By March 1 of each odd-numbered year, beginning with March 1, 2013, the City Administrator shall submit to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors a ten-year capital expenditure plan which shall include an assessment of the City's capital infrastructure needs, investments required to meet the needs identified through this assessment, and a plan of finance to fund these investments. By May 1 of the same year, the Mayor and Board of Supervisors shall review, update, amend, and adopt by resolution the ten-year capital expenditure plan. The Mayor and Board of Supervisors may update the plan as necessary and appropriate to reflect the City's priorities, resources, and requirements.
The capital expenditure plan shall include all recommended capital project investments for each year of the plan. The plan shall incorporate all major planned investments to maintain, repair, and improve the condition of the City's capital assets, including but not limited to city streets, sidewalks, parks, and rights-of-way; public transit infrastructure; airport and port; water, sewer, and power utilities; and all City-owned facilities.
The capital expenditure plan shall include a plan of finance for all recommended investments, including proposed uses of General and Enterprise Funds to be spent to meet these requirements. Additionally, the plan shall recommend the use and timing of long-term debt to fund planned capital expenditures, including General Obligation bond measures.
The capital expenditure plan shall include a summary of operating costs and impacts on City operations that are projected to result from capital investments recommended in the plan. This operations review shall include expected changes in the cost and quality of City service delivery.
The plan shall also include a summary and description of projects deferred from the ten-year capital expenditure plan given non-availability of funding necessary to meet assessed capital needs.
(Added by Ord. 216-05, File No. 050920, App. 8/19/2005; amended by Ord. 40-06, File No. 060078, App. 3/10/2006; Ord. 222-11, File No. 111001, App. 11/15/2011, Eff. 12/15/2011)
(Former Sec. 3.20 added by Ord. 223-97, App. 6/6/97; amended by Ord. 55-98, App. 2/20/98; repealed by Ord. 216-05)
There is hereby created a Capital Planning Committee consisting of the City Administrator as chair, the President of the Board of Supervisors, the Mayor's Finance Director, the Controller, the City Planning Director, the Director of Public Works, the Airport Director, the Executive Director of the Municipal Transportation Agency, the General Manager of the Public Utilities System, the General Manager of the Recreation and Parks Department, and the Executive Director of the Port of San Francisco. Each member of the Capital Planning Committee may designate a person to represent her or him as a voting member of the Committee. Such designations shall be in written documents signed by the designating member and filed with the City Administrator, or her or his designee.
The mission of the Capital Planning Committee is to review the proposed capital expenditure plan and to monitor the City's ongoing compliance with the final adopted capital plan. As such, the Capital Planning Committee shall (1) establish prioritization and assessment criteria to assist the City Administrator with the development of the capital expenditure plan, (2) annually review the City Administrator's proposed capital expenditure plan prior to its submission to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors, and (3) review the annual budget and any proposed use of long-term debt, including General Obligation bonds, to ensure compliance with the adopted capital expenditure plan.
The Board of Supervisors shall not place on the ballot, or authorize the issuance of any long term financing, until the Capital Planning Committee completes a review of the proposal and submits its recommendation to the Board of Supervisors. Each proposal shall be in form and substance satisfactory to the Committee, and shall be accompanied by descriptive financial, architectural, and/or engineering data, and all other pertinent material in sufficiently complete detail to permit the Committee to review all aspects of the proposal. The Committee shall submit a written report to the Mayor and the Board analyzing the feasibility, cost, and priority of each proposal relative to the City's capital expenditure plan.
(Added by Ord. 216-05, File No. 050920, App. 8/19/2005)
(Former Sec. 3.21 added by Ord. 223-97, App. 6/6/97; repealed by Ord. 216-05, File No. 050920, App. 8/19/2005)
The annual proposed budget for the Police Department prepared and submitted under Charter Section 4.102, and the annual budget for the City proposed and approved under Article IX of the Charter shall include a line-item appropriation for the Police Department's expenditure of funds to provide security services to City officials and visiting dignitaries.
(Added by Proposition E, Approved 6/8/2010)
(Former Sec. 3.22 added by Ord. 223-97, App. 6/6/97; amended by Ord. 132-99, File No. 990583, App. 5/28/99; repealed by Ord. 216-05, File No. 050920, App. 8/19/2005)
(Added by Ord. 223-97, App. 6/6/97; repealed by Ord. 216-05, File No. 050920, App. 8/19/2005)
(Added by Ord. 223-97, App. 6/6/97; Repealed by Ord. 169-10, File No. 100095, App. 7/23/2010)
(Added by Ord. 223-97, App. 6/6/97; Repealed by Ord. 169-10, File No. 100095, App. 7/23/2010)
(a) Findings.
1. Various voter-approved provisions of the Charter require the City to set aside portions of the property tax levy or the General Fund for particular purposes or otherwise mandate continuing annual appropriations for specific programs. In addition, voter approved ordinances, although not fiscally binding, also have the same practical effect. This initiative ordinance refers to all these measures, including increases to existing mandates, as "Set-Asides". Only the voters at another election have the authority to change the provisions of these Set-Asides.
2. The City's total revenue for fiscal year 2007-08 was approximately $6.07 billion. But only $2.83 billion of that revenue was General Fund money. And of the General Fund portion of the budget, only approximately $1.11 billion or 18% of the total revenue remained available for discretionary spending for any lawful governmental purpose.
3. While these Set-Asides often individually promote laudable public purposes, collectively they impair the capacity of the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors to carry out one of the most important functions they are elected to perform under the Charter; allocating the City's limited resources to best serve the public interest. The impact of these Set-Asides also has limited the ability of the Mayor and Board of Supervisors to effectively respond to recurring budget deficits, and has led to reductions in important public services due to the declining portion of the budget available for discretionary spending.
(b) Policy Regarding New Set-Aside and Mandatory Expenditures. The voters adopt the following as official policy of the City and County of San Francisco:
1. The voters will not approve the addition to the City Charter of any Set-Aside or other measures that has the effect of limiting the spending discretion of the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors unless the measure adding the new Set-Aside also provides a specific, adequate new source of funds so that the implementation of the Set-Aside will not cause a net decrease in General Fund revenues that the Mayor and Board would otherwise have the discretion to allocate through the budget process. Growth in revenues from existing funding sources shall not be considered a new source of funding for the purpose of this measure.
2. The voters will not approve any annual cost-of-living adjustment or other escalation in the dollar amount of any new Set-Aside that exceeds the amount of the prior year's Set-Aside by more than 2%; and
3. The voters will not approve any new Set-Aside or proposed extension of an existing Set-Aside unless it expires automatically no later than 10 years after the effective date of its adoption.
(Added by Proposition S, 11/4/2008)
(a) For purposes of this Section 3.27, “Department,” “Surveillance Technology,” and “Surveillance Technology Policy” have the meanings set forth in Section 19B.1 of the Administrative Code.
(b) To the extent that a Department seeks funding to acquire Surveillance Technology, the Department shall transmit a Surveillance Technology Policy, approved by the Board of Supervisors in accordance with Chapter 19B of the Administrative Code, with any budget estimate submitted to the Controller in accordance with Section 3.3(a) or 3.15 of the Administrative Code. To the extent the Mayor concurs in the funding request and the Surveillance Technology Policy, the Mayor shall include the Surveillance Technology Policy with the proposed budget submitted to the Board of Supervisors in accordance with Section 3.3(c) or (d) of the Administrative Code, or, in the case of a supplemental appropriation, Section 3.15 of the Administrative Code.
(Added by Ord. 223-97, App. 6/6/97; repealed by Ord. 295-00, File No. 001761, App. 12/22/2000)