Permit Required. | |
Tow Car; Definition. | |
Application for Permit. | |
Application Fee. | |
Investigation, Hearing and Issuance of Permit. | |
Interim Permit. | |
Permit; Contents. | |
Permit; in Possession of Driver. | |
Permit Expiration. | |
Permit; Revocation. | |
Violation; Misdemeanor. | |
Severability. | |
Application for permit hereunder shall be made upon blank forms prepared and made available by the Chief of Police, and shall state:
(1) Name and residence address of applicant;
(2) Applicant's height, weight, eye color, hair color and date of birth;
(3) Name and address of applicant's employer;
(4) California license number, class and restrictions appearing on the applicant's driver's license;
(5) All criminal offenses for which applicant has been arrested including nature of offense, and place and date of arrests;
(6) Such other information as the Chief of Police shall find reasonably necessary to effectuate the purpose of this ordinance and to arrive at a fair determination as to whether the terms of the ordinance have been complied with.
(Added by Ord. 16-73, App. 1/5/73)
An application shall be accompanied by:
(a) Fingerprinting fee, in the amount specified in Section 8.23 of the San Francisco Administrative Code to cover the cost of fingerprinting, classifying and searching of the records;
(b) A complete set of applicant's fingerprints to be taken by the Police Department;
(c) Two front view clear and legible photographs, approximately 2" x 2", taken within one month of application, to be furnished by applicant;
(d) Letter of request from the employer written on the employer's business letterhead and stating an intent to employ the applicant;
(e) The filing fee.
(Amended by Ord. 555-81, App. 11/12/81)
The Chief of Police shall, upon receipt of an original or renewal application, make an investigation without unnecessary delay, hear the application and grant such application unless he finds that the applicant:
(a) Within four years prior to the date of application, has been convicted of burglary, robbery, theft, receipt of stolen property, breaking or removing parts from a vehicle, malicious mischief to a vehicle; unlawful use or tampering by bailee of a vehicle, or altering a vehicle identification number; or
(b) Within four years prior to the date of application, has acted in violation of the criminal statutes referred to in Subsection (a) above; or
(c) Has intentionally falsified any statement contained in his application.
(Added by Ord. 16-73, App. 1/5/73)