Notice to Repair. | |
Owners of Frontage Responsible for Removal of Rubbish or Debris From Unaccepted Streets That Are Unpaved. | |
Director of Public Works Authorized to Notify Owners to Remove Rubbish or Debris. | |
Notice to Owner. | |
Contents of Notice. | |
Director of Public Works to Remove Rubbish or Debris if Owner Fails To Do So. | |
Notice of Cost and Claim of Lien, and Recording of Lien. | |
Recording of Lien. | |
Collection by Bureau of Delinquent Revenue. | |
Release of Lien. | |
Revolving Fund. | |
Repair of Temporary Road or Street. | |
Application—Investigation—Permit. | |
Permission When Granted—Procedure. | |
Sewers, When Improvement Made by Private Contract. | |
Provisions Not Applicable. | |
Improvement of Public Street Crossings. | |
Application, What to Accompany—Verification. | |
Approval—Time Limitation—Certificate of Completion. | |
Failure to Complete Work Within Limited Time. | |
Surety Bond or Certified Check Required. | |
Liability Not Affected by Assignment of Contracts—Recordation—Notice. | |
Investigation of Signatures. | |
Improvement by Individual Owner. | |
Existing Contracts Confirmed. | |
Undedicated Streets—Sale of Lots Prohibited. | |
Objection to Similar Names. | |
Penalty. | |
(a) When, in the judgment of the Director of the Department of Public Works, any portion of the improved, but unaccepted public right-of-way that is under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Public Works, including, but not limited to, a street, avenue, lane, alley, court or place, or any portion of any sidewalk thereof, shall be so out of repair or in such condition as to endanger persons or property passing thereon, or so as to interfere with the public convenience in the use thereof, the Director is authorized to notify in writing the owner or owners of any lot fronting on said portion of said affected public right-of-way that such owner is required to repair, reconstruct, or improve forthwith the affected public right-of-way, to the centerline thereof, in such manner and time period as the Director deems expedient and appropriate.
(b) If the responsible property owner(s) notified pursuant to Subsection (a) is inaccessible or fails, neglects, or refuses to diligently prosecute to completion the remedial work in the manner and time period specified by the Director, then the Director may undertake all necessary actions to remedy the condition. All costs expended by the Director shall be an obligation of the responsible property owner(s) owing to the City and County of San Francisco. Such costs shall include, but are not limited to, those costs associated with the administration, construction, consultants, equipment, inspection, notification, remediation, repair, restoration, or any other actual costs incurred by the Director or other agencies, boards, commissions, or departments of the City and County of San Francisco that were made necessary by reason of the Director's remediation.
(c) In order to enforce an obligation imposed pursuant to Subsection (b), the Director is authorized to institute the lien procedures that are set forth in this Code, Article 15, Sections 706.4 through 707.1.
(Amended by Ord. 342-98, App. 11/13/98)
It shall be the duty of the owners of lots or portions of lots immediately adjacent to any portion of the roadway of any unpaved street, avenue, lane, alley, court or place, or any portion of any sidewalk thereof, in the City and County of San Francisco, none of which has been accepted by the Supervisors as by law or as in the Charter of said City and County provided, to maintain said roadways or sidewalks adjacent to their property free and clear of rubbish or debris.
(Added by Ord. 16-71, App. 1/26/71)
When in the judgment of the Director of the Department of Public Works of the City and County of San Francisco or his authorized representative, any portion of the roadway of any unpaved street, avenue, lane, alley, court or place, or any portion of any sidewalk thereof, in the said City and County, none of which has been accepted by the Supervisors as by law or as in the Charter of said City and County provided, shall contain rubbish or debris in such quantity so as to endanger persons or property passing thereon, or so as to interfere with the public convenience in the use thereof, or which consists, in whole or in part, of combustible material, the Director is authorized to notify the owner of any real property fronting on said portion of said unpaved street, avenue, lane, alley, court or place, or sidewalk so containing rubbish or debris as aforesaid, to remove such rubbish or debris.
(Added by Ord. 16-71, App. 1/26/71)
The notice shall be written and may be given by delivery personally or by mailing a notice, either by letter or postal card, postage prepaid, to his last known address, as the same appears on the last assessment rolls of the City and County of San Francisco. Immediately after mailing any such notice, the Director of Public Works shall cause a copy thereof, printed or pasted on a card of not less than eight inches by 10 inches in size, to be posted in a conspicuous place on said property.
(Added by Ord. 16-71, App. 1/26/71)
Such notice shall direct the owner to remove such rubbish or debris in such manner as the said Director of Public Works may determine and direct, from said portion of said unpaved street, avenue, lane, alley, court or place, to the center line thereof, or said portion of said sidewalk in front of said property, and shall further specify that, if the removal of rubbish or debris is not commenced within five calendar days after notice is given as aforesaid and prosecuted to completion diligently and without interruption, the Director of Public Works shall remove or cause to be removed such rubbish or debris and the cost of the same shall be a lien on such property.
(Added by Ord. 16-71, App. 1/26/71)