The Controller shall prepare a report to the Board of Supervisors by September 1 of each even-numbered year discussing the numbers and types of contracts that have been approved for the prior year under Charter Section 10.104(15), how long each affected service has been contracted out, the cost savings as realized for each contract compared to the cost savings as projected at the time of certification, and how many new contracts have been submitted for certification as of the date of preparation of the report.
(Added by Ord. 105-04, File No. 040594, App. 6/10/2004; amended by Ord. 166-13, File No. 130541, App. 8/2/2013, Eff. 9/1/2013)
Any officer, department or agency seeking approval of a contract for personal services under Charter section 10.104(15) shall submit their request to the Controller along with their annual budget submissions. No later than June 1 the department shall introduce at the Board of Supervisors any resolutions concurring with the Controller's certification under Charter section 10.104(15) upon which the department wishes to act.
(Added by Ord. 105-04, File No. 040594, App. 6/10/2004)
Designation of Watch Laws; Board of Supervisors to Respond on Behalf of City Departments. |
(a) Designation of Watch Laws; Watch Law Orders. Under Charter Section 16.124, the Board of Supervisors may, by resolution, designate as a "watch law" any state of federal law or regulation that calls for, authorizes, or requires the production by any City officer, employee, agency, department or office of information, records, or other tangible things held by the City, where disclosure could violate the rights of any individuals under the State or Federal Constitutions. An order or request for the production of information, records or other tangible things held by the City made pursuant to a watch law designated under this subsection shall be referred to as a "watch law order."
(b) Board of Supervisors to Respond on Behalf of City Departments. The Board of Supervisors shall respond on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco to all watch law orders served on the City and County. No officer, employee, agency, department, or office of the City and County shall respond to a watch law order without the prior approval by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
(c) Duties of City Officers, Employees, and Departments. Any officer, employee, agency, department, or office of the City and County receiving a watch law order shall within 24 hours transmit the order to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, along with a specific description of the type, nature, and extent of any information, records or other tangible things held by the officer, employee, agency, department, or office which are responsive to the order. The information, records or other tangible things themselves shall not be sent to the Board of Supervisors unless and until specifically requested by the Board.
(d) Consideration by the Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors shall consult with the City Attorney in determining whether the production sought by a watch law order would violate the constitutional rights of any individuals and in deciding on an appropriate response to the order. The records, proceedings, and decisions of the Board of Supervisors in connection with a watch law order shall be kept confidential where required by state or federal law. To the extent federal or state law would prohibit public disclosure of information that the Board of Supervisors needs to discuss in order to discharge its powers under this Section, the Board may meet in closed session for the limited purpose of discussing that information. Unless prohibited by federal or state law, the Board shall take all actions to approve or deny a watch law order in public.
(e) Procedure. Upon receipt of a watch law order, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors shall immediately deliver a copy of the order to the chair of the Rules Committee. The Clerk shall at the same time also deliver a copy of the order to the deputy city attorney designated by the City Attorney for these purposes.
The Clerk shall prepare an item consisting of a resolution complying with the order and a resolution rejecting, in whole or in part, the order. The item shall be deemed introduced by the President of the Board as of the date the order is received by the Clerk.
The Clerk shall place the item on the agenda for the next Rules Committee meeting. If the order contains a deadline for compliance that would occur prior to the next regularly-scheduled Rules Committee meeting, the chair of the Rules Committee shall schedule a special meeting of the committee sufficient to meet the deadline. If the Rules Committee cannot meet in time to meet the deadline for response, the President of the Board may refer the item to another committee.
(f) Annual Report. The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors shall prepare an annual report on all watch law orders received by the Board during the prior fiscal year. The report shall identify: the information, records, or other tangible things sought in each such order; the law under which the order was made; the officer, employee, agency, department, or office of the City and County to whom the order was initially directed; and, the action taken by the Board of Supervisors in response to the order. The report shall be kept confidential to the extent required by State or federal law.
(g) Responsibilities of the Clerk of the Board. Any reference to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in this ordinance shall include the Clerk's designee. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the individual officers, departments, and agencies of the City shall continue to be responsible for maintaining their own records in compliance with all applicable public records and records retention laws. The Clerk of the Board's responsibilities shall be limited to carrying out the procedures specified in this section, based upon the information and responses provided by individual officers, departments, and agencies.
(Added by Ord. 51-05, File No. 041138, App. 4/1/2005)
Procedure for Approval by the Board of Supervisors of General Advertising Sign Company Relocation Agreements. |
The Board of Supervisors hereby establishes the following procedure for its approval of the relocation of existing legally permitted general advertising signs pursuant to Section 611(c) of the Planning Code.
(a) Designation of the Planning Department. The Board hereby designates the Planning Department as the Department to review and recommend to the Board approval or disapproval of a Relocation Agreement pursuant to Planning Code Section 611(c). The Board shall not approve or consider any such Agreement without first receiving a recommendation from the Department.
(b) Definitions. For purposes of this Section 2.21, the following definitions shall apply:
(1) "Board" shall mean the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco.
(2) "Department" shall mean the Planning Department of the City and County of San Francisco.
(3) "General advertising sign company" or "sign company" shall mean an entity that owns a general advertising sign structure, as distinguished from the person or entity that owns the property on which the sign is located.
(4) "Legally permitted" or "lawfully existing" shall mean a sign that was lawfully erected prior to the effective date of Section 611 of the Planning Code pursuant to a permit duly issued by the City and County of San Francisco, or that has an in-lieu identifying number granted by the Director of Planning pursuant to Section 604.1(c) of the Planning Code, and is in compliance with all conditions of approval.
(5) "Relocation Agreement" or "Agreement" shall mean an agreement with a general advertising sign company to relocate existing legally permitted general advertising signs of a sign company, as permitted by Planning Code Section 611(b).
(6) "Sign" shall mean a legally permitted general advertising structure or wall sign as defined in Planning Code Section .
(c) Application for Relocation Agreement. Any general advertising sign company desiring to relocate an existing legally permitted sign shall first file an application with the Department on a form provided by the Department and pay the application fee set forth in Section 358 of the Planning Code.
(d) Information Required to be Submitted with the Application. The applicant for a Relocation Agreement shall submit the following information with the application, in addition to such other information as the Department may require:
(1) A list of signs proposed for relocation;
(2) A site map showing the locations of all signs proposed for relocation by address and by block and lot;
(3) A copy of any permit or permits authorizing the sign, if available; if a copy of the permit or permits are not available, a copy of the Director of Planning's approval of an in-lieu identifying number or numbers;
(4) Evidence that a sign proposed to be relocated has not been removed and still exists at the authorized location, and that the sign company is the owner of the sign structure;
(5) A proposed form of Relocation Agreement specifying the sign or signs to be relocated, which Agreement shall be in the format of and contain the provisions of a model agreement developed by the City Attorney or which shall be otherwise acceptable to the City Attorney; and
(6) The written consent to the relocation of each sign from the owner of the property upon which the existing sign structure is erected.
(e) Submission to the Board. The Department shall submit to the Board the Department's recommendation to approve or disapprove the proposed Relocation Agreement after the Department has completed its review of the application and supporting documents.
Prior to submitting its recommendation to the Board, the Department shall have (i) reviewed the sign company's initial and any updated sign inventory submitted pursuant to Section 604.2 of the Planning Code and verified that each sign proposed for relocation has been determined to be lawfully existing and lawfully permitted and (ii) verified that there are no pending Notices of Violation against the sign company for violation of Article 6 of the Planning Code or any other applicable law governing general advertising signs.
(f) Conditional Use Approval by the Planning Commission. Upon approval by the Board of Supervisors of the proposed Relocation Agreement, the sign company may apply to the Planning Commission for a conditional use authorization pursuant to the Agreement.
(g) Modification or Termination of a Relocation Agreement.
(1) Modification or amendment of any of the terms or provisions of a Relocation Agreement shall require a recommendation for approval or disapproval from the Department and approval of the Board.
(2) Any Relocation Agreement shall provide that evidence of a pattern of willful misrepresentation of information provided to the City by the sign company in any inventory or site maps it has submitted to the City shall be grounds for termination of the Relocation Agreement by the City.
(Added by Ord. 140-06, File 052021, App. 6/22/2006)
Information to be Furnished Board by Public Utilities Commission – Generally. | |
Information to be Furnished Board by Public Utilities Commission – Regular Introduction of Proposal. | |
Fixing Dates for Consideration. | |
Board's Finding Prior to Approval or Rejection. | |
Approval or Rejection. |
Whenever in accordance with the provisions of the Charter, the Public Utilities Commission of the City and County shall submit to the Board of Supervisors a proposal to fix, change or adjust rates, charges or fares for the furnishing of service by any utility under its jurisdiction, the Public Utilities Commission shall submit in support thereof all of the data upon which the proposal is based and a report of the anticipated effect of the proposal upon the budget of the affected utility for the then current and ensuing fiscal year, together with all the data supporting such conclusions, and a statement of the anticipated tax subsidy, if any, for such years
(Ord. No. 7384 (1939), Sec 1)