(a) By March 1 of each odd-numbered year, the Mayor shall submit to the Board of Supervisors the five-year financial plan required by Charter Section 9.119. The plan shall include an estimated summary budget or baseline projection for the General Fund of the City and County jointly prepared by the Mayor, the Board's Budget Analyst, and the Controller. By May 1 of each odd-numbered year, the Board of Supervisors shall review, amend, and adopt the five-year financial plan by resolution.
(b) By March 1 of each even-numbered year, the Mayor, the Board's Budget Analyst, and the Controller shall submit to the Board an updated estimated summary budget for the remaining four years of the five-year financial plan. By May 1 of each even-numbered year, the Board of Supervisors may review, amend, and adopt by resolution any revisions to the financial plan for the remaining four years.
(Added by Ord. 223-97, App. 6/6/97; amended by Ord. 222-11, File No. 111001, App. 11/15/2011, Eff. 12/15/2011)
(a) No later than June 1 each year, the Mayor shall transmit to the Board any legislation which, if approved, would enact or submit to the voters fee or revenue increases anticipated in the proposed budget. When a proposed fee or revenue increase requires, by law or agreement, hearings, review or approval by other agencies or parties, and this supplemental review and approval process will not allow the submission of the required legislation in final form by June 1, then the Mayor shall submit the proposed fee or revenue increase to the Board in draft form by June 1, subject to possible modification after June 1 and after the completion of the supplemental review and approval process.
(b) In addition to any other information required by the Mayor or the Board, agencies shall submit with their proposed agency budget a schedule showing each fee charged by said agency, the revenues received from each such fee, except fees regulated by State or federal law, and the costs incurred in providing the services for which the fee is assessed.
(Added by Ord. 223-97, App. 6/6/97; amended by Ord. 294-19, File No. 191072, App. 12/20/2019, Eff. 1/20/2020)
(Added by Ord. 338-00, File No. 001963, App. 12/28/2000; repealed by Ord. 222-11, File No. 111001, App. 11/15/2011, Eff. 12/15/2011)
(Added by Ord. 223-97, App. 6/6/97; repealed by Ord. 294-19, File No. 191072, App. 12/20/2019, Eff. 1/20/2020)
The proposed budget and appropriation ordinance, the detailed estimate of revenues, the Mayor's message and any accompanying budget submission shall, upon receipt by the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, be transmitted by him or her directly to the committee of the Board of Supervisors currently having jurisdiction pursuant to the Board's rules of order.
Said committee shall return the proposed budget, annual appropriation ordinance and annual salary ordinance to the Board of Supervisors with its report thereon no later than the fifteenth day of July.
(Added by Ord. 223-97, App. 6/6/97)
(a) The administrative provisions of the Annual Salary Ordinance for each ensuing fiscal year shall be prepared and submitted to the Board not later than June 1 each year by the Department of Human Resources. Upon submission thereof these provisions shall be automatically referred to the committee of the Board then having jurisdiction over review of the annual budget, pursuant to the Board’s Rules of Order.
Said committee shall recommend an Annual Salary Ordinance that reflects the rates of compensation established pursuant to Charter Sections A8.403, A8.404, A8.409, A8.590-1 through A8.590-5, and rates of compensation for court personnel, except judges, and shall follow the organizational format of the Annual Appropriation Ordinance.
(Added by Ord. 223-97, App. 6/6/97; amended by Ord. 294-19, File No. 191072, App. 12/20/2019, Eff. 1/20/2020)
The Controller shall prepare the Annual Appropriation Ordinance in a format which, to the extent possible, provides adequate controls over the various revenue and expenditure items by programs, departments, and priorities as set forth in the annual budget approved by the Mayor, and is consistent with generally accepted accounting principles and standards as well as the provisions of Charter Section 3.105. The Controller shall revise the Annual Appropriation Ordinance as required to reflect any changes to the budget adopted by the Board or its committees.
(Added by Ord. 223-97, App. 6/6/97; amended by Ord. 294-19, File No. 191072, App. 12/20/2019, Eff. 1/20/2020)
It shall be the duty of any committee of the Board of Supervisors having jurisdiction over annual budget review pursuant to the rules of said Board to keep informed at all times of the budget requirements of the several offices and departments of the City and County for the purpose of discharging its duties. For the purpose of assisting said committee to carry out the intent of this Section, upon request, the Controller shall provide the Board of Supervisors with copies of any documents or reports he or she has prepared dealing with the City's financial condition. For the purpose of further assisting such committee to carry out the intent of this Section, it shall have the power, pursuant to the provisions of the Charter, for and on behalf of the Board of Supervisors, to make relevant inquiry to the several offices and departments, and to request from them such reports and information as it deems necessary to assist the committee in said purpose, in strict conformity with all the provisions of the Charter.
(Added by Ord. 223-97, App. 6/6/97)
The Controller is requested to assist the Mayor and Board of Supervisors in the preparation of the copy required in connection with the publication of the proposed budget and to assist the committee of the Board then having jurisdiction over the budget pursuant to the Board's rules with such data, analysis and commentary as may be requested by said committee.
(Added by Ord. 223-97, App. 6/6/97)