Preamble. | |
Public Utilities Commission. | |
Goals and Objectives Related to Water and Clean Water. | |
Planning and Reporting. | |
Water, Clean Water, and Power Revenue Bonds. | |
Rates. | |
Personnel and Merit System. | |
Contracting and Purchasing. | |
The Public Utilities Commission operates the Water, Clean Water and Power Utilities of the City and County of San Francisco. Hetch Hetchy Water and Power System is an irreplaceable asset of the people of the City and County of San Francisco. The system is fundamental to the economic vitality of San Francisco and the Bay Area. The voters of the City and County of San Francisco are committed to preserving and protecting the system as well as safeguarding the extraordinary quality of the water from Yosemite and local watersheds. The voters find that the protection, maintenance and repair of the system are among their highest priorities.
San Francisco faces an unprecedented challenge: to restore its aging water system to ensure a reliable Bay Area water supply through the next century. Repairs must be accomplished as quickly as possible to avoid system outages, which could be caused by natural disasters such as earthquake. In planning for its future needs and those of its wholesale customers, the City must promote water conservation and responsible stewardship of its natural resources. The effectiveness of the City's Public Utilities Commission, which has jurisdiction over the system, is essential to achieving these goals.
In addition, San Francisco must upgrade and repair its clean water system to meet changes in state and federal water quality requirements, and to ensure reliability of the system, parts of which are outdated, aged or seismically vulnerable. The voters find that the operation of the clean water system should not unnecessarily place a disproportionate environmental burden on any community.
This measure is intended to enhance public confidence in the City's stewardship of public utilities by:
1. Clarifying that the Public Utilities Commission has exclusive control of water, clean water and power assets owned or maintained by the City and County of San Francisco;
2. Establishing rates sufficient to meet operation, maintenance and financial needs of the system based on costs and sound budgeting and auditing procedures to protect retail ratepayers and reduce interest paid on bonds and other indebtedness while ensuring public review;
3. Establishing the Public Utilities Commission as an independent revenue department not subject to undue financial pressures to contribute to the City's general fund;
4. Requiring the development of long term Capital, Financial and Strategic Plans to ensure that the utilities are operated efficiently in accordance with best public utility practice;
5. Authorizing the Public Utilities Commission to independently enter into certain contracts;
6. Giving the Public Utilities Commission the ability to finance needed capital improvements through revenue bonds or other financing methods consistent with the powers of other major public utilities in California; and
7. Promoting labor stability to ensure that the Capital Improvement Plan is completed expeditiously and efficiently.
(Added November 2002)
(a) Notwithstanding Charter section 4.112, the Public Utilities Commission shall have exclusive charge of the construction, management, supervision, maintenance, extension, expansion, operation, use and control of all water, clean water and energy supplies and utilities of the City as well as the real, personal and financial assets, that are under the Commission's jurisdiction or assigned to the Commission under Section 4.132.
(b) The Public Utilities Commission may enter into Joint Powers Agreements with other public entities in furtherance of the responsibilities of the Commission.
(c) Except to the extent otherwise provided in this Article, the Public Utilities Commission shall be subject to the provisions of Charter sections 4.100 et seq. generally applicable to boards and commissions of the City and County.
(d) The General Manager shall have the authority to organize and reorganize the department. The General Manager shall adopt rules and regulations governing all matters within the jurisdiction of the department subject to section 4.102 as applicable.
(e) Ownership or control of any public utility or any part thereof under the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission may not be transferred or conveyed absent approval by the Public Utilities Commission and approval by a vote of the electors of the City at the election next ensuing not less than 90 days after the adoption of such ordinance, which shall not go into effect until ratified by a majority of the voters voting thereon. Voter approval shall not be required for sales or transfers of real property declared surplus to the needs of any utility by the Public Utilities Commission or to leases or permits for the use of utility real property approved by the Public Utilities Commission.
(Added November 2002)
(a) The Commission shall develop, periodically update and implement programs to achieve goals and objectives consistent with the following:
(1) Provide water and clean water services to San Francisco and water service to its wholesale customers while maintaining stewardship of the system by the City;
(2) Establish equitable rates sufficient to meet and maintain operation, maintenance and financial health of the system;
(3) Provide reliable water and clean water services and optimize the systems' ability to withstand disasters;
(4) Protect and manage lands and natural resources used by the Commission to provide utility services consistent with applicable laws in an environ-mentally sustainable manner. Operate hydroelectric generation facilities in a manner that causes no reasonably anticipated adverse impacts on water service and habitat;
(5) Develop and implement priority programs to increase and to monitor water conservation and efficiency system-wide;
(6) Utilize state-of-the-art innovative technologies where feasible and beneficial;
(7) Develop and implement a comprehensive set of environmental justice guidelines for use in connection with its operations and projects in the City;
(8) Create opportunities for meaningful community participation in development and implementation of the Commission's policies and programs; and
(9) Improve drinking water quality with a goal of exceeding applicable drinking water standards if feasible.
(Added November 2002)
(A) Planning and Reporting
The Public Utilities Commission shall annually hold public hearings to review, update and adopt:
(1) A Long-Term Capital Improvement Program, covering projects during the next 10-year period; including cost estimates and schedules.
(2) A Long-Range Financial Plan, for a 10-year period, including estimates of operation and maintenance expenses, repair and replacement costs, debt costs and rate increase requirements.
(3) A Long-Term Strategic Plan, setting forth strategic goals and objectives and establishing performance standards as appropriate.
The Capital Improvement Program and Long-Range Financial Plan shall serve as a basis and supporting documentation for the Commission's capital budget, the issuance of revenue bonds, other forms of indebtedness and execution of governmental loans under this Charter.
(B) Citizens' Advisory Committee
The Board of Supervisors, in consultation with the General Manager of the Public Utilities Commission, shall establish by ordinance a Citizens' Advisory Committee to provide recommendations to the General Manager of the Public Utilities Commission, the Public Utilities Commission and the Board of Supervisors.
(Added November 2002)