The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to:
(a) The change in use of a residential unit where the unit has been found to be unfit for human habitation prior to November 23, 1979 and ordered to be vacated by the Department of Public Health; or
(b) A hotel wherein 95 percent of the guest rooms were tourist units on September 23, 1979; or
(c) A unit which rented for over $1,000 per month on September 23, 1979; or
(d) A hotel in which 95 percent of the total number of guest rooms rented for more than $1,000 per month on September 23, 1979; or
(e) A building which was unlawfully converted to a rooming house or hotel in violation of the provisions of the City Planning Code; or
(f) A building which meets the requirements of Section 41.7(c) below for a claim of exemption for partially-completed conversions; or
(g) A building which meets the requirements of Section 41.7(b) below for a claim of exemption for low-income housing; or
(h) A building which is lawfully approved by the City after September 23, 1979, and is not a replacement unit pursuant to Section 41.13 herein, so long as it is operated by a public entity or a nonprofit organization as a jail, health facilities as defined by Section 1250 of the Health and Safety Code, asylum, sanitarium, orphanage, prison, convent, rectory, residential care facility for the elderly as defined in Section 1569.2 of the Health and Safety Code, residential facilities as defined in Section 1502 of Health and Safety Code, or other institution in which human beings are housed or detained under legal restraint.
(Added by Ord. 121-90, App. 4/12/90)
(a) Filing of Initial Status Determination; Time Limit. Within 30 calendar days of the mailing date of the summary of the ordinance and the prescribed reporting forms, the owner or operator of each hotel shall file either a statement of exemption, a claim of exemption based on low-income housing, a claim of exemption based on partially completed conversion, or an initial unit usage report as specified below. All filing shall be accompanied by supporting evidence. However, upon application by an owner or operator and upon showing a good cause therefor, the Director of the Department of Building Inspection may grant an extension of time not to exceed 30 days for filing. Owner or operator shall post a notice on the day of filing that a copy of the initial status determination document filed with the Director of the Department of Building Inspection is available for inspection between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
(1) The number of residential and tourist units in the hotel as of September 23, 1979;
(2) The designation by room number and location of the residential units and tourist units as of seven calendar days prior to the date of filing the report;
(3) The total number of residential and tourist rooms in the hotel as of seven calendar days prior to date of filing the report.
(c) Insufficient Filing. If the Director of the Department of Building Inspection or his designee determines that additional information is needed to make a determination, the Director shall request the additional information in writing. The owner or operator shall furnish the requested information within 15 calendar days upon receipt of the written request. Owner or operator shall immediately post a notice that a copy of the requested information is available for inspection between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Department of Building Inspection. If the requested information is not furnished, all the guest rooms not supported by evidence shall be deemed to be residential units.
(d) Certification of Units. The Director of the Department of Building Inspection shall review the information and accompanying supporting data. A certified copy of hotel tax returns for the calendar year 1979 may be used to establish the number of tourist units and the Director of the Department of Building Inspection or the Director's designee may personally inspect units to establish the number of tourist units. If, in the opinion of the Director of the Department of Building Inspection, the initial unit usage report is supported by adequate supporting evidence, the Director shall certify the number of residential and tourist units within 90 calendar days of its submission. The owner or operator shall have the burden of proving the number of tourist units claimed by a preponderance of evidence.
Notwithstanding any other provisions in this Chapter, if an owner or operator took possession of the hotel operation after September 23, 1979 and before June 15, 1981, and if the owner or operator can demonstrate that good cause exists why he/she cannot obtain supporting evidence from the previous owner or operator to file the initial report, the owner or operator shall base his/her filing on information available to him/her two weeks after he/she took possession of the hotel; any units which are vacant on that date shall be allocated equally between tourist and residential uses; provided that a permanent resident may rebut this presumption by clear and convincing evidence.
After the Director of the Department of Building Inspection certifies the number of residential and tourist units, the Director shall issue a certificate of use. The Certificate of Use shall be posted permanently in the lobby or entranceway of the hotel.
(e) Failure to File Statement of Exemption, Claim of Exemption or Initial Unit Usage Report. If no initial unit usage report, or statement of exemption, or a claim of exemption based on partially completed conversion, or a claim of exemption based on low-income housing for all of the guest rooms, is filed for a hotel within the time set forth in Section 41.6(a), the Director of Department of Building Inspection shall mail a notice to the owner or operator of record by registered or certified mail stating that all the rooms in the hotel shall be deemed residential units unless the owner or operator files unit usage report within 10 calendar days of the mailing date of said notice and that a late filing fee of $50 will be assessed in addition to the fee set forth in Section 41.11 of this Chapter. If the owner or operator fails to submit a unit usage report within 10 calendar days after notification by the Department of Building Inspection, a certificate of use for residential units only shall be issued.
(f) Appeal of Initial Determination. An owner or operator may appeal the initial unit status determination by the Director of the Department of Building Inspection provided that there was no challenge pursuant to the provisions of subsection (g) below, and further provided that an appeal is filed within 10 calendar days of the mailing of the certification. If an appeal is filed, a copy of the notice of appeal shall be posted by the owner or operator and a hearing pursuant to the provisions of Section 41.8(b) shall be scheduled.
(g) Challenge; Standing; Statute of Limitation. Challenges to the information contained in the initial status determination report filed by the owner or operator may be filed by an interested party in writing provided that it is submitted within 15 calendar days from the date the report to the Department of Building Inspection is filed. Upon receipt of a challenge, a hearing shall be held by the Director of the Department of Building Inspection or his designee pursuant to the provisions of Section 41.11(b). The owner or operator shall have the burden of proving by a preponderance of evidence that the information filed is correct.
(h) Reporting Forms for Initial Unit Usage Report. Compliance by any party or by the City of San Francisco with notice, filing, challenge, designation of unit and certification requirements of Ordinance 330-81 regarding the initial status of units shall satisfy similar requirements set forth in this Chapter and all such notices, filings, challenges, designations or certificates shall have the same force and effect as if made pursuant to this subsection.
(Added by Ord. 121-90, App. 4/12/90; amended by Ord. 134-01, File No. 001926, App. 7/6/2001)
(a) Statement of Exemption Based on Inapplicability of This Chapter. Any hotel claiming that this Chapter does not apply, under the provisions of Sections 41.5(a) through 41.5(d), shall file a statement of exemption specifying the basis for the exemption. Any hotel claiming exemption under the provisions of Sections 41.5(b) through 41.5(d) shall also state the total number of guest rooms and the number of residential hotel units with monthly rent over $1,000 per month.
(b) Claim of Exemption Based on Low-Income Housing. To qualify for a claim of exemption based on low-income housing, the units to be rehabilitated meet the following requirements:
(1) A claim for this exemption has been filed and the requisite fees paid to the Department of Building Inspection no later than 60 calendar days after the effective date of this ordinance;
(2) With the exception of ground floor commercial space, the entire building must be completely occupied as low-income housing;
(3) The Director of the Department of Building Inspection finds that the proposed elimination of a unit is necessary to comply with Building Code and Housing Code requirements; and
(4) Alternate guest rooms are made available within the building to the displaced permanent residents; or
(5) In those circumstances where it is necessary to relocate a permanent resident off site, the permanent resident shall receive the actual moving expenses and the difference between the rent at the time of relocation and the rent of the temporary housing during the period of rehabilitation.
(6) The owner or operator and successors in interest shall continue to maintain all units in the rehabilitated hotel as low-income housing for 25 years. A deed restriction on such use shall be submitted to the City Attorney's Office for approval. An approved copy of the deed restriction shall be forwarded to the Director of the Department of Building Inspection ands the original shall be filed with the Recorder by the owner or operator.
(c) Claim of Exemption Based on Partially Completed Conversion. A claim of exemption based on partially completed conversion shall not be approved until and unless owner or operator shows that all of the following requirements are met:
(1) An application for partially completed conversion was filed no later than 60 calendar days after the effective date of this ordinance;
(2) The owner or operator has commenced work on extensive Capital Improvements and Rehabilitation Work prior to November 23, 1979, as defined in Section 37.2 of the San Francisco Administrative Code (the San Francisco Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Ordinance) and has completed such work on at least 35 percent of the units intended to be converted or has expended 40 percent of the total sum budgeted for said work;
(3) The owner or operator or previous owner or operator shall have clearly demonstrated his/her intention to convert all of the residential units in the subject building to tourist units as of November 23, 1979. Satisfactory evidence of intention to convert may be demonstrated by the following factors, including but not limited to:
(A) Whether an architect has been engaged to prepare plans and specifications; or
(B) Whether applications for construction work have been received; or
(C) Whether applications for the necessary permits have been submitted to all relevant city departments; or
(D) Whether a building permit has been issued.
(4) Each permanent resident displaced by the conversion is offered relocation assistance as set forth in Section 41.17(b) below; and
(5) For each vacant residential unit converted, but not occupied by a permanent resident, a sum of $250 per unit not to exceed a total of $10,000 shall be deposited in the San Francisco Residential Hotel Preservation Account of the Repair and Demolition Fund established pursuant to Section 203.1 of the San Francisco Building Code (being Chapter 1, Article 2, Part II of the San Francisco Municipal Code) to be used exclusively for the repair, purchase and rehabilitation of residential hotel units by agencies of the City and County of San Francisco and to be administered by the Department of Public Works.
(d) Consistent with Planning Code Section 183, any unit deemed to be a tourist unit which has remained continuously vacant for three years following the zoning change in a zoning district not allowing tourist hotels shall lose its nonconforming status, and may be opened only for residential hotel or group housing uses.
(Added by Ord. 121-90, App. 4/12/90; amended by Ord. 134-01, File No. 001926, App. 7/6/2001)