(a) Upon the completion of such repair, the Director of Public Works shall ascertain the cost thereof, apportioning the same, if the area so repaired is next adjacent to more than one lot of land. The owner of such lot of land shall thereupon be obligated to the City and County of San Francisco in the amount of such cost of repair and the City and County shall thereupon have a lien for such cost of repair upon any such lot of land until payment thereof which lien shall also include the cost of verification and filing thereof. On ascertaining the cost of repair as aforesaid the Director of Public Works shall cause notice thereof to be mailed in the manner herein provided for mailing notice to repair, which notice shall demand payment thereof to the Director of Public Works, shall give notice of claim of such lien and of the recording of the same, in the event such amount is not paid, as hereinafter set forth.
(b) Said notice also shall state that the property owner(s) identified as the responsible party(ies) may request an administrative review of the Director's determination as to the responsible property owner(s) and the allocation of cost for remediation. This request must be in writing and filed within 10 calendar days of the date of the Director's notice. If no request for administrative review is filed, the Director's determination shall be final.
(c) If administrative review is requested, the Director shall appoint a hearing officer and schedule a hearing within 10 calendar days of the filing of the request for administrative review. The Director shall notify the party(ies) to the review hearing of the time and date of said hearing. Recording of the lien against the affected owner's property pursuant to Section 706.5 shall be held in abeyance until the Director has acted upon the hearing officer's decision.
(d) The administrative review hearing is a public hearing and shall be tape recorded. Any party to the hearing may cause, at his or her own expense, the hearing to be recorded by a certified court reporter. During the hearing, evidence and testimony may be presented to the hearing officer. Parties to the hearing may be represented by counsel and have the right to cross-examine witnesses. All testimony shall be given under oath. Written decisions and findings shall be rendered by the hearing officer within 10 calendar days of the hearing. Copies of the findings and decisions shall be served upon the parties to the hearing by certified mail. A notice that a copy of the findings and decisions is available for inspection between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday shall be posted at the offices of the Department of Public Works.
(e) The decision of the hearing officer shall be a recommendation to the Director and the Director, within five days of receipt of such decision, shall adopt, modify, or deny such decision. The Director's determination on the hearing officer's decision is final. Such determination shall be served upon the parties to the hearing and posted in the same manner as the hearing officer's decision as set forth in Subsection (d).
(Amended by Ord. 342-98, App. 11/13/98)