The Director shall provide educational training for the owners and operators of childcare facilities that receive City and County of San Francisco revenues for their childcare operations. As a condition of receiving such revenues for their childcare operations, the owner and operator of each childcare facility shall participate in the Director's educational training program for childcare facilities and shall develop a program for staff, parents and guardians of children served by the facility designed to communicate the information obtained in the training program. The Director's program shall include education regarding the hazards to health from exposure to lead, the sources of exposure, the CHDP program and interim methods for reducing exposure to, and the effects of lead on, humans. The Director may include in the program childcare providers other than owners and operators of facilities that receive local revenues for their childcare operations.
(Added by Ord. 376-92, App. 12/23/92)
The Director shall provide written information informing the public of the methods by which lead can be abated or removed from property and of any risks to health that may arise from construction activities. The Director of the Department of Building Inspection shall provide copies of this written information to every person who applies for a building or demolition permit.
(Added by Ord. 376-92, App. 12/23/92; amended by Ord. 409-96, App. 10/21/96)
(a) The Tax Collector shall mail a copy of the Informational Bulletin or an equivalent lead hazard warning, along with each County tax bill.
(b) The Tax Collector shall mail a copy of the Pre-1978 Hazard Notice and Affidavit forms prepared under Section 1610 along with each County tax bill until January 1, 2003.
(Added by Ord. 376-92, App. 12/23/92; amended by Ord. 409-96, App. 10/21/96; Ord. 267-99, File No. 991649, App. 10/22/99)
Every owner of any dwelling unit constructed prior to 1978 shall provide a copy of the Pre-1978 Hazard Notice, and any other form of notice required by federal or State law to every tenant in each such dwelling unit within 10 days of commencement of occupancy, or for tenancies in existence on the effective date of this Article, within 60 days of such effective date. The owner shall complete, sign and maintain Affidavits provided in Section 1610(c) as instructed thereon in order to provide evidence of compliance with this Article. The requirements of this Section shall terminate effective January 1, 2003.
(Added by Ord. 409-96, App. 10/21/96; Ord. 267-99, File No. 991649, App. 10/22/99)
(a) The Director shall develop a case management program so that all elevated blood lead level children receive appropriate services. At a minimum, the services provided by the Director shall include:
(1) For levels 10 to 14 µg/dL: A letter and lead information packet shall be sent to the parent (which encourages retest in three months and gives simple recommendations).
(2) For levels 15 to 19 µg/dL: A Public Health Nurse (PHN) referral shall be made. The PHN shall make a home visit to provide extensive teaching.
(3) For levels 20 µg/dL and above, and levels from 15 to 19 µg/dL in consecutive measurements three to four months apart (a lead-poisoned child): In addition the assigned PHN duties, a certified lead inspector/assessor shall perform an environmental investigation and issue a report of lead hazard findings. The building owner and the Department of Building Inspection shall also receive notice of lead hazard findings which are in the building owner's control.
(b) The Director shall have the authority to establish deadlines and priorities regarding the provision of such services as described in Section 1617(a) to all children with elevated blood lead levels.
(Added by Ord. 376-92, App. 12/23/92; amended by Ord. 409-96, App. 10/21/96; Ord. 36-03, File No. 021857, App. 3/28/2003)
The Director may develop a program in cooperation with appropriate agencies to make lead-safe housing temporarily available when the Director believes it appropriate to cases of elevated blood lead level children and their families if those families are not able to make arrangements themselves.
(Added by Ord. 376-92, App. 12/23/92; amended by Ord. 409-96, App. 10/21/96)
The Director shall prepare a report every six months in language designed to be understood by the general public describing the results of all lead tests obtained by the Department for San Francisco residents, including the test level, age, sex, ethnicity and general area of residence of each case of childhood lead poisoning. The Director shall prepare the report in those languages that he or she deems appropriate in order to communicate the information effectively.
(Added by Ord. 376-92, App. 12/23/92)