Publisher's Note: The following table lists all resolutions affecting the Transportation Code passed by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors from April 5, 2011. The table includes links to the resolutions (in PDF format) and to the code sections affected. For ordinances passed by the Board of Supervisors affecting the Transportation Code, see the table above. For other legislation, including older ordinances and those affecting other codes, please refer to the Comprehensive Ordinance Table or the Board of Supervisors' "Legislation Passed" web site.
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2011 Ordinances 2011 Resolutions
2012 Ordinances 2012 Resolutions
2013 Ordinances 2013 Resolutions
2014 Ordinances [None] 2014 Resolutions
2015 Ordinances 2015 Resolutions
2016 Ordinances 2016 Resolutions
2017 Ordinances 2017 Resolutions
2018 Ordinances 2018 Resolutions
2019 Ordinances 2019 Resolutions
2020 Ordinances [None] 2020 Resolutions
2021 Ordinances 2021 Resolutions
2022 Ordinances [None] 2022 Resolutions
2023 Ordinances 2023 Resolutions
2024 Ordinances 2024 Resolutions
New Legislation
2011 Ordinances 2011 Resolutions
2012 Ordinances 2012 Resolutions
2013 Ordinances 2013 Resolutions
2014 Ordinances [None] 2014 Resolutions
2015 Ordinances 2015 Resolutions
2016 Ordinances 2016 Resolutions
2017 Ordinances 2017 Resolutions
2018 Ordinances 2018 Resolutions
2019 Ordinances 2019 Resolutions
2020 Ordinances [None] 2020 Resolutions
2021 Ordinances 2021 Resolutions
2022 Ordinances [None] 2022 Resolutions
2023 Ordinances 2023 Resolutions
2024 Ordinances 2024 Resolutions
New Legislation
Res. No. | Ad. Date | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
Res. No. | Ad. Date | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
04/05/11 | 05/06/11 | Transportation Code - Parking Meter Use Fees Sections Affected: | |
05/03/11 | 06/03/11 [Oper. 07/01/11] | Transportation Code - Various Increases to Fees, Fines, Rates, and Charges Sections Affected: | |
05/17/11 | 06/17/11 [Oper. 06/21/11] | Taxi Fare Increase Sections Affected: 1122 (Amended) | |
05/17/11 | 06/17/11 | Electronic waybills Sections Affected: 1114 (Amended) | |
06/07/11 | 07/08/11 | Transportation Code - Disabled Parking Penalties; Childcare Provider Permits Sections Affected: | |
08/02/11 | 09/02/11 | Transportation Code - Car Share Vehicle Parking Restrictions Sections Affected: | |
08/02/11 | 09/02/11 | Transportation Code - Penalties for Off-Street Parking Meter Time Limit and Clipper Card Fare Evasion or Fraudulent Use Violations Sections Affected: 302 (Amended) | |
08/02/11 | 09/02/11 | Taxi Fare Increase Sections Affected: 1122 (Amended)
| |
10/18/11 | 11/18/11 | Transportation Code - Commercial Passenger Vehicle Street Restrictions Sections Affected: 503 (Amended) | |
12/06/11 | 01/06/12 | Wheelchair Pickups, Taxi Medallion Sales Pilot Program Sections Affected: | |
Res. No. | Ad. Date | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
Res. No. | Ad. Date | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
01/17/12 | 02/17/12 | Transportation Code - Administrative Penalties for False, Misleading, or Fraudulent Information on Residential Parking Permit Applications Sections Affected: | |
02/21/12 | 03/23/12 | Transportation Code - Increasing Penalties for Obstructing Traffic, Double Parking, and Riding Bicycles on Sidewalks Sections Affected: | |
02/21/12 | 03/23/12 | Advertising and Displays on Taxicabs Sections Affected: 1113 (Amended) | |
03/20/12 | 04/20/12 | Transportation Code- Adding Penalty for Large Vehicle Parking Sections Affected: 302 (Amended) | |
04/17/12 | Oper. 07/01/12 | Transportation Code - Adding Penalty for Large Vehicle Parking Sections Affected: | |
06/05/12 | 07/06/12 | Credit and Debit Card Processing Fees for Taxi Fare Payments Sections Affected: | |
06/05/12 | 07/06/12 | Electronic Waybills Sections Affected: | |
06/05/12 | 07/06/12 | Rear-seat Passenger Information Monitors Sections Affected: 1113 (Amended) | |
06/19/12 | 07/20/12 | Amending Division II of the San Francisco Transportation Code to extend the expiration date for the SFpark Pilot Program Areas to June 30, 2014 Sections Affected: 412 (Amended) | |
06/19/12 | 07/20/12 | Transportation Code - RPP and Contractor Permits Sections Affected: | |
07/17/12 | 08/17/12 | Amending Division II of the San Francisco Transportation Code to extend the expiration date for Motorcycle Parking Meter Rates for the SFpark Pilot Program Areas to June 30, 2014 Sections Affected: 410 (Amended) | |
08/21/12 | 09/21/12 | Taxi Medallion Transfer Program Sections Affected: | |
08/21/12 | 09/21/12 | Motor Vehicles for Hire Sections Affected: | |
08/21/12 | 09/21/12 | New Fines Sections Affected: 310 (Amended) | |
10/16/12 | 11/16/12 | Transportation Code - Temporary No-Parking Sign Posting Fee Sections Affected: 316 (Added) | |
10/16/12 | 11/16/12 | Transportation Code - Vehicle Press Permits Sections Affected: | |
11/20/12 | 12/21/12 | Transportation Code – Vehicle Weight Restrictions, Speed Limits, Special Parking Restrictions Sections Affected: | |
11/20/12 | 12/21/12 | Taxi Medallion Waiting List Sections Affected: | |
11/20/12 | 12/21/12 | Electronic Trip Data; Backseat Monitors Sections Affected: | |