For any passenger or other person in or about any public transit station (including an outdoor high-level boarding platform or station operated by the Bay Area Rapid Transit District), or public transit vehicle to commit any of the acts described below:
(a) Knowingly providing false identification to a peace officer, fare inspector or other representative of the transit system when engaged in the enforcement of City or state laws regarding fare collection, fare evasion, passenger conduct or proof of payment of fare;
(b) Interfering with the turnstile or fare register;
(c) Meddling with the trolley pole or rope attached thereto;
(d) Meddling with tracks, switches, turnouts, or any other transit system structures or facilities;
(e) Entering upon the roadbed, tracks, structures or other portions of transit system property or facilities not open to passengers or the public;
(f) Obstructing any person or persons in charge of any transit station or facility or public transit vehicle in the performance of that person's duties, or otherwise interfering with the operation of the public transit vehicle;
(g) Sounding any bell, alarm or other warning device, without authorization;
(h) Printing, duplicating or otherwise reproducing any token, card, transfer or other item used for entry onto any transit vehicle or into a transit station without the express permission of the Municipal Transportation Agency. (128.2)
(Amended as Sec. 7.3.1 by Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008; redesignated by Ord. 56-15, File No. 120967, App. 5/8/2015, Eff. 6/7/2015)
Failure, when requested, to surrender a Parking Permit revoked by the Municipal Transportation Agency. A Police Officer or Parking Control Officer is authorized to confiscate a Parking Permit from a vehicle if the Parking Permit is determined to have been revoked. (316, 413, 713)
(Amended as Sec. 7.3.4 by Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008; redesignated by Ord. 56-15, File No. 120967, App. 5/8/2015, Eff. 6/7/2015)
For any person to knowingly make any false, misleading, or fraudulent statement or representation on any application for, or request for renewal of, any Residential Parking Permit issued by the Municipal Transportation Agency pursuant to Section 905.