee shall serve for a term that ends two years from the date of appointment, or the last day of the term of the supervisor who nominated the member, whichever is sooner, provided:
(1) The Board of Supervisors may remove any member of the Advisory Committee for cause at any time; and
(2) The Board of Supervisors may remove any member of the Advisory Committee without cause at any time upon request of the supervisor who nominated the member whose removal is sought.
(b) At the initial meeting of the Advisory Committee, and yearly thereafter, the Advisory Committee members shall select such officers as deemed necessary by the Advisory Committee.
(c) The Advisory Committee shall establish rules and regulations for its own organization and procedures and shall meet when necessary as determined by the Advisory Committee. All meetings shall, except as provided by law, be open to the public.
(Added by Ord. 365-90, App. 11/9/90; amended by Ord. 179-02, File No. 020968, App. 8/29/2002; Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008)
The Advisory Committee shall have the power and duty to:
(a) Set up subcommittees as necessary;
(b) Develop a plan for bicycle-related improvements, including but not limited to bicycle routes, secure parking, and transit interface, and make recommendations to the Municipal Transportation Agency, the San Francisco County Transportation Authority, and the Board of Supervisors on related funding from local, State and Federal agencies, including, but not limited to Transportation Development Act funds and San Francisco County Transportation Authority funds;
(c) Review the policies and programs related to bicycling in the Transportation Element of the General Plan of the City and County of San Francisco, and make recommendations on the goals and their implementation to the Planning Commission of the City and County of San Francisco;
(d) Develop a plan for outreach to, and education of, the public to promote the safe sharing of public roadways, and submit the plan to the Municipal Transportation Agency and the San Francisco County Transportation Authority.
(Added by Ord. 365-90, App. 11/9/90; Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008; amended by Ord. 63-20, File No. 200077, App. 4/24/2020, Eff. 5/25/2020)
Public Utilities Citizen's Advisory Committee – Establishment and Purpose. | |
Public Utilities Citizen's Advisory Committee – Membership and Organization. | |
Reports. |
(a) Pursuant to Charter Section 8B.123(B), there is hereby established the Public Utilities Citizen's Advisory Committee for the purpose of providing recommendations to the General Manager of the Public Utilities Commission, the Public Utilities Commission and the Board of Supervisors on the success of the Department in achieving the Goals and Objectives set out in Section 8B.122 of the City Charter (with the exception of 8B.122(a)(2)). At a minimum, these functions will include review of and recommendations for the Public Utilities Commission's long term strategic, financial, and capital improvement plans.
(b) The Wastewater Citizen's Advisory Committee established by Board of Supervisors uncodified Resolution No. 19-73 is hereby abolished.
(c) The Public Utilities Citizen's Advisory Committee is not intended to and shall not duplicate the functions of the Public Utilities Rate Fairness Board or the Public Utilities Revenue Bond Oversight Committee.
(Added by Ord. 58-04, File No. 040193, App. 4/8/2004)
(a) Membership. There shall be seventeen members of the Public Utilities Citizen's Advisory Committee. Each member of the Board of Supervisors shall appoint one member to the Public Utilities Citizen's Advisory Committee who shall be a resident of the supervisorial district represented by the appointing Supervisor (and the appointee shall remain a resident of the same district in order to continue serving in that seat) and must demonstrate one or more of the following qualifications: representing a community, business, environmental, or environmental justice organization, or with demonstrated knowledge, skill or experience in a field related to public utilities, environmental justice or environmental science. Four members shall be appointed by the Mayor; one member who represents the PUC's regional water customers; one member who represents a large San Francisco water user; one City resident who has demonstrated knowledge of engineering or financial management; and one member who represents a regional or statewide environmental organization. Two members, who shall be residents of the City and County of San Francisco, shall be appointed by the President of the Board of Supervisors; one member who represents a small business in San Francisco and one member who represents an environmental justice organization.
(b) Term. Each member shall be appointed for a four-year term. A member may be reappointed for additional four-year terms. At any time during the term, a member may be removed from the Public Utilities Citizen's Advisory Committee by the then sitting Supervisor of his or her district (if appointed by a Supervisor), or by his or her appointing official. In the event a vacancy occurs during the term of any member, a successor shall be appointed to complete the unexpired term of the office vacated in a manner similar to that which governed the initial appointment of the member.
(c) Compensation and Contracting. Members of the Public Utilities Citizen's Advisory Committee shall not be compensated nor shall they be reimbursed for expenses. Members shall have no authority to enter into contracts on behalf of the City or Public Utilities Commission.
(d) Officers. At the first calendared meeting and thereafter at the beginning of each even-numbered calendar year, the members of the Public Utilities Citizen's Advisory Committee shall elect members to serve as chair, vice-chair, and secretary of the Committee. The chair, or vice-chair, in the absence of the chair, shall be responsible for developing agendas in consultation with the General Manager of the Public Utilities Commission, and conducting meetings. The secretary will be responsible for approving meeting minutes and committee correspondence prior to distribution.
(e) Subcommittees. Subcommittees for each utility operated by the Public Utilities Commission are hereby established to make recommendations to the full Committee on draft plans, policies, programs and other activities related to their respective utilities. The Water Subcommittee shall review water supply system reliability, water conservation, recycling, regional cooperation efforts, and other relevant plans, programs and policies. The Wastewater Subcommittee shall review sewage and stormwater collection, treatment and disposal system replacement, recycling, and other relevant plans, programs, and policies. The Energy Subcommittee shall review power generation and transmission system reliability and improvement programs, including but not limited to facilities siting and alternative energy programs, as well as other relevant plans, programs, and policies. The chair of the Public Utilities Citizen's Advisory Committee shall appoint a chair for each subcommittee, and shall assign members to serve on each subcommittee. The chair, with the approval or at the request of a majority of the members to the Public Utilities Citizen's Advisory Committee, may create additional subcommittees necessary to facilitate review of plans, programs, and policies, in order to fulfill their responsibilities, as stated in Section 5.140(a).
(f) Membership in subcommittees shall be open to interested members of public through a process developed by the subcommittee and adopted by the Citizens' Advisory Committee. Representation on the subcommittees by residents living near PUC facilities shall be encouraged. The subcommittees shall be created and chaired by a member of the Committee as outlined in subsection (e) above.
(g) The Public Utilities Citizen's Advisory Committee may request that the General Manager provide independent review of the Public Utilities Commission's proposals.
(h) Meetings. The chair of the Public Utilities Citizen's Advisory Committee shall arrange for meetings at such times and in such places as the chair and the General Manager of the Public Utilities Commission, or his or her designee, shall mutually designate and in accordance with all requirements of applicable state and local laws, except that the Committee will meet no less than 9 times per 12-month period, unless the Committee and the General Manager agree otherwise. The General Manager shall set the first meeting of the Committee no later than 30 days after the appointment of a quorum of the Committee. The meetings shall be noticed in accordance with the requirements of the Sunshine Ordinance and posted on the Public Utilities Commission's web site. Administrative and clerical functions in support of the Public Utilities Citizen's Advisory Committee shall be provided by the General Manager of the Public Utilities Commission, or his or her designees on approval of funding by the Public Utilities Commission. The chair of the committee shall consult with the General Manager of the Public Utilities Commission, or his or her designee, regarding receipt of reports and data as necessary for the performance of the committee's functions. Meetings of the Committee and subcommittees shall be conducted in accordance, when not in conflict with state and local open meeting laws, with Robert's Rules of Order.
(Added by Ord. 58-04, File No. 040193, App. 4/8/2004)
At least annually, prior to the scheduled adoption or amendment by the Public Utilities Commission of its long term strategic plans, the Public Utilities Citizen's Advisory Committee shall prepare a report containing its overview of the status of the long term strategic plans and its recommendations regarding any proposed long term strategic plan adoption or amendment, including the strategic goals and objectives and any performance goals set forth in the plan. The report shall be provided to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, the General Manager of the Public Utilities Commission and each member of the Public Utilities Commission at least two weeks prior to the Commission's consideration of a long term strategic plan adoption or amendment. Failure of the Citizen's Advisory Committee to timely submit its report shall not require a continuance of the Commission's consideration or action.
In addition, the Committee may, at any time, submit information, reports, or recommendations to the Board of Supervisors, General Manager of the Public Utilities Commission, and each member of the Public Utilities Commission.
(Added by Ord. 58-04, File No. 040193, App. 4/8/2004)
Editor’s Notes:
Ch. 5, Art. XVI, which established the San Francisco Reinvestment Working Group, expired on December 31, 2023 per the terms of its sunset provision, Sec. 5.16-7, and was removed from this Code at the direction of the Office of the City Attorney.
Former Ch. 5, Art. XVI, “Gun Violence Prevention Task Force,” expired per the terms of its sunset provision, former Sec. 5.156, and was removed from this Code on March 15, 2017, at the direction of the Office of the City Attorney.
(Added by Ord. 87-21, File No. 210078, App. 7/2/2021, Eff. 8/2/2021; expired 12/31/2023)
(Added by Ord. 87-21, File No. 210078, App. 7/2/2021, Eff. 8/2/2021; expired 12/31/2023)
(Added by Ord. 87-21, File No. 210078, App. 7/2/2021, Eff. 8/2/2021; expired 12/31/2023)
(Added by Ord. 87-21, File No. 210078, App. 7/2/2021, Eff. 8/2/2021; expired 12/31/2023)