(a) The certificate of registration shall contain the following information:
(1) The name and address of the registrant for purposes of notice and service of process;
(2) The street address of the establishment for which the certificate of registration is issued;
(3) The registered quantity limit(s) for the establishment;
(4) The date the certificate of registration is effective;
(5) The date of expiration, except for those registrants exempted from renewal under Section 1115 of this Article.
(b) Each certificate of registration shall include requirements that the registrant reimburse the City for extraordinary costs, in addition to applicable registration fees, for inspection and monitoring, administration, incidental expenses and cleanup and remediation costs resulting from releases of hazardous materials or failure by the registrant to handle hazardous materials in accordance with the requirements of this Article. Furthermore, the certificate shall provide that if the registrant fails to immediately notify the Department of a release or threatened release of hazardous material, and the failure results in or significantly contributes to an emergency, including a fire, to which the City is required to respond, the registrant shall be assessed the full cost of the City emergency response as well as the cost of cleaning up and disposing of the hazardous material. Certificates of registration shall not be renewed unless all such costs have been paid to the City.
(c) The registrant shall post a copy of the certificate of registration obtained pursuant to this Section, in a location open to public access during normal business hours, at each establishment for which a certificate of registration is obtained.
(Added by Ord. 164-92, App. 6/10/92; amended by Ord. 168-95, App. 5/26/95; Ord. 399- 97, App. 10/17/97)