No person shall, in any park, without written permission of the Executive Director:
(A) Throw or propel objects of a potentially dangerous nature, including, but not limited to, stones, bottles, glass, cans or crockery;
(B) Fire or carry firearms of any size or description, or possess any instrument, appliance or substance designed, made or adopted for use primarily as a weapon, including, but not limited to, air rifles, slingshots, clubs, swords, razors, billies, explosives, dirk knives, bowie knives or similar knives, except that this subsection shall not apply to a police or other peace officer;
(C) Fire or carry any firecracker, rocket, torpedo or other fireworks of any description (this subsection shall not be deemed to contradict any provisions contained in Chapter VIII (Police Code) of the San Francisco Municipal Code);
(D) Carry or use a model airplane which is powered by liquid fuel or designed to be used with such fuel;
(E) Make, kindle, maintain or in any way use a fire except at places provided, designated and maintained by the Commission for such use;
(F) Climb or lie upon any tree, shrub, monument, wall, fence, shelter, fountain, statue, building, construction or structure;
(G) Emit, eject, or cause to be deposited any excreta of the human body, except in proper receptacles designated for such purposes;
(H) Expose his or her genitals, pubic hair, buttocks, perineum, anal region or pubic hair region or any portion of the female breast at or below the areola thereof, except that this section shall not apply to children under the age of five years;
(I) Enter a restroom or toilet set apart for use of the opposite sex, except children under the age of five years accompanied by a parent or guardian and duly authorized personnel for the purpose of inspection, maintenance or repair;
(J) Gain or attempt admittance to facilities in any park where a charge is made, without paying that charge;
(K) Play any percussion instrument, including drums, at any time or location prohibited by resolution of the Commission when a sign has been posted in the area affected to give notice of this prohibition; provided that such resolution does not unreasonably curtail the playing of such instruments in any area of the city.
(Added by Ord. 92-00, File No. 000634, App. 5/19/2000)
No person shall enter, wade or swim in the waters of any lake, pond, pool, tank, fountain or reservoir in any park except where permitted by regulation or special written permission of the Executive Director. This restriction does not prohibit persons from entering, wading or swimming in the waters of San Francisco Bay except in areas where a sign is posted prohibiting such entering, wading or swimming. Without limiting the foregoing, no persons shall enter the waters of San Francisco Bay from the public access areas located on or adjacent to the Pacific Bell Park (the ballpark) for the purposes of wading or swimming except by special written permission by the Executive Director.
(Added by Ord. 92-00, File No. 000634, App. 5/19/2000)
No person shall throw or place, or cause to be thrown or placed, any garbage, trash, refuse, paper, container, or nauseous or offensive matter into any pool, pond, tank, or fountain in any park, or into the waters of San Francisco Bay.
In addition, attention is called to the fact that state law prohibits the littering or dumping of waste into lakes and other bodies of water.
(Added by Ord. 92-00, File No. 000634, App. 5/19/2000)
Attention is called to the fact that state law prohibits the littering or dumping of waste matter in any public park. In addition, attention is called to City and County of San Francisco Health Code Section 1150, prohibiting the release or dumping of hazardous waste on public property.
(Added by Ord. 92-00, File No. 000634, App. 5/19/2000)
(A) Any person convicted of a violation of Section 3.6 of this Code shall be punished by a mandatory fine of not less than $50 nor more than $500 upon a first conviction, by a mandatory fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 upon a second conviction and by a mandatory fine of not less than $150 nor more than $500 upon a third or subsequent conviction.
(B) The court shall, in addition, impose a civil penalty or an amount necessary to reimburse the Commission for the value of the tree, wood, bush, turf, shrub, flower, plant, grass, soil, compost, rock, water or other material removed as well as any labor expended to replant or otherwise restore the area affected. Any revenue collected as a civil penalty pursuant to this Section shall be credited to the Commission.
(Added by Ord. 92-00, File No. 000634, App. 5/19/2000)
No person shall, with malice, interfere with or in any manner hinder any employee of the Commission or a duly authorized contractor while that person is engaged in constructing, repairing, or caring for any portion of the park or is otherwise engaged in the discharge of such employee's duties.
(Added by Ord. 92-00, File No. 000634, App. 5/19/2000)
No person shall consume alcoholic beverages of any kind within any park, or in any of the parks or portions of parks, except that the Executive Director or the Port Commission may grant permission to consume alcohol in the parks and portions of parks where such activity is prohibited if the Port Commission or the Executive Director determines that the consumption of alcohol will not interfere with the public's use and enjoyment of the park.
(Added by Ord. 92-00, File No. 000634, App. 5/19/2000)
Members of the San Francisco Police Department and Port Commission employees, including members of a Park Patrol, are authorized to order persons to stay out of, or to leave, any park, or any facility, building or structure therein, when such officers or employees have reasonable cause to conclude that the person so ordered is under the influence of intoxicating liquor, any drug, or any "controlled substance" as that term is defined and described in the California Health and Safety Code, or any combination of any intoxicating liquor, drug, or controlled substance, and is in such a condition that he or she is unable to exercise care for his or her own safety or the safety of others or interferes with or obstructs or prevents the free use of park property.
(Added by Ord. 92-00, File No. 000634, App. 5/19/2000)
Members of the San Francisco Police Department and Commission employees, including members of a Park Patrol, are authorized to order any person to stay out of or to leave any park, or any facility, building or structure therein, when such officers or employees have reasonable cause to conclude that the person:
(B) Is using any drug or controlled substance, as defined above, or any combination of any intoxicating liquor, drug, or controlled substance; or
(C) Is doing any act injurious to any park or any building, structure or facility therein; or
(D) While using any athletic facility or area, disobeys any rule or regulation governing such area or facility after being warned not to do so by a Commission or Park Employee, including members of a Park Patrol, when the employee has reasonable cause to conclude that such behavior damages or risks damage to park property or interferes with the use and enjoyment of such area or facility by other persons; or
(E) Behaves in so noisy, boisterous or rowdy a manner as to disturb spectators or participants at an athletic event.
(Added by Ord. 92-00, File No. 000634, App. 5/19/2000)