Budget Process Ordinances. | |
Proposed Biennial and Multi-Year Budgets. | |
Controller's Opinion on Revenue Estimates. | |
Adoption of Appropriation Ordinances. | |
Veto of Appropriations. | |
Modifications. | |
General Obligation Bonds. | |
Revenue Bonds. | |
Lease Financing. | |
Refunding Bonds. | |
Bond Election by Initiative. | |
General Authority. | |
Revenue Bonds of the Port Commission. | |
General Fiscal Provisions. | |
Rainy Day Reserves. | |
Mission-Driven Budget. | |
Departmental Budget Commitments. | |
Departmental Savings and Revenue Gains. | |
Establishment of Audit Committee of the Board of Supervisors. | |
Contract and Lease Limitations. | |
Five-Year Financial Plan. | |
Financial Policies. | |
(a) The fiscal year for the City and County shall commence on the first day of July of each year and shall end on the last day of June of the next succeeding year. The City's budgetary cycle shall be a rolling two-year cycle. Each year the City shall adopt a new biennial budget that projects revenues and expenditures for the next two fiscal years. The budgetary cycle shall commence on the first day of July of each year and shall end on the last day of June twenty-four months later.
(b) On or before June 30 of each year, beginning on July 1, 2010 with respect to those non-general fund departments proposed by the Mayor and designated by the Board by ordinance for early implementation, and beginning on July 1, 2012 as to all other City departments, the Board of Supervisors shall, except for equipment and capital improvements, enact an interim biennial appropriation ordinance and not earlier than the 15th day of July, nor later than the first of August of each year, the Board of Supervisors shall adopt the proposed biennial budget as submitted or amended and shall adopt the biennial appropriation ordinance accordingly, which shall supersede the interim appropriation ordinance.
(c) The Mayor shall submit and the Board of Supervisors shall act on ordinances with respect to the following:
1. A schedule and procedures for the orderly preparation and submission of the biennial proposed budget and for the review and adoption of the necessary interim and final appropriations ordinances;
2. A description of the form of the proposed biennial budget and appropriation ordinance consistent with the financial records required by Section 3.105 of this Charter and containing information relating the type and extent of services to be delivered or revenues to be generated to proposed expenditures in a manner which, to the extent feasible, allows comparison of revenue trends as well as expected performance and expenditures between various fiscal years;
3. A procedure to include public participation in the budgetary process which shall include public hearings conducted by the com-missions, Mayor and the Board of Supervisors; and
4. The form, content and dates of submission of the City's Capital Improvements and Facilities Maintenance Budgets. The ordinance relating to Capital Improvement and Facilities Maintenance shall minimally:
(A) Require that such budgets be prepared for more than a single year;
(B) Clearly establish distinctions between major, long term construction, replacement and acquisition projects (Capital Improvements) and short term repair, minor replacement and maintenance projects (Facilities Maintenance);
(C) Be consistent as to the date of submission with the time requirements established for the submission of the budget and appropriation ordinance; and
(D) Provide information regarding the estimated completion schedule for Capital Improvements, the funding source for each and the estimated annual operating costs thereof.
(Amended by Proposition A, Approved 11/5/2009)
(a) The Mayor shall submit to the Board of Supervisors each year a proposed biennial budget, ordinances and resolutions fixing wages and benefits for all classifications and related appropriation ordinances.
(b) The proposed biennial budget shall include:
1. Estimated revenues and surpluses from whatever sources, to the extent feasible, for the forthcoming two fiscal years and the allocation of such revenues and surpluses to various departments, functions and programs to support expenditures. Proposed expenditures may include such necessary and prudent reserves as recommended by the Controller; and
2. A summary of the proposed biennial budget with a narrative description of priorities, services to be provided and economic assumptions used in preparing the revenue estimates.
(c) The proposed biennial budget and appropriation ordinances shall be balanced for each fiscal year so that the proposed annual expenditures of each fund do not exceed the estimated annual revenues and surpluses of that fund. If the proposed budget contains new revenue or fees, the Mayor shall submit to the Board of Supervisors the relevant implementing ordinances at the same time the biennial budget is submitted.
(d) Until the appropriation ordinances are adopted by the Board of Supervisors, the Mayor may submit to the Board of Supervisors revisions to the proposed biennial budget, appropriation ordinances, and ordinances and resolutions fixing wages and benefits.
The Mayor may instruct the Controller to prepare the draft appropriation ordinances.
(e) The Mayor shall file a copy of the proposed biennial budget at the Main Library and shall give notice of the budget summary, including making copies available to the public. Upon final approval of the budget by both the Board and the Mayor, notice shall be given of the final budget summary.
(f) The Board of Supervisors by ordinance may require multi-year budget plans and other budget planning strategies to be performed by the several departments and offices of the City and County.
(g) No later than February 1 of any even-numbered fiscal year, the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors by resolution may determine that the upcoming budgetary cycle or cycles for some or all City departments and offices shall be a fixed budgetary cycle or cycles in which the biennial budget will remain in effect for two fiscal years. With respect to the designated City departments and offices, the Board will not adopt a new budget for the second fiscal year of such fixed budgetary cycle or cycles, except as provided in subsection (h), below. But the City shall adjust the biennial budget for the second year of any fixed budget cycle if certain conditions exist, using the following process:
1. If, during the first year of any fixed budgetary cycle, the Controller projects that the City will experience significant increases or decreases in revenues or expenditures during the second year of such budgetary cycle, the Controller shall submit a report to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors identifying those increases or decreases.
2. The Mayor shall prepare and submit to the Board of Supervisors a proposed amendment to the biennial budget responding to the Controller's report. The Board may approve or amend the Mayor's proposed budget amendment subject to the limitations that apply to the approval of the budget in Section 9.103. The Mayor's proposed budget amendment shall be deemed approved by operation of law unless the Board finally adopts an amendment to the biennial budget on second reading no later than July 15.
3. The Board's resolution declaring that an upcoming budgetary cycle or cycles shall be fixed, shall include a definition of the term " significant increases or decreases in revenues or expenditures," a deadline for the Controller's submission of a report identifying such increases or decreases, and a deadline for the Mayor to submit to the Board a proposed amendment to the biennial budget in response to the Controller's report.
(h) Nothing in this section shall limit the ability of the Mayor or a member of the Board of Supervisors to introduce at his or her discretion an amendment to a biennial budget at any time during the budgetary cycle.
(Amended by Proposition A, Approved 11/5/2009)
The Mayor shall submit to the Controller for review the estimated revenues contained in the proposed biennial budget and any subsequent revisions. The Controller shall then provide the Board of Supervisors with an opinion regarding the accuracy of economic assumptions underlying the revenue estimates and the reasonableness of such estimates and revisions.
(Amended by Proposition A, Approved 11/5/2009)
The Board of Supervisors may amend the proposed biennial budget and appropriation ordinances as follows:
1. After review of the Controller's analysis of the Mayor's revenue estimates, the Board of Supervisors may reduce estimated revenues;
2. The Board of Supervisors may increase or decrease any proposed expenditure in the General Fund or any special, sequestered or other fund so long as the aggregate changes do not cause the expenditures from each fund to exceed the amount proposed for expenditures by the Mayor from any such fund; and
3. The Board of Supervisors may increase or decrease any proposed expenditure for Capital Improvements.
(Amended by Proposition A, Approved 11/5/2009)