The Board of Supervisors may amend the proposed biennial budget and appropriation ordinances as follows:
1. After review of the Controller's analysis of the Mayor's revenue estimates, the Board of Supervisors may reduce estimated revenues;
2. The Board of Supervisors may increase or decrease any proposed expenditure in the General Fund or any special, sequestered or other fund so long as the aggregate changes do not cause the expenditures from each fund to exceed the amount proposed for expenditures by the Mayor from any such fund; and
3. The Board of Supervisors may increase or decrease any proposed expenditure for Capital Improvements.
(Amended by Proposition A, Approved 11/5/2009)
The Mayor may reduce or reject any expenditure authorized by the Board of Supervisors, except appropriations for bond interest, redemption or other fixed charges, within ten days after the adoption of a final biennial or supplemental appropriations ordinance. Within ten days of receipt of the Mayor's veto message, the Board of Supervisors may reinstate, in whole or in part, any expenditure reduced or rejected by the Mayor by a vote of two-thirds of its members. In overriding any Mayoral veto, the Board of Supervisors shall not cause the aggregate expenditures for the General Fund or any special, sequestered or other fund in the appropriation ordinances to exceed the Mayor's revenue estimate as allocated to such funds.
(Amended by Proposition A, Approved 11/5/2009)
The Board of Supervisors may authorize the Controller, upon the request of the Mayor, other officials, boards or commissions of the City and County to transfer previously appropriated amounts within the same fund within the same governmental unit without approval of the Board of Supervisors.
Amendments to the appropriations ordinance, as finally adopted, may be initiated by the Mayor or a member of the Board of Supervisors and adopted in the same manner as other ordinances. No amendment to the appropriations ordinance may be adopted unless the Controller certifies availability of funds.
Any appropriation contained in an emergency ordinance shall be deemed to be an amendment to the final appropriations ordinance.
The Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to provide for the issuance of general obligation bonds in accordance with the Constitution of the State of California. General obligation bonds may be issued and sold in accordance with state law or any local procedure adopted by ordinance. There shall be a limit on outstanding general obligation bond indebtedness of three percent of the assessed value of all taxable real and personal property, located within the City and County.
The Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to provide for the issuance of revenue bonds. Revenue bonds shall be issued only with the assent of a majority of the voters upon any proposition for the issuance of revenue bonds, except that no voter approval shall be required with respect to revenue bonds:
1. Approved by three-fourths of all the Board of Supervisors if the bonds are to finance buildings, fixtures or equipment which are deemed necessary by the Board of Supervisors to comply with an order of a duly constituted state or federal authority having jurisdiction over the subject matter;
2. Approved by the Board of Supervisors prior to January 1, 1977;
3. Approved by the Board of Supervisors if the bonds are to establish a fund for the purpose of financing or refinancing for acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of housing in the City and County;
4. Authorized and issued by the Port Commission for any Port-related purpose and secured solely by Port revenues, or authorized and issued for any Airport-related purpose and secured solely by Airport revenues;
5. Issued for the proposes of assisting private parties and not-for-profit entities in the financing and refinancing of the acquisition, construction, reconstruction or equipping of any improvement for industrial, manufacturing, research and development, commercial and energy uses or other facilities and activities incidental thereto, provided the bonds are not secured or payable from any monies of the City and County or its commissions.
6. Issued for the purpose of the reconstruction or replacement of existing water facilities or electric power facilities or combinations of water and electric power facilities under the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission, when authorized by resolution adopted by a three-fourths affirmative vote of all members of the Board of Supervisors.
7. Approved and authorized by the Board of Supervisors and secured solely by an assessment imposed by the City.
8. Issued to finance or refinance the acquisition, construction, installation, equipping, improvement or rehabilitation of equipment or facilities for renewable energy and energy conservation.
Except as expressly provided in this Charter, all revenue bonds may be issued and sold in accordance with state law or any procedure provided for by ordinance.
(Amended November 2001)
The City and County may enter into lease financing agreements only with the assent of the majority of the voters voting upon any proposition for the authorization of the lease financing. As used in this section, lease financing shall mean any lease or sublease made between the City and County and any public agency or authority, a non-profit corporation or a retirement system for the purpose of financing the acquisition, construction or improvement by the City and County of real property or equipment.
The requirements of this section do not apply to:
1. Any lease financing which was approved in fact or in principle by a resolution or ordinance adopted by the Board of Supervisors prior to April 1, 1977; provided, that if the resolution or ordinance approved the lease financing only in principle, the resolution or ordinance must describe in general terms the public improvements or equipment to be financed; or
2. The amendment or the refunding of a lease financing which is expected to result in net savings in rental payments to the City and County on a present value basis, calculated as provided by ordinance; or
3. Lease financing involving a nonprofit corporation established for the purpose of this subsection for the acquisition of equipment, the obligations or evidence of indebtedness with respect to which shall not exceed in the aggregate at any point in time a principal amount of $20 million, such amount to be increased by five percent each fiscal year commencing with fiscal year 1990-1991; provided, however, that prior to each sale of such obligations or evidence of indebtedness, the Controller certifies that in his or her opinion the net interest cost to the City will be lower than other financings involving a lease or leases.
The Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to provide for the issuance of bonds of the City and County for the purpose of refunding any general obligation or revenue bonds of the City and County then outstanding. No voter approval shall be required for the authorization, issuance and sale of refunding bonds, which are expected to result in net debt service savings to the City and County on a present value basis, calculated as provided by ordinance.
Proceedings for the authorization and issuance of bonds for the acquisition, construction or completion of any public utility or utilities may be initiated by electors in the following manner: Whenever a petition, signed by qualified electors of the City and County equal in number to at least fifteen percent of the votes cast for all candidates for Mayor at the last proceeding general municipal election for Mayor, requesting the Board of Supervisors to submit to the voters of the City and County a proposition or propositions for incurring bonded indebtedness for the acquisition, construction or completion of any public utility or utilities shall be filed with the director of elections, the Board of Supervisors shall submit to the voters the proposition or propositions for incurring bonded indebtedness of the City and County for purpose or purposes set forth in that petition at the next general municipal, statewide or special municipal election.
Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Charter, the City and County and its commissions shall have the authority to incur and refund indebtedness as provided by and pursuant to the general laws of the state as such laws are in force at the time any indebtedness is created or refunded by the City and County or its commissions. The Controller certifications required by Sections 3.105 and 9.113 shall not apply to any indebtedness, financing leases or agreements for an exchange of payments based upon interest rates which are entered into in connection with indebtedness or financing leases, provided that the Controller first certifies that sufficient unencumbered balances are expected to be available in the proper fund to meet all payments under such obligations as they become due.
(Amended June 2, 1998)
(Added June 2, 1998; repealed November 2002)
The Port Commission shall have the exclusive power to perform or accomplish issuance of revenue bonds for Port-related purposes, as provided in Section B7.305 of this Charter.
(a) Unused and unencumbered appropriations or unencumbered balances existing at the close of any fiscal year in revenue or expense appropriations of the City and County for any such fiscal year, but exclusive of revenue or money required by law to be held in school, bond, bond interest, bond redemption, pension, trust, utility or other specific funds, or to be devoted exclusively to specified purposes other than biennial appropriations, and together with revenues collected or accruing from any source during such fiscal year, in excess of the estimated revenue from such source as shown by the biennial budget and the appropriation ordinance for such fiscal year, shall be transferred by the Controller, at the closing of such fiscal year, to the General Fund.
(b) In the event that funds are not available to meet authorized expenditures, the Treasurer, upon the recommendation of the Controller, is authorized to transfer monies among funds held by the Treasurer in the pooled funds of the City and County which are legally available for such a purpose, except a pension fund. The Treasurer and the Controller shall set the terms and conditions of the transfer, taking into account the requirements and nature of the fund from which the transfer was made. All monies transferred pursuant to this Section shall accrue interest at not less than the then current rate of interest earned by the Treasurer on the pooled funds of the City and County. In no event shall the Controller or the Treasurer cause any transfer of monies pursuant to this Section if said transfer would be inconsistent with the terms and conditions of any outstanding bonded indebtedness of the City and County, including any of its boards or commissions.
(c) In the event the Mayor or a member of the Board of Supervisors recommends a supplemental appropriation ordinance after the adoption of the budget for any budgetary cycle and prior to the close of the budgetary cycle containing any item which had been rejected by the Mayor in his/her review of departmental budget estimates for the budgetary cycle or which had been rejected by the Board of Supervisors in its consideration of the Mayor's proposed budget for the budgetary cycle, it shall require a vote of two-thirds of all members of the Board of Supervisors to approve such supplemental appropriation ordinance.
(d) No ordinance or resolution for the expenditure of money, except the biennial appropriation ordinance, shall be passed by the Board of Supervisors unless the Controller first certifies to the Board that there is a sufficient unencumbered balance in a fund that may legally be used for such proposed expenditure, and that, in the judgment of the Controller, revenues as anticipated in the appropriation ordinance for such budgetary cycle and properly applicable to meet such proposed expenditures will be available in the treasury in sufficient amount to meet the same as it becomes due.
(e) The Board of Supervisors shall have the power to borrow money by the issuance of tax anticipation notes, temporary notes, commercial paper, or any other short-term debt instruments in the manner provided by state law or City ordinance.
(f) Biennial appropriations shall expire at the end of the budgetary cycle, and the City shall have no authority to expend funds from such appropriations unless and until the Board of Supervisors adopts a new budget, interim budget, or supplemental appropriation for such expenditures.
(g) No City monies shall be drawn from the treasury of the City and County, nor shall any obligation for the expenditure of any money be incurred, except in pursuance of appropriations or transfers made as provided in the Charter and the Administrative Code.
(Amended November 2003; Amended by Proposition A, Approved 11/5/2009)