A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors may be called at any time by the President of said Board, or by a majority of the members of said Board, by delivering personally or by mail written notice to each member of said Board and to each local newspaper of general circulation, radio or television station requesting notice in writing.
Such notice must be delivered personally or by mail at least 24 hours before the time of such meeting as specified in the notice.
The call and notice shall specify the time and place of the special meeting and the business to be transacted. No other business shall be considered at such meetings by the Board of Supervisors.
Such written notice may be dispensed with as to any member who, at or prior to the time the meeting convenes, files with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors a written waiver of notice. Such waiver may be given by telegram. Such written notice may also be dispensed with as to any member who is actually present at the meeting at the time it convenes.
A special meeting of any standing or special committee of the Board of Supervisors may be called at any time by the presiding officer of the committee or by a majority of the members of the committee, in accordance with the provisions of this Section applicable to special meetings of the Board of Supervisors, except that notices of said committee meetings shall be directed to each member of the committee rather than to each member of the Board of Supervisors.
(Amended by Ord. 4-71, App. 1/4/71)
(a) A public hearing by a committee of the Board of Supervisors shall be conducted to consider a final report of findings and recommendations that is submitted by the civil grand jury to the Board of Supervisors. The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors shall notify the current foreman of the civil grand jury and the immediate past foreman of the civil grand jury of any such hearing that is scheduled by the Board of Supervisors.
(b) The Controller shall report to the Board of Supervisors on the implementation of recommendations that pertain to fiscal matters that were considered at a public hearing. The report by the Controller shall be submitted no later than one year following the date of the public hearing.
(Added by Ord. 205-95, App. 6/16/95)
(a) Scheduling Mayor’s Appearance. Pursuant to Section 3.100(7) of the Charter, the Mayor shall appear at the second regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Supervisors each month. The Mayor may, due to conflict, arrange with the President to reschedule his or her monthly appearance. The President, in consultation with the Mayor, may also reschedule the Mayor’s appearance where the second regularly scheduled meeting does not occur. In those instances, the President shall communicate to the Clerk of the Board the rescheduling of the Mayor’s appearance date.
(b) Submission of Question Topics.
(1) Supervisors’ eligibility to ask questions shall be determined in order of Supervisorial District on a rotating basis each month. Supervisors from Districts One, Two, Three, and Four each may ask a question at the Mayor’s first appearance after May 1, 2018. At the Mayor’s second appearance after May 1, 2018, Supervisors from Districts Five, Six, Seven, and Eight each may ask a question. At the Mayor’s third appearance after May 1, 2018, Supervisors from Districts Nine, Ten, and Eleven each may ask a question. Thereafter, Supervisors’ eligibility to ask questions shall continue to rotate in this same three-month cycle.
(2) A Supervisor eligible to ask a question shall submit the general topic of the question to the Clerk of the Board and the Mayor by noon the Wednesday prior to the Mayor’s appearance. If this deadline occurs in a week during which (A) there is not a regularly scheduled Board meeting, (B) there is a City, State, or federal holiday, or (C) the Board holds an inaugural meeting under Charter Section 2.103, the Clerk may extend the deadline by up to 24 hours by informing the eligible Supervisors and the Mayor in writing of such extension.
(3) The Clerk shall forward the submitted topics to the City Attorney to determine whether the topics provide legally adequate notice of the topic of discussion under State and local public meeting laws. If the City Attorney determines that the topics are legally adequate, the Clerk shall include the submitted topics on the Board agenda.
(4) The Board may, by oral motion approved by affirmative vote of at least eight members, allow an eligible Board member to ask a question that is not related to a topic submitted by noon on a Wednesday where that question relates to a sudden or unexpected incident or occurrence raising formal, time-sensitive policy questions that the Supervisor could not have anticipated prior to the noon Wednesday deadline and that cannot be adequately addressed at the next scheduled question time. An eligible Supervisor who asks such a question following approval of a motion shall not have the opportunity to ask any additional questions, even if the Supervisor submitted a question topic to the Clerk under subsection (b)(2).
(c) Procedural order. The Mayor’s appearance shall be the first regular item of business on the Board’s agenda. The Mayor may address the Board initially for up to five minutes on any policy matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Mayor or the Board. Thereafter, the Clerk shall call on each Supervisor who has submitted a question topic under subsection (b) of this Section 2.11, in the same order as the order of voting under the Board’s Rules of Order. When the item is called, the Board may, by oral motion approved by affirmative vote of at least eight members, forego the question-and-answer session.
(d) Question-And-Answer Format.
(1) When called on by the Clerk, a Supervisor may ask a question pertaining to the topic submitted by that Supervisor. The Mayor shall respond, and the questioning Supervisor then may ask a follow-up question directly related to the opening question or to the Mayor’s answer. The Mayor shall respond to the follow-up question.
(2) Following the Mayor’s response to the Supervisor’s initial question, or the Mayor’s response to the Supervisor’s follow-up question if the Supervisor asks a follow-up question, the Mayor may ask a question to any Supervisor who is present at the meeting pertaining to the same topic. The Supervisor shall respond, and the Mayor then may ask a follow-up question to that Supervisor directly related to the question or to the Supervisor’s answer. The Supervisor shall respond to the follow-up question.
(3) The Mayor and the Supervisor may use up to two minutes for each of the questions and each of the answers described in subsections (d)(1) and (d)(2). No question or answer may exceed two minutes.
(4) Except the Supervisor asking a question under subsection (d)(1) and the Supervisor responding to a question from the Mayor under subsection (d)(2), no Supervisor may participate in or comment on the questions and answers during the exchange described in this subsection (d).
(e) The Board may, by oral motion approved by affirmative vote of at least eight members, strike for good cause any question posed by a Supervisor or by the Mayor and, if the motion carries, the responding party shall not be required to answer.
(f) The questions and answers as described in subsection (d) shall be limited to formal policy matters as set forth in Charter Section 3.100(7) and shall be limited to items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Mayor or the Board. In addition, no question or answer may address a matter that has already been considered in committee and that is on the Board’s agenda as an action item for the day on which the Mayor makes his or her appearance. The President of the Board shall rule out of order any question posed that does not fall within these parameters.
(g) Public comment concerning the matters discussed during the Mayor’s appearance at the Board shall take place during general public comment.
Supplemental Reports Required. | |
Controller's Annual Report on Contracting Out. | |
Deadline for Departmental Submission of Requests for Contracting Out. |
Any officer, department, or agency seeking Board approval of a contract for personal services under Charter Section 10.104(15) shall submit a supplemental report to the Board of Supervisors in connection with the contract and the Controller's certification.
The report shall summarize the essential terms of the proposed contract and address the following subjects:
1. The department's basis for proposing the Prop J certification;
2. The impact, if any, the contract will have on the provision of services covered by the contract, including a comparison of specific levels of service, in measurable units where applicable, between the current level of service and those proposed under the contract. For contract renewals, a comparison shall be provided between the level of service in the most recent year the service was provided by City employees and the most recent year the service was provided by the contractor;
3. The department's proposed or, for contract renewals, current oversight and reporting requirements for the services covered by the contract;
4. The contractor's proposed or, for contract renewals, current wages and benefits for employees covered under the contract, and the contractor's current labor agreements for employees providing the services covered by the contract;
5. The department’s proposed or, for contract renewals, current procedures for ensuring the contractor’s ongoing compliance with all applicable contracting requirements, including Labor and Employment Code (the Minimum Compensation Ordinance), (the Health Care Accountability Ordinance); and Section (b) (the Equal Benefits Ordinance);
6. The department's plan for City employees displaced by the contract; and,
7. A discussion, including timelines and cost estimates, of under what conditions the service could be provided in the future using City employees.
(Added by Ord. 105-04, File No. 040594, App. 6/10/2004)
The Controller shall prepare a report to the Board of Supervisors by September 1 of each even-numbered year discussing the numbers and types of contracts that have been approved for the prior year under Charter Section 10.104(15), how long each affected service has been contracted out, the cost savings as realized for each contract compared to the cost savings as projected at the time of certification, and how many new contracts have been submitted for certification as of the date of preparation of the report.
(Added by Ord. 105-04, File No. 040594, App. 6/10/2004; amended by Ord. 166-13, File No. 130541, App. 8/2/2013, Eff. 9/1/2013)
Any officer, department or agency seeking approval of a contract for personal services under Charter section 10.104(15) shall submit their request to the Controller along with their annual budget submissions. No later than June 1 the department shall introduce at the Board of Supervisors any resolutions concurring with the Controller's certification under Charter section 10.104(15) upon which the department wishes to act.
(Added by Ord. 105-04, File No. 040594, App. 6/10/2004)
Designation of Watch Laws; Board of Supervisors to Respond on Behalf of City Departments. |