It shall be unlawful for any person to smoke any cigar, pipe or cigarette, or to carry any lighted cigar, pipe or cigarette within the enclosed section of any street car, cable car, motor coach or trolley coach operated within the City and County of San Francisco.
(Amended by Ord. 4007, Series of 1939, App. 9/5/46)
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of Sections 51, 51.1 or 51.2 of this Article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $25 or by imprisonment in the County Jail for not more than 10 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(Added by Ord. 49-73, App. 2/8/73)
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to smoke, carry or possess a lighted cigar, cigarette, or pipe, or to smoke tobacco or any other similar substance in any form, or to ignite any match or mechanical lighter on or in any wharf, pier, dock, bulkhead, or marine facility; provided, however, that tobacco may be smoked in any area or space on or in any such place or structure, that may be set apart for such purpose by the joint action of the Chief of the Fire Department and the Board of State Harbor Commissioners, and clearly so designated by duly posted signs; but any such permission to smoke in a designated area or space may be withdrawn at any time by like joint action. Provided, however, that in every area or space set apart as a space or area within which smoking is permitted, in accordance with the provisions of this Section, there shall be provided at least one approved fireproof container filled with sand for every three hundred square feet or fraction thereof of floor area for the purpose of depositing cigarettes or cigar butts, tobacco, matches and other material which may be productive of starting fires and at least one approved portable fire extinguisher for every five hundred square feet or fraction thereof of said floor area, which fire extinguisher shall be at least two and one-half gallon capacity or at least one quart capacity if said fire extinguisher is of the carbon tetrachloride type.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to smoke, carry or possess a lighted cigar, cigarette, or pipe, or to smoke tobacco or any other similar substance in any form, or to ignite any match or mechanical lighter on any vessel moored at any wharf, pier, dock, bulkhead, or marine facility; provided, however, that tobacco may be smoked in any area or space that may be set apart for such purpose on any such vessel by the joint action of the Chief of the Fire Department and the master of said vessel, and clearly so designated by duly posted signs; but, any such permission to smoke in a designated area or space may be withdrawn at any time by like joint action; and provided further, that in no case shall smoking be permitted
(1) On weather decks,
(2) When loading or discharging explosives,
(3) In cargo spaces,
(4) When gas freeing ship's tanks or when loading in bulk any liquid inflammable cargo having a flash point of 80° F. or below.
(Amended by Ord. 2692, Series of 1939, App. 4/26/44)
It shall be unlawful for any person to use an open flame of any character or an electric arc, excepting only when said open flame or electric arc is necessarily employed in the making of repairs, alterations, or structural changes on or in any wharf, pier, dock, bulkhead or marine facility or within any hatch, hold or other space wherein cargo of any character is or may be kept or stored in any vessel on or within the limits of the City and County of San Francisco.
(Added by Ord. 2692, Series of 1939, App. 4/26/44)
The Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, in conjunction with the Chief of the Division of Fire Prevention and Investigation, is hereby authorized and given full power and authority to make all necessary rules and regulations, not in conflict with the provisions of Sections 55 and 55.1 of this Chapter, providing for the use of any open flame or electric arc when the same are used in the making of repairs, alterations, or structural changes on any wharf, pier, dock, bulkhead or marine facility or within any hatch, hold or other space wherein cargo of any character is or may be kept or stored in any vessel on or within the limits of the City and County of San Francisco, and providing for the safe and proper fire protection for any area or space, including any office or lunchroom, wherein smoking is permitted in accordance with Section 55 of this Chapter.
(Amended by Ord. 2692, Series of 1939, App. 4/26/44)