So long as a Grantee is seeking in good faith to renew a Franchise, upon expiration of a Franchise, the continued use by a Grantee of the Public Rights-of-Way shall continue on a month-to-month basis, for a maximum of twelve (12) months, under the same terms and conditions, and for the same consideration, as provided in the expired Franchise, unless the Franchise has been Revoked or unless otherwise determined by ordinance of the Board.
(Added by Ord. 58-00, File No. 000198, App. 4/7/2000)
A Franchise is nonexclusive and shall not explicitly or implicitly preclude the issuance of other Franchises or preclude the City from installing, constructing, operating, and/or maintaining its own Facilities.
(Added by Ord. 58-00, File No. 000198, App. 4/7/2000)
(a) Required for Providers of Telecommunications Service, State Video Service and Personal Wireless Service. The Department of Public Works shall require a Person to obtain a Utility Conditions Permit prior to the construction, installation, or maintenance of Facilities in the Public Rights-of-Way that will be used to provide Telecommunications Service, State Video Service or Personal Wireless Service. UCPs shall be issued by the Department of Public Works in a manner consistent with Applicable Law to Persons who are willing to comply with the City's requirements regarding the physical use and occupation of the Public Rights-of-Way and who have: (A) authority to occupy the Public Rights-of-Way pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 7901; (B) authority to occupy the Public Rights-of-Way pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 5885; or (C) a license to provide Personal Wireless Service issued under Federal law. Persons intending to construct, install, or maintain Facilities to provide Telecommunications Services, State Video Service or Personal Wireless Service shall prove their legal right to occupy and use the Public Rights-of-Way by providing the Department of Public Works a copy of their current: (a) certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the CPUC (which shall expressly state the Person's authority to provide facilities-based Telecommunications Service); (b) State Video Service Franchise issued by the CPUC; or (c) license to provide Personal Wireless Service issued by the FCC. The Department of Public Works shall include in a UCP such conditions, in addition to those already set forth in Applicable Law, as may be required to govern the Permittee's construction, installation, or maintenance of Facilities in the Public Rights-of-Way to protect and benefit the public health, safety and welfare. The terms and conditions of a UCP shall be limited to those areas consistent with the City's authority under Applicable Law. A UCP shall have a term of no longer than two (2) years and may be renewed in accordance with requirements established by the Department in the UCP. A UCP shall provide that the Permittee is not entitled to construct, install, or maintain Personal Wireless Service Facilities in the Public Rights-of-Way without obtaining a Personal Wireless Service Facility Site Permit under Article 25 of the San Francisco Public Works Code.
(b) UCP Fee. Any Person required to obtain or renew a UCP shall pay to the Department of Public Works a non-refundable application fee of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) to compensate the City for all costs (including the City Attorney's costs) related to: (A) establishing the Person's authority to occupy the Public Rights-of-Way; (B) establishing the terms on which Persons may occupy the Public Rights-of-Way; and (C) granting, monitoring, enforcing, renewing, revising or revoking UCPs. These fees shall be deposited in the Public Works Excavation Fund established by Section 10.100-230 of the San Francisco Administrative Code.
(Added by Ord. 58-00, File No. 000198, App. 4/7/2000; amended by Ord. 33-02, File No. 020051, App. 3/28/2002; Ord. 214-07, File No. 070904, App. 9/21/2007; Ord. 12-11, File No. 100041)
Any Person seeking to (1) obtain a Franchise; (2) Transfer a Franchise: (3) extend the term of an existing Franchise, (4) renew a Franchise, or (5) modify an existing Franchise to add new Services that are required to be authorized by a Franchise pursuant to this Chapter, shall submit a signed original of its Proposal and eleven (11) copies to the Clerk of the Board and nine (9) copies to the Department The Clerk of the Board shall make a Proposal available for public inspection. The Proposal must conform to all of the requirements of this Chapter. Requests for other types of Franchise modifications may be processed by the Department without a Proposal, and submitted to the Board for approval. However, nothing herein shall prevent the Department from requiring a Proposal in the event the Department determines, based on the nature of the requested modification, that the public interest would best be served by the submission of a Proposal pursuant to this Article.
(Added by Ord. 58-00, File No. 000198, App. 4/7/2000)