(See Interpretations related to this Section.)
(a) Violations Unlawful. Any use, structure, lot, feature, or condition in violation of this Code is hereby found and declared to be unlawful and a public nuisance. Should any permit or license have been issued that was not then in conformity with the provisions of this Code, such permit or license shall be null and void.
(b) Methods of Enforcement. The Zoning Administrator shall have authority to enforce this Code against violations thereof by any of the following actions:
(1) Serving a Notice of Violation (NOV) requiring the cessation, removal, or correction of any violation of this Code upon the property owner or owners (“Responsible Party” or “Responsible Parties”) of the property that is the subject of the violation, by mail or by posting the notice in a conspicuous place on the property that is the subject of the violation. When such information is available, notice may also be served upon the tenant of the property, agent of the owner, designer, builder, or any other person who commits or assists in such violation;
(2) Calling upon the City Attorney to maintain an action for injunction to restrain or abatement to cause the correction or removal of any such violation, and for assessment and recovery of a civil penalty for such violation as well as any attorneys’ fees or costs, including but not limited to expert witness fees and costs of investigation incurred in maintaining such an action;
(3) Calling upon the District Attorney to institute criminal proceedings in enforcement of this Code against any such violation;
(4) Calling upon the Chief of Police and authorized agents to assist in the enforcement of this Code; and
(5) Calling upon the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD) to enforce Planning Code requirements relating to affordable housing. The Department and MOHCD shall enter into a memorandum of understanding to identify the types of enforcement cases to be delegated to MOHCD.
(c) Penalties.
(1) Administrative Penalties.
(A) General Violations. The Zoning Administrator, by issuance of the NOV, may assess upon the Responsible Party an administrative penalty for each violation in an amount up to $1,000 for each day the violation continues unabated. For purposes of this subsection (c)(1)(A), each real property address, and each commercial or dwelling unit within a multi-unit real property address, affected by a violation is a distinct violation for calculation of applicable administrative penalties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a violation of this Code that affects a common area, feature, or shared detached feature of a multi-unit structure may be treated as a distinct violation of this Code, at the reasonable discretion of the Zoning Administrator. The NOV may be appealed in the manner provided in subsection (c)(1)(E).
Upon the later of the expiration of the time in which an appeal of an NOV may be filed without any such appeal having been filed, or the entry of a final decision on an appeal of an NOV (a Notice of Violation and Penalty Decision, or NOVPD), the NOV or NOVPD may be recorded as an Order of Abatement against title to the property, and the obligations to correct the violation as set forth in the NOV or NOVPD Order of Abatement shall be Planning Code conditions pursuant to Section 174 of this Code that run with title to the property. Further, such recordation shall provide notice to each Responsible Party and any subsequent successor or assign of title to the property that the failure to perform such obligations is a violation of the Planning Code and may be enforced as such.
(B) Contents of NOV, NOVPD, and Notice of Additional Compliance Actions And Accrued Penalties. The NOV shall inform the Responsible Party: of the necessary steps toward compliance the Responsible Party must timely perform to avoid the accrual of daily penalties (“Compliance Actions”); that upon finality, the NOV or NOVPD may be recorded as an Order of Abatement against title to the property; and that any daily penalties or Time and Materials assessed under a final NOV or NOVPD will be a debt to the City and County of San Francisco that may become a lien against the property and/or may be enforced by any means available under the law. At any time following the issuance of an NOV, the Zoning Administrator may issue the Responsible Party a Notice of Additional Compliance Actions and Accrued Penalties requiring the Responsible Party or Parties to perform new or additional Compliance Actions and stating the total penalties accrued during the period covered by the notice. Upon a transfer of an interest in the property, the transferee shall be the Responsible Party for purposes of daily penalties accruing after the date of recordation of the transfer; however, if an NOV or NOVPD was not recorded as an Order of Abatement against title to the property prior to recordation of the transfer, the Zoning Administrator shall record an NOV against title to the property and may issue the transferee a Notice of Additional Compliance Actions stating the Compliance Actions required of the transferee where a penalty will be assessed against the property, and the transferee shall be given the opportunity to comply with said Notice prior to the accrual of further daily penalties.
(C) Penalties for Specified Violations.
(i) Alteration, Merger, Construction, or Demolition of Residential Units without a Permit. For any unpermitted alteration, merger, construction, or demolition of any building or structure containing one or more Residential Units, including work that takes place in violation of Section 317 of this Code, on or after March 1, 2023, resulting in the addition of more than three unauthorized Residential Units, or the loss of one or more Residential Units, (1) the owner of that building shall be required to apply for a replacement project under section 317 of this Code, and (2) the Responsible Party shall be liable for a penalty of up to $250,000 upon issuance of a Notice of Violation for each Residential Unit added or lost through such alteration, merger, or demolition. Within 12 months of the effective date of the ordinance in Board File No. 220878 amending this Section 176, the Planning Commission shall adopt factors and criteria for consideration, to be updated from time to time, to provide guidance to the Zoning Administrator when determining the appropriate penalty amount for violations subject to this subsection (c)(1)(C)(i).
(ii) Alteration or Damage to or Demolition of Historic Property. Whenever the alteration or demolition of a building or structure takes place in violation of this Code and the violation involves significant alteration or damage to or demolition of either a historic landmark, or contributor to one or more historic districts or conservation districts that are identified in the Appendices to Articles 10 and Article 11 of the Planning Code, or any property listed in the California Register of Historical Resources or the National Register of Historic Places, the Responsible Party shall be liable for an additional penalty of up to $500,000 upon issuance of a Notice of Violation for each structure that is significantly altered or demolished without the issuance of an alteration or demolition permit as required by applicable codes. Within 12 months of the effective date of the ordinance in Board File No. 220878 amending this Section 176, the Historic Preservation Commission shall adopt definitions for “significant alteration or damage” and “demolition” as those terms are applied in this Section 176(c)(1)(C)(ii), as well as relevant factors and criteria for consideration, to be updated from time to time, to provide guidance to the Zoning Administrator when determining the appropriate penalty amount for violations subject to this subsection (c)(1)(C)(ii).
(D) Hearings.
(i) Zoning Administrator Hearing. A Responsible Party or other party identified as a violator in an NOV or Notice of Additional Compliance Action And Accrued Penalties may appeal the NOV or Notice of Additional Compliance Action And Accrued Penalties by submitting a request, in writing, to the Zoning Administrator within 30 days of issuance of the NOV or Notice of Additional Compliance Action And Accrued Penalties. The hearing shall be conducted in the manner provided in this subsection (c)(1)(E)(i). An NOV or Notice of Additional Compliance Action And Accrued Penalties that is not timely appealed shall be final. Upon finality, an NOV, NOVPD, or Notice of Additional Compliance Action And Accrued Penalties in its original or reduced amount may be collected pursuant to subsection (f).
An appellant may request a Zoning Administrator’s hearing in order to show cause why the notice requiring the cessation, removal, or correction of the violation and any assessment of administrative penalties is in error and should be rescinded, or why any assessed penalties should be reduced. The Zoning Administrator may designate a member of Department staff to act as the hearing officer in the Zoning Administrator’s place. The Department shall send a notice of the date, hour, and place of the hearing to the appellant at the address specified in the request for hearing and to any member of the public who has expressed an interest in the matter.
Following the hearing, the Zoning Administrator or other hearing officer designated by the Zoning Administrator shall issue a NOVPD reflecting the Zoning Administrator’s determination of the NOV appeal, identifying all individuals liable for the violation(s), and including a description of all corrective actions required, and all administrative penalties due for such violation(s).
(ii) Direct Appeal to the Board of Appeals. The appellant may waive the right to a Zoning Administrator’s hearing and proceed directly to an appeal to the Board of Appeals under Section 308.2. Administrative penalties shall not accrue during the period of time that the matter is pending before the Zoning Administrator on a request for hearing or before the Board of Appeals on appeal, except that the accrual of penalties will not be tolled during the period of any continuance or request for extension of time in the proceeding before the Zoning Administrator or the Board of Appeals granted at the request of the Responsible Party.
(iii) Appeals. If any party listed in an NOVPD elects to appeal the NOVPD, such appeal shall be to the Board of Appeals.
(iv) Decision by the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator or the Zoning Administrator’s designee, after a full and fair consideration of the evidence and testimony received at the hearing, shall render within 30 days following the conclusion of the hearing a written decision that either rescinds the notice of violation and dismisses the proceedings, upholds the original decision, or modifies the original decision. In rendering a decision, including a determination regarding the amount of administrative penalties to be assessed, if any, the Zoning Administrator or the Zoning Administrator’s designee shall consider:
a. whether the Responsible Party or other appellant was properly identified;
b. whether the accrual dates for the daily administrative penalties are accurate;
c. the amount of documented staff time spent in order to secure abatement of the violation;
d. the nature of the violation;
e. the duration of the violation;
f. whether the violation was willful or intentional;
g. whether the violation resulted in a financial gain to one or more of the Responsible Parties;
h. efforts made by the Responsible Party to correct the violation;
i. the impact of the violation upon the community;
j. any instance in which the Responsible Party has been in violation of the same or similar laws at the same or other locations in the City and County of San Francisco;
k. the Responsible Party’s good faith efforts to comply;
l. whether the violation is easy to correct;
m. whether the violation of the Planning Code resulted in the displacement of one or more tenants;
n. whether the violations of the Planning Code created a nuisance, a public health hazard, or a dangerous condition on the affected property;
o. whether the violation is reversible;
p. such other factors as the Zoning Administrator or the Zoning Administrator’s designee may consider relevant; and
q. for penalties imposed under subsection (c)(1)(C), the foregoing factors are in addition to the factors and criteria set forth in that subsection.
(v) Appeal of Zoning Administrator Determination to the Board of Appeals. In hearing any appeal of the Zoning Administrator’s determination, the Board of Appeals shall consider the above factors. If the Board upholds the Zoning Administrator’s decision in whole or in part but reduces the amount of the daily penalty applicable under subsection (c)(1)(A), it may not reduce the amount of the penalty below $200 for each day that the violation exists, excluding the period of time that the matter has been pending either before the Zoning Administrator on a request for hearing or before the Board of Appeals on appeal. If the Board of Appeals upholds the Zoning Administrator’s decision in whole or in part with respect to the penalty applicable under subsection (c)(1)(C), but reduces the amount of such penalty, it may not reduce the amount of the penalty below $50,000 for each residential unit added or removed without authorization, or $100,000 for each historic landmark, or contributor to one or more historic districts or conservation districts that are identified in the Appendices to Articles 10 and Article 11 of the Planning Code, or property listed in the California Register of Historical Resources or the National Register of Historic Places, that is significantly damaged or altered, or demolished.
The provision of administrative penalties is intended to secure compliance with and deter violations of the Planning Code and to compensate the City for its costs of enforcement.
(vi) Order of Abatement. Upon the expiration of 90 days following the finality of an NOV, NOVPD, or Notice of Additional Compliance Actions and Accrued Penalties, the Department may record an Order of Abatement against the property's records in the Office of the Recorder of the City and County of San Francisco. The Department may also report any licensed professional responsible for the violation(s) to the appropriate local, state, or federal licensing boards. Within 14 business days after the violation has been finally abated and all restrictions imposed by the NOV or NOVPD have expired, the Department shall record a notice of compliance that cancels the order of abatement.
(2) Civil Penalties. Any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, company, association, society, group, or other person or legal entity that violates any provision of this Code shall be liable for the City’s costs of enforcement and a civil penalty of not less than $200 and not more than $1,000 for each day such violation is committed or permitted to continue, which penalty shall be assessed and recovered in a civil action brought in the name of the People of the City and County of San Francisco by the City Attorney in any court of competent jurisdiction. For purposes of this Section 176, each real property address, each commercial or dwelling unit within a multi-unit real property address affected by a violation, and each separate violation of the Planning Code is a distinct violation for calculation of applicable civil penalties. The City, when it is the prevailing party, shall be awarded reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, including but not limited to expert witness fees and costs of investigation incurred by the City in bringing such civil action. For civil actions to enforce Municipal Code provisions related to general advertising signs, the penalties, attorneys’ fees, and costs set forth in this Section 176 shall be in addition to those authorized by Section 610 of this Code.
In assessing the amount of the civil penalty, the court shall consider any one or more of the relevant circumstances presented by any of the parties to the case, including but not limited to, the following:
(A) the nature and seriousness of the misconduct, including but not limited to whether the violation resulted in any public health or safety hazard, or a dangerous condition on the affected property, and the impact of the violation on the occupants of the property and the surrounding neighborhood;
(B) the number of violations;
(C) the persistence of the misconduct;
(D) the length of time over which the misconduct occurred;
(E) the willfulness of the misconduct;
(F) whether the violation of the Planning Code resulted in the displacement of one or more tenants;
(G) whether the violation is reversible;
(H) whether the violation damaged or demolished a historic landmark, or contributor to a historic district, identified in Appendix A to Articles 10 and 11 of the Planning Code, or any property listed in the California Register of Historical Resources or the National Register of Historic Places;
(I) the violator’s financial gain or opportunity for financial gain from the misconduct; and
(J) the defendant’s assets, liabilities, and net worth.
(3) Criminal Penalties. Any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, company, association, society, group, or other person or legal entity that violates any provision of this Code shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in an amount not less than $200 or be imprisoned for a period not exceeding six months or be both so fined and imprisoned. Each day such violation is committed or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such hereunder.
(4) Planning Code Enforcement Fund. Any fees and penalties collected pursuant to this Section 176 except those collected pursuant to subsection (b)(5) shall be deposited in the Planning Code Enforcement Fund established by Administrative Code Section 10.100-166, and shall be used for the purposes specified in that section. The Planning Department, through the Planning Code Enforcement Fund, shall reimburse City departments and agencies, including the City Attorney’s Office, for all costs and fees incurred in the enforcement of this Section 176.
(5) Affordable Housing Enforcement Fund. Any fees and penalties described in subsection (c)(2) that are collected as a result of the enforcement efforts of MOHCD as provided in subsection (b)(5), shall be deposited in the Affordable Housing Enforcement Fund established by Administrative Code Section 10.100-10. MOHCD shall reimburse City departments and agencies, including the City Attorney’s Office, for all costs and fees incurred in the enforcement of this Section 176, from the Affordable Housing Enforcement Fund.
(d) Additional Methods of Enforcement and Penalties for Violation of Sign Regulations. Violation of the general advertising sign regulations set forth in Article 6 are subject to the administrative penalties and enforcement procedures set forth in Section 610 of this Code, in addition to those set forth in this Section 176.
(e) Failure to Pay Administrative Penalties. If the Responsible Party fails to pay the administrative penalties to the Department within 30 days of the date on which an NOVPD or Notice of Additional Compliance Actions And Accrued Penalties specifying such penalty amount becomes final, the Zoning Administrator may take such actions to collect the penalties and any unpaid Time and Materials owed to the Department as the Zoning Administrator deems appropriate, including (1) referral of the matter to the Bureau of Delinquent Revenue Collection under Chapter 10, Article V, Section 10.39 of the Administrative Code, (2) initiation of lien proceedings under Chapter 10, Article XX, Sections 10.230 et seq. of the Administrative Code, and (3) requesting that the City Attorney pursue collection of the penalties imposed against the Responsible Party in a civil action.
(f) Remedies Not Exclusive. Remedies under this Section 176 are non-exclusive, and, notwithstanding subsection (b)(2), the City Attorney may at any time institute civil proceedings for injunctive and monetary relief, including civil penalties, against any person for violations of the Planning Code, without regard to whether the Zoning Administrator has issued a notice of violation, instituted abatement proceedings, scheduled or held a hearing on a notice of violation, or issued a final decision. For proceedings instituted under this subsection (f), the City Attorney shall notify the Zoning Administrator or the Planning Director, as appropriate, and collaborate, where mutually desired, on the prosecution of the action.
(Added by Ord. 443-78, App. 10/6/78; amended by Ord. 71-01, File No. 001391, App. 5/18/2001; Ord. 46-07, File No. 061539, App. 3/9/2007; Ord. 57-08, File No. 071651, App. 4/10/2008; Ord. 56-13
, File No. 130062, App. 3/28/2013, Eff. 4/27/2013; Ord. 60-16
, File No. 151085, App. 4/27/2016, Eff. 5/27/2016, Oper. 6/1/2016; Ord. 155-22, File No. 220262, App. 7/21/2022, Eff. 8/21/2022; Ord. 40-23, File No. 220878, App. 3/28/2023, Eff. 4/28/2023; Ord. 64-24, File No. 231185, App. 3/28/2024, Eff. 4/28/2024)
Division (c)(1) amended; Ord. 56-13
, Eff. 4/27/2013. Division (c)(1) amended; division (f) added; Ord. 60-16
, Oper. 6/1/2016. Divisions (a), (b)(1), (b)(3), (b)(4), (c)(1), (c)(1)(K), and (c)(2)-(c)(4) amended; divisions (b)(5) and (c)(5) added; Ord. 155-22, Eff. 8/21/2022. Divisions (b)(1), (b)(2), (c)(2), (c)(4), (e), and (f) amended; divisions (c)(1)- (c)(1)(K) amended as (c)(1)-(c)(1)(D)(vi); divisions (c)(2)(A)-(J) added; Ord. 40-23, Eff. 4/28/2023. Division (c)(1)(C)(i) amended; Ord. 64-24, Eff. 4/28/2024.
Section 177 established a time-limited program whereby existing Massage Establishments that have operated without required permits may seek those permits. Pursuant to its terms, this program sunsetted on December 27, 2016, 18 months after its effective date of June 27, 2015.
(See Interpretations related to this Section.)
The following provisions shall apply to conditional uses:
(a) Definition. For the purposes of this Section, a permitted conditional use shall refer to:
(1) Any use or feature authorized as a conditional use pursuant to Article 3 of this Code, provided that such use or feature was established within the time limits specified as a Condition of Approval or, if no time limit was specified, within a reasonable time from the date of authorization; or
(2) Any use or feature that is classified as a conditional use in the district in which it is located and that lawfully existed either on the effective date of this Code, or on the effective date of any amendment imposing new conditional use requirements upon such use or feature; or
(3) Any use deemed to be a permitted conditional use pursuant to Section 179 of this Code.
(b) Continuation. Except as provided for temporary uses in Section 205 of this Code, and except where time limits are otherwise specified as a Condition of Approval, any permitted conditional use may continue in the form in which it was authorized, or in the form in which it lawfully existed either on the effective date of this Code or the effective date of any amendment imposing new conditional use requirements upon such use or feature, unless otherwise provided in this Section or in Article 2 of this Code.
(c) Enlargement, Alteration, or Intensification.
(1) A permitted conditional use may not be significantly altered, enlarged, or intensified, except upon approval of a new conditional use application pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 of this Code.
(2) Internet Services Exchange. With regard to an Internet Services Exchange as defined in Section 102, any physical alteration that will enlarge or expand the building for the purpose of intensifying the use shall be deemed to be significant under this Section, and any increase in the size of electrical service to the building that will require a permit from the Department of Building Inspection shall be deemed to be significant under this Section.
(3) Formula Retail. With regard to Formula Retail uses, a change of owner or operator of a Formula Retail establishment is determined to be an intensification of use and a new Conditional Use authorization shall be required if one or more of the following occurs:
(A) A change of use from one use to another, including but not limited to a change from one use to another within the use category Retail Sales and Service, and within the sub-categories of uses in the definition of General Retail Sales and Service in Section 102 and Other Retail Sales and Service in and Section 890.102 of this Code;
(B) Expansion of use size;
(C) Change to a Formula Retail establishment that has more locations than the existing Formula Retail establishment;
(D) Installation of a commercial kitchen, including but not limited to: ovens, open ranges or stoves, fryers, oven hoods or kitchen ventilation systems, heating stations, steam tables or cabinets, cold food storage, increased food preparation areas or self-service drink dispensers;
(E) A pre-existing Formula Retail use that had not previously been authorized via a Conditional Use from the Commission.
(4) Power Plant. A Power Plant use, as defined in Section 102, shall, whether nonconforming or conditionally permitted, require conditional use authorization in order to enlarge, intensify, or extend the use if such changes would expand a power plant use, make it more permanent, or substantially change the use. An intensification of use shall include the following changes, without limitation and in addition to the criteria set forth in Article 1.7 of the Planning Code:
(A) An increase in output capability by more than 10 percent (either an increase in capacity or increase in planned or permitted output per year);
(B) A change in type of fuel;
(C) A greater than 5 percent increase in the volume of monthly discharge of waste water into the sewer or into the San Francisco Bay, or an increase in the temperature of existing waste water discharges into the San Francisco Bay;
(D) Any increase greater than 5 percent in the emission rate or the total annual tons of emission for particulate precursors, ozone precursors or greenhouse gases;
(E) A greater than 5 percent increase in the volume of regulated substances used on site on a monthly basis, or in the volume of regulated substances stored on site or in the volume of regulated substances transported to the site on a monthly basis; or
(F) Improvements to any power generation unit costing more than 25 percent of the assessed value of the same unit prior to improvement.
(d) Abandonment. A permitted conditional use that is discontinued for a period of three years, or otherwise abandoned, shall not be restored, except upon approval of a new conditional use application pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 of this Code. For purposes of this subsection (d), the period of nonuse for a permitted conditional use to be deemed discontinued in the Castro Street Neighborhood Commercial District and the Jackson Square Special Use District shall be 18 months.
A permitted conditional Formula Retail use which is discontinued for a period of 18 months, or otherwise abandoned, shall not be restored, except upon approval of a new conditional use application pursuant to Article 3 of this Code.
(e) Changes in Use. The following provisions shall apply to permitted conditional uses with respect to changes in use, except as further limited by the change of use procedures for Formula Retail uses set forth in Section 303.1 of this Code.
(1) A permitted conditional use may be changed to another use listed in Section 102 and Articles 7 or 8 of this Code as a principal use for the district in which it is located and the new use may thereafter be continued as a permitted principal use.
(2) A permitted conditional use may be changed to another use listed in Section 102 and Articles 7 or 8 of this Code as a conditional use for the district in which the property is located, subject to the other applicable provisions of this Code, only upon approval of a new conditional use application, pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 of this Code.
(3) A permitted conditional use may not be changed to another use not permitted or prohibited by the Zoning Control Table for the district in which the lot is located. If a permitted conditional use has been wrongfully changed to another use in violation of the foregoing provisions and the violation is not immediately corrected when required by the Zoning Administrator, the wrongful change shall be deemed to be a discontinuance or abandonment of the permitted conditional use.
(4) Once a permitted conditional use has been changed to a principal use permitted in the district in which the property is located, or brought closer in any other manner to conformity with the use limitations of this Code, the use of the property may not thereafter be returned to its former permitted conditional use status, except upon approval of a new conditional use application pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 of this Code.
(5) In the North Beach Neighborhood Commercial District, any use that exceeds the use size provisions of Section 121.2(a) or 121.2(b) may be changed to a new use only upon approval of a new conditional use application. The Commission's approval of such conditional use application shall explicitly address the use size findings of Section 303(c).
(6) In the Castro Street Neighborhood Commercial District, any use that exceeds the use size provisions of Section 121.2(a), but is smaller than the maximum use size limit of Section 121.2(b), may be changed to a new use only upon approval of a new conditional use application. The Commission's approval of such conditional use application shall explicitly address the use size findings of Section 303(c).
(f) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 178, a structure occupied by a permitted conditional use that is damaged or destroyed by fire, or other calamity, or by Act of God, or by the public enemy, may be restored to its former condition and use without the approval of a new conditional use application, provided that such restoration is permitted by the Building Code, and is started within 18 months and diligently pursued to completion. Except as provided in Subsection (g) below, no structure occupied by a permitted conditional use that is voluntarily razed or required by law to be razed by the owner thereof may thereafter be restored except upon approval of a new conditional use application pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 of this Code.
(g) None of the provisions of this Section 178 shall be construed to prevent any measures of construction, alteration or demolition necessary to correct the unsafe or dangerous condition of any structure, other feature, or part thereof, where such condition has been declared unsafe or dangerous by the Director of the Department of Building Inspection or the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention and Public Safety, and where the proposed measures have been declared necessary, by such official, to correct the said condition; provided, however, that only such work as is absolutely necessary to correct the unsafe or dangerous condition may be performed pursuant to this Section.
(Added by Ord. 69-87, App. 3/13/87; amended by Ord. 131-87, App. 4/24/87; Ord. 115-90, App. 4/6/90; Ord. 312-99, File No. 991586, App. 12/3/99; Ord. 198-00, File No. 993231, App. 8/18/2000; Ord. 77-02, File No. 011448, App. 5/24/2002; Ord. 245-08, File No. 080696; Ord. 75-12
, File No. 120084, App. 4/23/2012, Eff. 5/23/2012; Ord. 56-13
, File No. 130062, App. 3/28/2013, Eff. 4/27/2013; Ord. 235-14
, File No. 140844, App. 11/26/2014, Eff. 12/26/2014; Ord. 22-15, File No. 141253, App. 2/20/2015, Eff. 3/22/2015; Ord. 129-17, File No. 170203, App. 6/30/2017, Eff. 7/30/2017; Ord. 47-18, File No. 171108, App. 3/16/2018, Eff. 4/16/2018; Ord. 204-19, File No. 190731, App. 8/9/2019, Eff. 9/9/2019)
Division (d) amended; Ord. 75-12
, Eff. 5/23/2012. Division (f) amended; Ord. 56-13
, Eff. 4/27/2013. Former division (c) divided into current divisions (c)(1) and (2); division (c)(3) added; divisions (d) and (e) amended; Ord. 235-14
, Eff. 12/26/2014. Divisions (a)(1), (b), (c), (c)(2), and (c)(3) amended; division (c)(4) added; divisions (d), (e)(1)-(3), and (g) amended; Ord. 22-15, Eff. 3/22/2015. Division (c)(3)(A) amended; Ord. 129-17, Eff. 7/30/2017. Division (d) amended; Ord. 47-18, Eff. 4/16/2018. Division (d) amended; Ord. 204-19, Eff. 9/9/2019.
The following provisions shall govern with respect to uses and features located in Neighborhood Commercial Districts to the extent that there is a conflict between the provisions of this Section and other sections contained in this Article 1.7.
(a) Permitted Uses.
(1) Any use or feature in a Neighborhood Commercial District which lawfully existed on the effective date of Ordinance No. 69-87 which is classified as a principal use by the enactment of Ordinance No. 69-87 is hereby deemed to be a permitted principal use.
(2) Any use or feature in a Neighborhood Commercial District which lawfully existed on the effective date of Ordinance No. 69-87 which is classified as a conditional use by the enactment of Ordinance No. 69-87 is deemed to be a permitted conditional use, subject to the provisions of Section 178 of this Code.
(3) Any use or feature in a Neighborhood Commercial District which lawfully existed on the effective date of Ordinance No. 69-87 and which use or feature is not permitted by the enactment of Ordinance No. 69-87 is hereby deemed to be a nonconforming use subject to the provisions of Sections 180 through 186.1 of this Code.
(4) Any use or feature in a Neighborhood Commercial District which was nonconforming under Section 180 of this Code prior to the effective date of Ordinance No. 69-87, which is classified as a principal use by the enactment of Ordinance No. 69-87, is deemed to be a permitted principal use.
(5) Any use or feature in a Neighborhood Commercial District which was nonconforming under Section 180 of this Code prior to the effective date of Ordinance No. 69-87, which is classified as a conditional use by the enactment of Ordinance No. 69-87, is deemed to be a permitted conditional use, subject to the provisions of Section 178 of this Code.
(6) Any use or feature in a Neighborhood Commercial District which was nonconforming under Section 180 of this Code prior to the effective date of Ordinance No. 69-87, which continues to be not permitted by operation of Ordinance No. 69-87, shall still be classified as a nonconforming use, subject to the provisions of Sections 180 through 183 of this Code.
(7) Any use or feature in a Neighborhood Commercial District which existed on the effective date of Ordinance No. 69-87 but for which the required permits had not been obtained shall be deemed to be a permitted principal use, permitted conditional use, or nonconforming use, only if the use or feature complies with all conditions prescribed in Subsections (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), or (g) below; otherwise the use or feature shall be in violation of this Code subject to the provisions of Section 176 of this Code.
(b) Any use located in a Neighborhood Commercial District, which use existed on the effective date of Ordinance No. 69-87, but for which the required permits had not been obtained, and which use is permitted as a principal use by the enactment of Ordinance No. 69-87, will be deemed to be a permitted principal use if:
(1) An application is filed for all permits necessary to bring the use into compliance with applicable codes; and
(2) All necessary permits are granted; and
(3) All work which is required for Code compliance under all applicable Codes is substantially completed.
(c) Any use located in a Neighborhood Commercial District, which use was in existence on the effective date of Ordinance No. 69-87 and was permitted as a principal use at the time the use was established, but for which the required permits had not been obtained, and which use is permitted as a conditional use by the enactment of Ordinance No. 69-87, will be deemed to be a conditional use if:
(1) An application is filed for all permits necessary to bring the use into compliance with applicable codes; and
(2) All necessary permits are granted; and
(3) All work which is required for Code compliance under all applicable Codes is substantially completed.
(d) Any use located in a Neighborhood Commercial District, which use would have been deemed a permitted principal use at the time it was established but had not obtained the required permits and was on the effective date of Ordinance No. 69-87, but which use is not a permitted use by the enactment of Ordinance No. 69-87, will be deemed to be a nonconforming use if:
(1) Applications are filed for all permits necessary to bring the use into compliance with applicable codes within three years of the effective date of this amendment to Ordinance No. 69-87; and
(2) All work which is required for Code compliance under all applicable Codes is completed, including the issuance of a Certificate of Final Completion from the Bureau of Building Inspection, within three years of the effective date of this amendment to Ordinance No. 69-87.
(3) The time for completion of all work required for compliance with all applicable codes may be extended an additional one year should delays be caused by a government agency or by legal action.
(e) Any use located in a Neighborhood Commercial District, which use was in existence on the effective date of Ordinance No. 69-87 and was permitted as a conditional use at the time the use was established, but for which the required permits had not been obtained, and which use is permitted as a conditional use by the enactment of Ordinance No. 69-87, will be deemed to be a conditional use if:
(1) An application for conditional use authorization is filed pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 of this Code and if an application(s) is filed for all other permits necessary to bring the use into compliance with applicable codes; and
(2) The conditional use is authorized and all other necessary permits are granted; and
(3) All work which is required for Code compliance under all applicable Codes is substantially completed.
(f) Any use located in a Neighborhood Commercial District, which use was a conditional use at the time it was established but for which the required conditional use authorization and permits had not been obtained and which was in existence on the effective date of Ordinance No. 69-87, will be deemed a nonconforming use if:
(1) An application for conditional use authorization is filed pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 of this Code and if an application(s) is/are filed for all other permits necessary to bring the use into compliance with applicable codes within three years of the effective date of this amendment to Ordinance No. 69-87; and
(2) All work which is required for Code compliance under all applicable Codes is completed within one year of the date of authorization of conditional use, but no later than December 31st of the third year of the effective date of this amendment to Ordinance No. 69-87; and
(3) The time for completion of all work required for compliance with all applicable codes may be extended for an additional one year should delays be caused by a government agency or by legal action.
(g) Any use located in a Neighborhood Commercial District, which use existed on the effective date of Ordinance No. 69-87 and was not permitted at the time the use was established, and which use is permitted as a conditional use by the enactment of Ordinance No. 69-87, will be deemed to be a conditional use if:
(1) An application for conditional use authorization is filed pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 of this Code and if an application(s) is filed for all other permits necessary to bring the use into compliance with applicable codes; and
(2) The conditional use is authorized and all other necessary permits are granted; and
(3) All work which is required for Code compliance under all applicable Codes is substantially completed.
(h) Any use located in a Neighborhood Commercial District, which use existed on the effective date of Ordinance No. 69-87 and was not permitted at the time the use was established, and which use is not permitted by the enactment of Ordinance No. 69-87, shall be in violation of this Code, subject to the provisions of Section 176 of this Code.
(Added by Ord. 69-87, App. 3/13/87; amended by Ord. 37-92, App. 2/3/92)
(See Interpretations related to this Section.)
(a) Intent. As a result of the Eastern Neighborhoods Zoning Controls, certain land uses that were previously permitted, particularly office and housing, are no longer permitted. The purpose of this Section is to establish a time-limited program wherein existing uses that have operated without the benefit of required permits may seek those permits. Uses that could be "legitimized" under this Section are those uses which, under the current provisions of this Code and without this Section, could not otherwise seek the required permits.
(b) Applicability.
(1) Geography. This Section shall apply only to property located in the Eastern Neighborhoods Mixed Use Districts, the SLI District, or any PDR District which is located within the boundaries of the Eastern Neighborhoods Project Area pursuant to Section 423.3. This Section shall not apply to any Live/Work use as defined in Section 102.
(2) Eligibility. Any use that is the subject of an application under this Section shall be one that is determined by the Zoning Administrator as one which:
(A) exists as of the date of the application;
(B) would have been principally permitted or permitted with Conditional Use authorization under provisions of the Planning Code that were effective on April 17, 2008;
(C) would not be permitted under current provisions of this Code;
(D) is a land use that either:
(i) has been regularly operating or functioning on a continuous basis for no less than 2 years prior to the effective date of this Section; or
(ii) has been functioning in the space since at least April 17, 2008, and is associated with an organization, entity or enterprise which has been located in this space on a continuous basis for no less than 2 years prior to the effective date of this Section;
(E) is not accessory to any other use; and
(F) is not discontinued and abandoned pursuant to the provisions of Section 183 that would otherwise apply to nonconforming uses.
(3) Sunset. All applications for a determination of eligibility under Subsection (d) must be received by the Zoning Administrator on or before November 12, 2012. If the Planning Department fails to timely issue notice pursuant to Subsection (c), the Zoning Administrator may extend this termination date for an additional period of time not to exceed the number of days that the Department delayed in issuing the notice. An applicant who has received a determination of eligibility must submit to the Department all required application materials for legitimization within 90 days of the date of issuance of the determination of eligibility and diligently pursue the legitimization process until completion. For purposes of this section, "diligently pursue" shall mean timely responding to all requests for additional information from the Department or other City agency reviewing the matter and timely applying for and pursuing all permits and other approvals required to legitimize the use. Failure to do so may result in the Zoning Administrator's revocation of the legitimization letter.
(c) Notification of Program Availability. Within 90 days of the effective date of this Section, the Planning Department shall cause notice to be mailed to all owners of property to which this Section applies. Such notification shall consist of an explanation of this program and application instructions and any other relevant information determined by the Zoning Administrator.
(d) Application for Eligibility. An application under this Section may include multiple tenancies and/or uses on a property; however, only one application may be made per parcel for the duration of the program. Such application may not involve any expansion or intensification of the use in question. Any proposed expansion or intensification must be made under separate application and is subject to all current provisions of this Code.
Any application under this Subsection shall be accompanied by the following materials:
(1) floor plans for the entire building along with specific demarcation of the space proposed for legitimization;
(2) evidence supporting the findings required under Subsection (b)(2) above. Such evidence may include but is not necessarily limited to the following: rental or lease agreements, building or other permits, utility records, business licenses, or tax records; and
(3) notification materials, including a list of all property owners within 300 feet of the subject property, as set forth in Section 306.3(a)(2) and, to the extent practical, a complete list of all current occupants of the subject property.
(e) Determination of Eligibility. The Zoning Administrator shall determine compliance with the criteria set forth in Subsection (b)(2), above, through a written decision. No less than 30 days prior to making a determination, the Zoning Administrator shall mail and post a notice of intent to render a determination as set forth below so that parties other than the applicant are afforded the opportunity to present information which may have bearing on the determination:
(1) By mailing notice to owners within 300 feet of the property in question as set forth in Section 306.3(a)(2);
(2) by mailing notice to current tenants of the subject property using materials submitted pursuant to Section (d)(3), above;
(3) by mailing notice to all individuals or neighborhood organizations having made written request for notification for either (i) applications under this Section or (ii) specific properties or areas; and
(4) by posting a notice on the subject property as set forth in Section 306.8.
(f) Application to Legitimize. Uses that are determined to be in compliance with the criteria of Subsection (b)(2), above, shall be governed as set forth below. Unless specifically stated by the Planning Commission in the case of a Conditional Use authorization, approval of any application under this Subsection shall be deemed to authorize all aspects of the use and portions of the structure housing the use under the Planning Code. Those portions of the use or structure that do not comply with current provisions of this Code shall be deemed nonconforming uses or noncomplying structures under Article 1.7 of this Code. Action under this Subsection in no way shall affect the applicability of relevant portions of the Building Code
or other portions of the Municipal Code.
(1) Those uses which, under the provisions of this Code that were applicable on April 17, 2008, would have either: (i) required Conditional Use authorization pursuant to Section 303 or (ii) been principally permitted but required an allocation of office space of less than 50,000 gross square feet under the Annual Limit pursuant to Section 321(b)(4), may seek such authorization pursuant to all requirements of the applicable Section.
(2) Those uses which, under the provisions of this Code that were applicable on April 17, 2008, were principally permitted may seek a building permit in order to legally establish the use. Upon the Department's determination that the application is consistent with the enabling Zoning Administrator's decision, the Planning Department shall approve such permit.
(3) Those uses which, under the provisions of this Code that were applicable on April 17, 2008, would have required an allocation of office space of 50,000 or more gross square feet under the Annual Limit, may seek such authorization pursuant to the requirements of Section 321; however, no application may be acted on by the Planning Commission until the termination date of the application period set forth in Subsection (b)(3), above. After that time, Planning Department staff shall take all reasonable steps to schedule pending eligible applications for Planning Commission review based on the order in which a project's determination of eligibility was issued. Nothing in this Section shall preclude the Director of Planning, based on the demand for participation in this program, from limiting the number of projects that appear before the Planning Commission in a given period of time.
(g) Fee Amount. Any use authorized under Subsection (f) above shall, in addition to any applicable application fees, pay for the area being legitimized the following impact fees:
(1) If the use is legitimizing as Office, (as defined in Sec. 102)
(A) If the project is subject to the Transit Impact Development Fee (as defined in Section 411), a $2.00/gross square foot Transit Impact Development Fee.
(B) If the project is subject to the Jobs-Housing Linkage Fee (as defined in Section 413), an $8.50/gross square foot Jobs-Housing Linkage Fee.
(C) No Eastern Neighborhoods Impact Fees shall be charged.
(2) If the use is legitimizing as Retail or Entertainment (as defined in Section 401)
(A) If the project is subject to the Transit Impact Development Fee (as defined in Section 411), a $2.00/gross square foot Transit Impact Development Fee.
(B) If the project is subject to the Jobs-Housing Linkage Fee (as described in Sec. 413), a $7.20/gross square foot Jobs-Housing Linkage Fee.
(C) No Eastern Neighborhoods Impact Fees shall be charged.
(h) Fee Payment. Fees shall be paid upon issuance of the first construction permit (as defined in Sec. 401) or if an applicant has elected to participate in a deferred payment program, as specified below:
(1) Prior to issuance by DBI of the first construction permit, at least 20% of applicable fees are due. Henceforth, at least 20% of applicable fees are due by July 1st of each subsequent calendar year, such that final payment must be made within four years of receiving the first building or site permit.
(2) The applicant may elect to pay any outstanding balance at any time within these four years.
(3) A Notice of Special Restrictions shall be placed on the title of the property specifying that additional payment is required. This Notice of Special Restrictions shall be released when payment is complete.
(4) All outstanding fees will be adjusted annually based on the cost of living as defined by the Controller's Office.
(5) The Department may assess an additional fee for time and materials spent implementing this deferred fee program.
(6) Failure to comply with the terms of the program and associated NSR as specified in this Subsection shall be deemed a violation of this Code and result in an enforcement action by the Department, which may include, referral to the Bureau of Delinquent Revenue and a lien on the subject property. Any enforcement action also may result in additional charges or penalties to cover the City's costs in the enforcement action, including, but not limited to City Attorney's fees.
Division (b)(3) amended; Ord. 61-12, Eff. 5/19/2012. Division (b)(1) amended; former divisions (b)(2)(D)(1) and (2) redesignated as (b)(2)(D)(i) and (ii); divisions (f) and (g)(1) amended; former division (g)(2) deleted and former division (g)(3) redesignated as (g)(2); division (h) amended; Ord. 22-15, Eff. 3/22/2015. Former division (g)(4) redesignated as (g)(3); Ord. 188-15
, Eff. 12/4/2015.