Payment of fees as provided in this Article, Article 21A or Article 22 does not exempt the person or business from payment of any other charges which may be levied pursuant to other sections of the San Francisco Municipal Code or written rules and regulations of any department relating to the permit or registration.
(Added by Ord. 164-92, App. 6/10/92; amended by Ord. 399-97, App. 10/17/97)
The Director of Health shall cause an annual report to be made and filed with the Controller no later than April 1st of each year as set forth in Section 3.7 of the San Francisco Administrative Code.
The Controller shall file said report with the Board of Supervisors no later than May 15th of each year along with a proposed ordinance readjusting the fee rates as necessary to ensure that they produce sufficient revenue to support the costs of providing the services for which each fee is assessed. After receipt of the report, the Board of Supervisors shall, by ordinance, establish or readjust the rates for certificates of registration, permits, inspections, and other related hazardous materials and hazardous waste fees set forth in this Article, Article 21A, or Article 22.
(Added by Ord. 164-92, App. 6/10/92; amended by Ord. 399-97, App. 10/17/97)
Each year the Controller shall determine what percentage of any fee charged pursuant to this Article, Article 21A and Article 22 offsets the costs incurred by City departments other than the Health Department in regulating and inspecting activities authorized by certificates of registration or permits issued by the Health Department pursuant to this Article, Article 21A and Article 22 and the appropriate percentage of such fees shall be credited by the Health Department to the other departments; provided, however, the Health Department shall not charge for the Fire Department's costs if the materials stored or activities at the establishment are subject to the permit requirements of the Fire Code (Part II, Chapter 4) and shall not charge for permit review by the City Planning Department if the owner of the establishment is required to obtain a building permit or previously has received a Health Department, Police Department or Fire Department permit based on the same materials, activities or use.
(Added by Ord. 164-92, App. 6/10/92; amended by Ord. 399-97, App. 10/17/97)
(a) Fees Generally. Fees for services and regulatory functions of the Department of Public Health pursuant to this Article shall be as provided in this Section.
(b) State Surcharge. Registrants and permittees subject to the requirements of this Article shall pay the annual State surcharge for general program oversight, along with any program-specific service charges established by the Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 25404.5(b).
(c) Hazardous Materials Registration Fees.
(1) Registration fees shall be payable on the filing of a complete application for a certificate of registration and on annual renewal. On the filing of an addendum disclosing increased quantities or previously undisclosed hazardous materials, a registration fee is due equal to the difference between the most recently charged registration fee and the fee due taking into account the information in the addendum.
(2) Registration fees shall be as follows:
(A) Temporary certificate of registration, $172;
(B) Freight forwarding and freight transportation services establishments, $371;
(C) For all other registrants subject to this Article, a fee determined by the total quantity of liquids, quantity of solids and quantity of gases required to be registered by the establishment, excluding hazardous materials contained in underground storage tanks. The applicable fee shall be determined by adding together the appropriate quantity groups as set forth in Chart I for liquids, solids and gases at the establishment (excluding hazardous materials contained in underground storage tanks) in order to arrive at a quantity group total. The corresponding fee for each quantity group total is set forth in Chart II.
(D) An establishment required to obtain a UST permit which does not have any aboveground storage of hazardous materials subject to this Article shall be exempt from payment of a registration fee.
Group No. | Quantity of Liquids (Gallons) | Quantity of Solids (Pounds) | Quantity of Gases (Cubic Feet) |
Group No. | Quantity of Liquids (Gallons) | Quantity of Solids (Pounds) | Quantity of Gases (Cubic Feet) |
1 | Less than 55 | less than 500 | less than 200 |
2 | 55-99 | 500-999 | 200-1,499 |
3 | 100-499 | 1,000-1,499 | 1,500-2,499 |
4 | 500-999 | 1,500-1,999 | 2,500-3,999 |
5 | 1,000-1,499 | 2,000-3,499 | 4,000-4,999 |
6 | 1,500-1,999 | 3,500-4,999 | 5,000-5,999 |
7 | 2,000-2,749 | 5,000-7,499 | 6,000-6,999 |
8 | 2,750-3,499 | 7,500-9,999 | 7,000-7,999 |
9 | 3,500-4,499 | 10,000-14,999 | 8,000-8,999 |
10 | 4,500-5,499 | 15,000-19,999 | 9,000-9,999 |
11 | 5,500-6,499 | 20,000-24,999 | 10,000-12,499 |
12 | 6,500-7,499 | 25,000-29,999 | 12,500-14,999 |
13 | 7,500-8,999 | 30,000-39,999 | 15,000-17,499 |
14 | 9,000-9,999 | 40,000-49,999 | 17,500-19,999 |
15 | 10,000 or greater | 50,000 or greater | 20,000 or greater |
Quantity Group Total | Registration Fee |
Quantity Group Total | Registration Fee |
Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009 | |
1 | $284 |
2 | $296 |
3 | $321 |
4 | $384 |
5 | $436 |
6 | $487 |
7 | $540 |
8 | $593 |
9 | $644 |
10 | $694 |
11 | $772 |
12 | $851 |
13 | $928 |
14 | $1,005 |
15 | $1,085 |
16 | $1,160 |
17 | $1,239 |
18 | $1,316 |
19 | $1,395 |
20 | $1,483 |
21 | $1,574 |
22 | $1,665 |
23 | $1,756 |
24 | $1,848 |
25 | $1,937 |
26 | $2,029 |
27 | $2,118 |
28 | $2,222 |
29 | $2,324 |
30 | $2,429 |
31 | $2,532 |
32 | $2,636 |
33 | $2,738 |
34 | $2,842 |
35 | $2,945 |
36 | $3,048 |
37 | $3,153 |
38 | $3,256 |
39 | $3,334 |
40 | $3,411 |
41 | $3,489 |
42 | $3,577 |
43 | $3,618 |
44 | $3,671 |
45 | $3,722 |
(d) UST Permit Fees. A person required to obtain a UST permit shall pay an annual fee for each tank at each site $327.
(e) Aboveground Petroleum Storage Fees. An owner or operator of an aboveground petroleum storage facility shall pay the following annual fee:
Facility Category | Facility Petroleum Storage Capacity (gallon) | Annual Fee |
Facility Category | Facility Petroleum Storage Capacity (gallon) | Annual Fee |
1.1 | 1320 to 10,000 (Tier 1 APS Facility) | $565 |
1.2 | 1320 to 10,000 (Tier 2 APS Facility) | $785 |
2 | 10,001 to 100,000 | $1003 |
3 | 100,001 to 1,000,000 | $1130 |
4 | 1,000,001 to 10,000,000 | $1256 |
5 | 10,000,001 to 100,000,000 | $1506 |
6 | ≥ 100,000,001 | $1695 |
(f) Miscellaneous Other Fee Schedules. Other hazardous materials fees shall be as follows:
Fiscal Year 2008-2009 | |
Application fee for UST repair, modification, removal or closure approval and up to three hours field inspection, per site | $877 |
Field inspection fee, per hour (business hours) | $166 |
Field inspection fee, per hour (Sat., Sun., evenings) | $250 |
Permit Review by Department of City Planning | $85 |
Closure plan processing fee and up to three hours of plan review | $543 |
Closure plan review exceeding three hours, per hour | $166 |
Consultation fee, per hour | $166 |
Director's Hearing pursuant to Sections 1137(a)(3), (4), (5) and (7) | $266 |
Application fee for a Voluntary Remedial Agreement with the Director | $476 |
Voluntary Remedial Agreement Fee, hourly rate | $166 |
Fiscal Year 2008-2009 | |
Site investigation (maximum) | $1,084 |
Failure to timely obtain a Certificate of Registration or obtain a UST permit, unless otherwise provided in this section | $446 |
Failure to timely register a temporary storage facility | $172 |
Failure to obtain approval to modify, repair, close, or remove an UST | $1,084 |
Failure to schedule a site inspection prior to the modification, closure, or removal of an UST | $542 |
(h) Application Fee for New Certificate of Registration. Registrants and permittees shall pay an application fee for a new Certificate of Registration $172.
(i) Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste Base Fee. Any business that is subject to requirements of Articles 21, 21A and/or 22 shall pay an annual base fee $172; this subsection shall not apply to Minimal Quantity Generator as defined in Section 1204(b) of Article 22 of this Code.
(j) Beginning with fiscal year 2007-2008, no later than April 15 of each year, the Controller shall adjust the fees provided in this Article to reflect changes in the relevant Consumer Price Index, without further action by the Board of Supervisors. In adjusting the fees, the Controller may round these fees up or down to the nearest dollar, half-dollar or quarter-dollar. The Director shall perform an annual review of the fees scheduled to be assessed for the following fiscal year and shall file a report with the Controller no later than May 1st of each year, proposing, if necessary, an adjustment to the fees to ensure that costs are fully recovered and that fees do not produce significantly more revenue than required to cover the costs of operating the program. The Controller shall adjust fees when necessary in either case.
(Added by Ord. 164-92, App. 6/10/92; amended by Ord. 168-95, App. 5/26/95; Ord. 399-97, App. 10/17/97; Ord. 158-99, File No. 990761, App. 6/11/99; Ord. 184-04, File No. 040747, App. 7/22/2004; Ord. 152-08, File No. 080741, App. 7/30/2008; Ord. 179-10, File No. 100721, App. 7/23/2010)
Fees are calculated based on the current information on file with the San Francisco Department of Public Health. If the fees in a facility's invoice from the Department do not accurately reflect the facility's activities, the facility's business owner or operator, or the owner of real property upon which a business establishment is located, may submit a Fee Adjustment Form, available from the Department, to show the corrected information and activities. In order to have the fees recalculated by the Department, this form must be submitted with fee payment.
(Added by Ord. 26-14, File No. 130401, App. 3/21/2014, Eff. 4/20/2014)