When a landmark or historic district has been designated by the Board of Supervisors as provided above, the Department shall promptly notify the owners of the property included therein. The Department shall cause a copy of the designating ordinance, or notice thereof, to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder.
When a landmark or historic district designation has been amended or rescinded, the Department shall promptly notify the owners of the property included therein, and shall cause a copy of the appropriate ordinance, or notice thereof, to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder.
(a) No person shall carry out or cause to be carried out on a designated landmark site or in a designated historic district any construction, alteration, removal or demolition of a structure or any work involving a sign, awning, marquee, canopy, mural or other appendage, for which a City permit is required, except in conformity with the provisions of this Article 10. In addition, no such work shall take place unless all other applicable laws and regulations have been complied with, and any required permit has been issued for said work.
(b) (1) Installation of a new general advertising sign is prohibited in any historic district or on any historic property regulated by this Article 10.
(2) The Central Permit Bureau shall not issue, and no other City department or agency shall issue, any permit for construction, alteration, removal or demolition of a structure or any permit for work involving a sign, awning, marquee, canopy, mural or other appendage on a landmark site or in an historic district, except in conformity with the provisions of this Article 10. In addition, no such permit shall be issued unless all other applicable laws and regulations have been complied with.
(c) Where so provided in the designating ordinance for a historic district, any or all exterior changes visible from a public street or other public place shall require approval in accordance with the provisions of this Article 10, regardless of whether or not a City permit is required for such exterior changes. Such exterior changes may include, but shall not be limited to, painting and repainting; landscaping; fencing; and installation of lighting fixtures and other building appendages.
(2) The addition of a mural to any landmark or contributory structure in a historic district shall require compliance with the provisions of this Article 10, regardless of whether or not a City permit is required for the mural.
(3) Alterations to City-owned parks, squares, plazas or gardens on a landmark site, where the designating ordinance identifies such alterations, shall require approval in accordance with the provisions of this Article 10, regardless of whether or not a City permit is required.
(d) The Department shall maintain with the Central Permit Bureau a current record of designated landmarks and historic districts. Upon receipt of any application for a permit to carry out any construction, alteration, removal or demolition of a structure or any work involving a sign, awning, marquee, canopy, mural or other appendage, on a landmark site or in a historic district, the Central Permit Bureau shall, unless the structure or feature concerned has been declared unsafe or dangerous pursuant to Section 1007 of this Article 10, promptly forward such permit application to the Department.
(e) After receiving a permit application from the Central Permit Bureau in accordance with the preceding subsection, the Department shall ascertain whether a Certificate of Appropriateness is required or has been approved for the work proposed in such permit application. If a Certificate of Appropriateness is required and has been issued, and if the permit application conforms to the work approved in the Certificate of Appropriateness, the permit application shall be processed without further reference to this Article 10. If a Certificate of Appropriateness is required and has not been issued, or if the permit application does not conform to what was approved, the permit application shall be disapproved or held by the Department until such time as conformity does exist either through modifications to the proposed work or through the issuance of an amended or new Certificate of Appropriateness. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the following cases the Department shall process the permit application without further reference to this Article 10:
(1) When the application is for a permit to construct on a landmark site where the landmark has been lawfully demolished and the site is not within a designated historic district;
(2) When the application is for a permit to make interior alterations only on a privately-owned structure or on a publicly-owned structure, unless the designating ordinance requires review of such alterations to the privately- or publicly-owned structure pursuant to Section 1004(c) hereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if any proposed interior alteration requiring a permit would result in any significant visual or material impact to the exterior of the subject building, a Certificate of Appropriateness shall be required to address such exterior effects;
(3) When the application is for a permit to do ordinary maintenance and repairs only. For the purpose of this Article 10, "ordinary maintenance and repairs" shall mean any work, the sole purpose and effect of which is to correct deterioration, decay or damage of existing materials, including repair of damage caused by fire or other disaster;
(4) When the application is for a permit to maintain, repair, rehabilitate, or improve streets and sidewalks, including sidewalk widening, accessibility, and bulb-outs, unless such streets and sidewalks have been explicitly called out in a landmark’s or district’s designating ordinance as character defining features of the landmark or district;
(5) When the application is for a permit to alter a landing or install a power-assist operator to provide an accessible entrance to a landmark or district, provided that the improvements conform to the requirements outlined in Section 1006.6;
(7) When the application is for a permit to install non-visible rooftop appurtenances to a landmark or district, provided that the improvements conform to the requirements outlined in Section 1006.6; or
(8) When the application is for a permit to install non-visible, low-profile skylights, provided that the improvements conform to the requirements outlined in Section 1006.6; or
(9) When the application is for a permit to install a City-sponsored Landmark plaque to a landmark or district, provided that the improvements conform to the requirements outlined in Section 1006.6 of this Code; or
(10) When the application is for a permit to construct an Accessory Dwelling Unit or Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit, provided that the Accessory Dwelling Unit or Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit conforms to the requirements of Section 207.2 of this Code.
(f) For purposes of this Article 10, demolition shall be defined as any one of the following:
(1) Removal of more than 25 percent of the surface of all external walls facing a public street(s); or
(2) Removal of more than 50 percent of all external walls from their function as all external walls; or
(3) Removal of more than 25 percent of external walls from function as either external or internal walls; or
(4) Removal of more than 75 percent of the building's existing internal structural framework or floor plates unless the City determines that such removal is the only feasible means to meet the standards for seismic load and forces of the latest adopted version of the San Francisco Building Code and the State Historical Building Code.
(g) The following procedures shall govern review of the addition of murals to any landmark or contributory structure in a historic district:
(1) Where the mural is proposed to be added to a landmark or contributory structure in a historic district, located on property owned by the City, no Certificate of Appropriateness shall be required. On such structures, the Art Commission shall not approve the mural until the HPC has provided advice to the Art Commission on the impact of the mural on the historical structure. The HPC shall provide advice to the Art Commission within 45 days of receipt of a written request for advice and information regarding the placement, size and location of the proposed mural;
(2) Where the mural is proposed to be added to a landmark or contributory structure in a historic district, located on property that is not owned by the City, a Certificate of Appropriateness shall be required. The HPC shall not act on the Certificate of Appropriateness until the Art Commission has provided advice to the HPC on the mural. The Art Commission shall provide advice to the HPC within 50 days of receipt of a written request for advice and information regarding the proposed mural.
(Amended by Ord. 222-72, App. 8/9/72; Ord. 227-92, App. 7/14/92; Ord. 97-96, App. 3/6/96; Ord. 249-96, App. 6/19/96; Ord. 327-99, File No. 991871, App. 12/23/99; Ord. 140-06, File 052921, App. 6/22/2006; Ord. 82-07, File No. 070021, App. 4/20/2007; Ord. 94-12, File No. 120300, App. 5/21/2012, Eff. 6/20/2012; Ord. 179-18, File No. 180423, App. 7/27/2018, Eff. 8/27/2018; Ord. 53-23, File No. 210585, App. 4/21/2023, Eff. 5/22/2023; Ord. 122-23, File No. 230371, App. 7/5/2023, Eff. 8/5/2023; Ord. 159-23, File No. 230732, App. 7/28/2023, Eff. 8/28/2023; Ord. 62-24, File No. 230310, App. 3/28/2024, Eff. 4/28/2024)
Divisions (e), (e)(2), (e)(3), (e)(4), (g)(1), and (g)(2) amended; Ord. 94-12, Eff. 6/20/2012. Division (e) amended; divisions (e)(5)-(e)(9) added; Ord. 179-18, Eff. 8/27/2018. Division (e)(9) amended; division (e)(10) added; Ord. 53-23, Eff. 5/22/2023. Second division (e)(10)) added; Ord. 122-23
, Eff. 8/5/2023. Second division (e)(10) deleted; Ord. 159-23, Eff. 8/28/2023. Division (e)(10) amended; Ord. 62-24, Eff. 4/28/2024.
(See Interpretations related to this Section.)
A Certificate of Appropriateness shall be required and shall govern review of permit applications as provided in Sections 1005(e) and 1005(g), except in the specific cases set forth in Section 1005(e), for the following types of work affecting the character-defining features as listed pursuant to Section 1004(b) of the Code:
(1) Any construction, alteration, removal or demolition of a structure or any work involving a sign, awning, marquee, canopy, mural (as set forth in Planning Code Section 1005(g), or other appendage, for which a City permit is required, on a landmark site or in a historic district;
(2) Exterior changes in a historic district visible from a public street or other public place, where the designating ordinance requires approval of such changes pursuant to the provisions of this Article 10;
(3) The addition of a mural to any landmark or contributory structure in a historic district, which is not owned by the City or located on property owned by the City, as set forth in Planning Code Section 1005(g), regardless of whether or not a City permit is required for the mural; or
(4) Alterations to City-owned parks, squares, plazas or gardens on a landmark site, where the designating ordinance identifies the alterations that require approval under this Article 10.
The procedures, requirements, controls and standards in Sections 1006 through 1006.8 shall apply to all applications for Certificates of Appropriateness; provided, however, that the designating ordinance for a historic district, or for a City-owned park, square, plaza or garden on a landmark site, may modify or add to these procedures, requirements, controls and standards.
(Amended by Ord. 222-72, App. 8/9/72; Ord. 249-96, App. 6/19/96; Ord. 327-99, File No. 991871, App. 12/23/99; Ord. 94-12, File No. 120300, App. 5/21/2012, Eff. 6/20/2012)
Undesignated introductory paragraph and undesignated concluding paragraph amended; Ord. 94-12, Eff. 6/20/2012.
(a) Who May Apply. An application for a Certificate of Appropriateness may be filed by the owner, or authorized agent for the owner, of the property for which the Certificate is sought.
(b) Where to File. Applications shall be filed in the office of the Planning Department.
(c) Content of Applications. The content of applications shall be in accordance with the policies, rules and regulations of the Department and the HPC. All applications shall be upon forms prescribed therefore, and shall contain or be accompanied by all information required to assure the presentation of pertinent facts for proper consideration of the case and for the permanent record. In general, the application shall be accompanied by plans and specifications showing the proposed exterior appearance, including but not limited to color, texture of materials, and architectural design and detail; drawings or photographs showing the property in the context of its surroundings may also be required. The applicant may be required to file with the application additional information needed for the preparation and mailing of notices as specified in Section 1006.3.
(d) Verification. Each application filed by or on behalf of one or more property owners shall be verified by at least one such owner or his authorized agent attesting to the truth and correctness of all facts, statements and information presented.
(e) Multiple Planning Approvals. For projects that require multiple planning approvals, the HPC shall review and act on any Certificate of Appropriateness before any other planning approval action. For projects that (1) require a conditional use authorization or permit review under Section 309, et seq. of the Code, and (2) do not concern an individually landmarked property, the Planning Commission may modify any decision on a Certificate of Appropriateness by a two-thirds vote, provided that the Planning Commission shall apply all applicable historic resources provisions of the Code and take into account all relevant General Plan and Planning Code policies, in addition to all applicable historic preservation provisions. For projects located on vacant lots, the Planning Commission may modify any decision on a Certificate of Appropriateness by a two-thirds vote, provided that the Planning Commission shall apply all applicable historic resources provisions of the Planning Code and take into account all relevant General Plan and Planning Code policies, in addition to all applicable historic preservation provisions.
(f) Permit and Application Fee Waivers. In cases of economic hardship, an applicant may be partially or fully exempt from paying fees pursuant to Section 350(e)(2).
(Amended by Ord. 223-72, App. 8/9/72; Ord. 94-12, File No. 120300, App. 5/21/2012, Eff. 6/20/2012)
Divisions (b), (c), and (e) amended; division (f) added; Ord. 94-12, Eff. 6/20/2012.
The Department shall review an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness and determine within 30 days of submittal whether the application is complete or whether additional information is required.
(a) Minor Alterations. The HPC may define certain categories of work as Minor Alterations and delegate review of an Administrative Certificate of Appropriateness for such Minor Alterations to Department staff. If the HPC delegates such review to Department staff, Minor Alterations shall include the following categories of work:
(1) Work the sole purpose and effect of which is to comply with the Unreinforced Masonry Building (UMB) Seismic Retrofit Ordinance and where the proposed work complies with the UMB Retrofit Architectural Design Guidelines adopted by the HPC; or
(2) Any other work so delegated to the Department by the HPC.
(b) Administrative Certificates of Appropriateness. Upon receipt of a building permit application, the Department will review and render a decision on an Administrative Certificate of Appropriateness without a hearing before the HPC. The Department shall mail the Department's written decision on an Administrative Certificate of Appropriateness to the applicant and to any individuals or organizations who so request. Any Departmental decision on an Administrative Certificate of Appropriateness may be appealed to the HPC within 15 days of the date of the written decision. The HPC may also request review of any Departmental decision on an Administrative Certificate of Appropriateness by its own motion within 20 days of the written decision.
(a) If a public hearing before the HPC on a Certificate of Appropriateness is required, a timely appeal has been made of an Administrative Certificate of Appropriateness, or the HPC has timely requested review of an Administrative Certificate of Appropriateness, the Department shall set a time and place for said hearing within a reasonable period. Notice of the time, place and purpose of the hearing shall be provided as required by Section 333 of this Code.