(a) When either a mobile caterer's or pawnbroker's permit and license is originally granted an additional license fee shall be charged as shown below:
Mobile Caterer $7,500
Pawnbroker 6,000
(b) The license fees required to be paid by this Section are imposed, pursuant to the taxing power of the City and County of San Francisco, solely for the purpose of obtaining revenue and they predated the passage of Article XIIIA of the California Constitution.
(c) Any person required to pay a fee under this Section shall not be relieved from the payment of any license tax or fee for the privilege of doing such business required under any other ordinance of the City and County and shall remain subject to the regulatory provisions of other ordinances.
(d) Every person to whom a license or permit is transferred, except where the transfer is to the spouse, child, or children of a license or permit holder by testate or intestate succession or to the spouse of a license or permit holder, pursuant to a marital settlement agreement, with the consent of the Chief of Police and the Director, shall pay to the Tax Collector upon delivery of each such license or permit by the Tax Collector a fee as follows:
Mobile Caterer $ 500
Pawnbroker 6,000
(e) The Tax Collector shall transmit all moneys collected pursuant to this Section of the Code to the Treasurer for deposit to the General Fund.
(Added by Ord. 555-81, App. 11/12/81)
The following filing fees are payable in advance to the Police Department when submitting applications for motorized cable car and motorized cable car operator's permits:
Owner $ 105
Operator 62
The following license fees are payable to the Tax Collector for permits issued by the Police Department:
Owner $ 69
Operator 11
(Added by Ord. 272-82, App. 6/10/82)
No later than April 15th of each year, the Police Department, Taxi Commission, and Entertainment Commission shall submit its current fee schedule to the Controller, who shall apply the price index adjustment to produce a new fee schedule for the following year.
No later than May 15th of each year, the Controller shall file a report with the Board of Supervisors reporting the new fee schedule and certifying that: (a) the fees produce sufficient revenue to support the costs of providing the services for which each fee is assessed, and (b) the fees do not produce revenue which is more than the costs of providing the services for which each fee is assessed.
(Added by Ord. 150-02, File No. 021071, App. 7/12/2002; amended by Ord. 193-05, File No. 051027, App. 7/29/2005; Ord. 196-07, File No. 070814, App. 8/3/2007; Ord. 56-15
, File No. 120967, App. 5/8/2015, Eff. 6/7/2015)
(a) No person shall stand or shall cause or permit any person to stand nor shall an employer cause or permit any person to stand on the sidewalk or street in front of any store or building for the purpose of calling the attention of passersby to goods, wares or merchandise displayed or on sale in such store or building, or in any other store or building, or to solicit patronage for any business or service or to entice or persuade passersby to enter such store or building or any other store or building, or to accept the service of any business.
(b) Penalty. Any person who violates any provision of this Section shall be guilty of an infraction, the penalty for which shall be as follows:
(1) A fine of not less than $100 nor more than $250;
(2) A fine of not less than $250 nor more than $750 for a second offense occurring within six months of the prior offense; and
(3) A fine of not less than $750 nor more than $1,000 for a third and each subsequent offense occurring within six months of a prior offense.
(c) Exception. It is not intended that this Section shall apply where its application would result in an interference with or inhibition of any exercise of the constitutionally protected right of freedom of speech or assembly, or with the distribution of leaflets, handbills or other written materials.
(Added by Ord. 614-79, App. 12/13/79)
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of Section 17 of this Article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $50 or by imprisonment in the County Jail for not more than 30 days or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(Added by Ord. 1.075, App. 10/11/38)
(a) Except as specified in this Section 21, no person shall consume any alcoholic beverage in any quantity on any public street, avenue, sidewalk, stairway, alley, or thoroughfare within the City and County of San Francisco; nor shall any person consume any alcoholic beverage within 15 feet of any public way or thoroughfare while on a private stairway, doorway, or other private property open to public view without the express or implied permission of the owner, the owner’s agent, or the person in lawful possession thereof.
(b) The provisions of this Section 21 shall not apply to:
(1) the interior portion of any private dwelling, habitat, or building;
(2) the consumption by persons in the areas herein designated of any duly prescribed and dispensed medication having alcoholic content; and
(3) those persons consuming alcoholic beverages while viewing a parade for which a permit has been granted pursuant to Section 367 of this Code.
(c) Further, this Section 21 shall not be applicable in the following areas:
(1) those prescribed areas and during such time for which permission for temporary use or occupancy of public streets and appurtenant areas has been granted by:
(A) The Board of Supervisors pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.70 of the Administrative Code;
(B) The Department of Public Works pursuant to the provisions of Article 5.2 of the Public Works Code for a business establishment anywhere in San Francisco that meets the requirements of a Restaurant or Bar use, defined in Planning Code Section 102, as interpreted by the Zoning Administrator;
(C) The Department of Public Works pursuant to the provisions of Article 5.2 of the Public Works Code for a business establishment that had a valid tables and chairs permit and California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control beverage license or permit on the effective date of this Section 21; and
(D) Any Shared Spaces permit under Administrative Code Chapter 94A where the business establishment holding that permit has a California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control beverage license or permit allowing the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the area designated by the Shared Spaces permit; and
(2) Any Entertainment Zone under Administrative Code Chapter 94B during an Entertainment Zone Event or an event held pursuant to a Greater Downtown Activation Permit issued under Administrative Code Chapter 94D and Public Works Code Section 795.
(d) Penalty. Any person who shall violate the provisions of this Section 21
shall be guilty of an infraction, the penalty for which shall be a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $100.