(a) The Mayor's Office shall develop proposed programs for grants, loan guarantees and no- or low-interest loans for owners of property contaminated with lead. The Mayor's Office shall transmit to the Board of Supervisors a range of options for such programs within one year.
(b) In preparing proposed programs, the Mayor's Office shall consider and make recommendations regarding the following potential elements: whether and to what extent financial assistance should be provided based on an owner's voluntary abatement of lead hazards, the income of the owner and the owner's tenants, the risk of tenants becoming homeless if abatement work proceeds and the cost of the work is passed through to the tenants, the presence of children under the age of six on the property, the current blood lead levels of children who frequent the property, the condition of the property, whether rehabilitation, energy conservation or other improvements are planned, and whether the owners of nonrental property should be required to demonstrate financial need and the presence of children under the age of six with a certain blood lead level.
(Added by Ord. 376-92, App. 12/23/92; amended by Ord. 409-96, App. 10/21/96)
(a) There is hereby established a special fund to be known as the Comprehensive Environmental Lead Poisoning Fund. Into this fund shall be deposited (1) all monies obtained from civil penalties obtained from enforcement of this Article, (2) all monies obtained from enforcement of Proposition 65 (the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, Health and Safety Code Sections 25249.5 et seq.), Business and Professions Code Sections 17200 et seq., or similar laws, insofar as monies are recovered under these laws because of lead contamination, except when the governing law requires that the monies be otherwise allocated, and (3) all donations of money which may be offered to the City to support the Program. The Director is hereby authorized to accept, on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco, any grants, gifts and bequests made for the purpose of furthering the goals of the Program and upon acceptance they shall be deposited into said fund.
(b) Subject to the budget and fiscal provisions of the Charter, the monies in this fund may only be expended for expenses related to the development, implementation and operation of the Program.
(c) Interest earned from the monies in said fund shall become part of the principal thereof, and shall not be expended for any purpose other than for which said fund is established. The balance remaining in the fund at the close of any fiscal year shall be deemed to have been provided for a specific purpose within the meaning of Charter Section 6.306 and shall be carried forward and accumulated in said fund for the purpose recited herein.
(d) No later than one year after the effective date of this ordinance and thereafter annually, the Controller shall submit a report to the Director, the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor which shall include the following information:
(1) A detailed identification of the sources of monies contributed to the fund;
(2) An accounting of the uses of the monies in the fund during the preceding year;
(3) An estimate of the amount of money that the Controller anticipates, after consulting with the Director and other appropriate City departments, shall be deposited in the fund during the next year.
The Controller shall coordinate with the Director and attempt to issue this report at the same time that the Director provides the annual Program report required under Section 1609.
(Added by Ord. 376-92, App. 12/23/92; amended by Ord. 409-96, App. 10/21/96)