(a) Pursuant to the provisions of Section 53069.5 of Government Code, the Mayor is hereby authorized, from time to time, to offer a reward, not to exceed $100,000, payable out of the treasury of the City and County for the furnishing of information leading to the determination of the identity, apprehension and conviction of any person whose willful misconduct results in injury or death to any person or who willfully damages, destroys or appropriates any property.
(b) A claim must be filed within 60 days after conviction and said claim must be recommended by the Mayor and approved by the Board of Supervisors. If more than one claim is approved, the offered reward shall be paid to the claimants on a pro-rata basis. Recommended claims shall be transmitted to the Board of Supervisors within 45 days after expiration of the claim filing period.
(Amended by Ord. 460-79, App. 9/17/79)
(Added by Ord. 28-06, File No. 051759, App. 2/16/2006; Ord. 48-11, File No. 110068, App. 3/16/2011)
Editor's Note:
Former Section 10.177-2 has expired pursuant to the terms of its enacting legislation and has been removed from the Code at the direction of the Office of the City Attorney.
Former Section 10.177-2 has expired pursuant to the terms of its enacting legislation and has been removed from the Code at the direction of the Office of the City Attorney.
(Added by Ord. 28-06, File No. 051759, App. 2/16/2006; Ord. 48-11, File No. 110068, App. 3/16/2011)
Editor's Note:
Former Section 10.177-3 has expired pursuant to the terms of its enacting legislation and has been removed from the Code at the direction of the Office of the City Attorney.
Former Section 10.177-3 has expired pursuant to the terms of its enacting legislation and has been removed from the Code at the direction of the Office of the City Attorney.
There is hereby established a special fund for the purpose of receiving revenues accruing from the use or lease of all Recreation and Park Department facilities and from the issuance of any permit, license, lease or contract pertaining to the use of property under the jurisdiction of the Recreation and Park Commission, other than those revenues hereafter specifically excluded, this special fund to be known as the Recreation and Park Fund. Monies in this fund may be used for any purpose, function or activity of the Recreation and Park Department under the San Francisco Charter or any other law.
In the accomplishment of the above purposes it is the intent of the Board of Supervisors to use revenues from this fund as a supplement to appropriations made to the Recreation and Park Department in the annual appropriation ordinance.
This ordinance does not apply to any fees or revenues generated in connection with the operation of Candlestick Park, the Marina Yacht Harbor, or the San Francisco County Fair Fund.
The revenues in this special fund shall be set aside for the purposes set forth above and appropriations therefrom shall be by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to the budget and fiscal provisions of the Charter.
(Amended by Ord. 569-81, App. 11/30/81; Ord. 116-88, App. 3/18/88)
There is hereby established a special fund for the purpose of receiving those golf registration, green fees and other fees collected from concessions related to the operation of San Francisco's municipally owned and operated golf courses exceeding the sum of $630,000 annually, said special fund to be known as the San Francisco Golf Fund. Said special fund shall be used solely for the following purposes:
(a) Administrative expenses for collection of fees.
(b) Purchase and installation of automatic irrigation systems.
(c) Rehabilitation and reconstruction of golf course facilities and properties.
(d) Improvement to concession facilities.
(e) Purchase of equipment.
(f) Maintenance personnel.
(g) Publication of informational brochures and pamphlets.
(h) Development of improved graphics for golf courses.
In the accomplishment of the above purposes it is the intent of the Board of Supervisors to use the funds collected from golf registration and green fees as a supplement to the funds appropriated for the maintenance and operation of the golf courses.
It is the intent of the Board of Supervisors to reserve to the general fund the first $630,000 collected annually from golf registration, green fees and concession fees since the historic level of income generated by golf operations and deposited in the general fund for the 10-year period 1960-1961 to 1969-1970 prior to adoption of the new schedule of fees was $631,461.
The moneys in said special fund shall be set aside for the aforesaid purposes and appropriations therefrom shall be by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to the budget and fiscal provisions of the Charter.
(Added by Ord. 112-73, returned unsigned 3/30/73)
Service Charge – Adult Probation Officer. | |
Warrant or Check to be Presented Within One Year. | |
Lost Warrants or Checks. | |
Community Court Program Administrative Fee. |
Pursuant to California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 279, there is hereby established a service charge to be collected by the Adult Probation Officer and paid into the County General Fund, of two percent in addition to all amounts collected by said officer in any of the following instances:
(a) Money payable to spouse or child in an action for divorce, separate maintenance, or similar action, together with court costs, upon order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
(b) Money payable to or on behalf of a ward or dependent child of the juvenile court or a person concerning whom a petition has been filed in the juvenile court. The probation office may petition the court for approval of any past or prospective disbursement.
(c) Money payable to, by, or on behalf of probationers under the supervision of a probation officer. The probation officer may petition the court for approval of any past or prospective disbursement.
(d) Money payable to a child, wife, or indigent parent when it has been alleged or claimed that there has been a violation of either Section 270, 270a, or 270c of the Penal Code and the matter has been referred to the probation officer by the District Attorney.
(Added by Ord. 151-69, App. 4/30/69; amended by Ord. 318-00, File No. 001913, App. 12/28/2000)
Except a warrant or check issued for the giving of aid, any other warrant or check drawn on the Treasurer of the City and County of San Francisco is void if not presented to the City and County Treasurer within one year after its date of issuance.
(Amended by Ord. 368-84, App. 8/24/84; Ord. 348-95, App. 11/3/95)