Whenever any person, firm or corporation desires and intends to do any work to make any improvement as described in Section 635 of this Article, such person, firm or corporation before performing any such contemplated work, shall in writing request the Director of Public Works to make engineering inspection. The cost of such engineering inspection shall constitute a charge against and be paid for monthly in advance by the person, firm or corporation performing said work or making such improvements in the manner hereinafter provided.
Such person, firm or corporation must thereupon, and prior to the commencement or continuation of any work or performance as described in Section 635 of this Article, deposit monthly in advance the amount of money determined upon as the estimated monthly cost of such inspection with the Director of Public Works.
All moneys paid to the Director of Public Works under the provisions of this Article shall be deposited with the Treasurer to the credit of the appropriation for "Engineering Inspection," to be used exclusively to defray the cost of the specific engineering inspection for which it was tendered.
Should the monthly cost and expense of such engineering inspection amount to more than said estimate, the person, firm, or corporation concerned shall thereupon be immediately notified and required to make an additional deposit with the Director of Public Works of an amount sufficient to complete the monthly cost of said inspection as estimated by the Director of Public Works, which sum when paid shall be deposited as aforesaid, and no further engineering inspection service shall be performed or furnished until such additional deposit is made with the Director of Public Works.
Should the monthly cost and expense of such engineering inspection be less than the amount deposited then the surplus or excess existing in the amount deposited over the total actual cost of such engineering inspection shall be credited on account of such continued inspection as may be required or when the work has been completed be refunded to the person, firm or corporation by whom such funds were originally deposited.