Members of the San Francisco Police Department and Commission employees, including members of a Park Patrol, are authorized to order any person to stay out of or to leave any park, or any facility, building or structure therein, when such officers or employees have reasonable cause to conclude that the person:
(B) Is using any drug or controlled substance, as defined above, or any combination of any intoxicating liquor, drug, or controlled substance; or
(C) Is doing any act injurious to any park or any building, structure or facility therein; or
(D) While using any athletic facility or area, disobeys any rule or regulation governing such area or facility after being warned not to do so by a Commission or Park Employee, including members of a Park Patrol, when the employee has reasonable cause to conclude that such behavior damages or risks damage to park property or interferes with the use and enjoyment of such area or facility by other persons; or
(E) Behaves in so noisy, boisterous or rowdy a manner as to disturb spectators or participants at an athletic event.
(Added by Ord. 92-00, File No. 000634, App. 5/19/2000)