Permit Required. | |
Tow Car; Definition. | |
Application for Permit. | |
Application Fee. | |
Investigation, Hearing and Issuance of Permit. | |
Interim Permit. | |
Permit; Contents. | |
Permit; in Possession of Driver. | |
Permit Expiration. | |
Permit; Revocation. | |
Violation; Misdemeanor. | |
Severability. | |
Application for permit hereunder shall be made upon blank forms prepared and made available by the Chief of Police, and shall state:
(1) Name and residence address of applicant;
(2) Applicant's height, weight, eye color, hair color and date of birth;
(3) Name and address of applicant's employer;
(4) California license number, class and restrictions appearing on the applicant's driver's license;
(5) All criminal offenses for which applicant has been arrested including nature of offense, and place and date of arrests;
(6) Such other information as the Chief of Police shall find reasonably necessary to effectuate the purpose of this ordinance and to arrive at a fair determination as to whether the terms of the ordinance have been complied with.
(Added by Ord. 16-73, App. 1/5/73)
An application shall be accompanied by:
(a) Fingerprinting fee, in the amount specified in Section 8.23 of the San Francisco Administrative Code to cover the cost of fingerprinting, classifying and searching of the records;
(b) A complete set of applicant's fingerprints to be taken by the Police Department;
(c) Two front view clear and legible photographs, approximately 2" x 2", taken within one month of application, to be furnished by applicant;
(d) Letter of request from the employer written on the employer's business letterhead and stating an intent to employ the applicant;
(e) The filing fee.
(Amended by Ord. 555-81, App. 11/12/81)