(1) No City elective officer or member of a board or commission may use his or her public position or office to seek or obtain anything of value for the private or professional benefit of himself or herself, his or her immediate family, or for an organization with which he or she is associated.
(2) No City elective officer or member of a board or commission may, directly or by means of an agent, give, offer, promise to give, withhold, or offer or promise to withhold his or her vote or influence, or promise to take or refrain from taking official action with respect to any proposed or pending matter in consideration of, or upon condition that, any other person make or refrain from making a contribution.
(3) No person may offer or give to an officer, directly or indirectly, and no City elective officer or member of a board or commission may solicit or accept from any person, directly or indirectly, anything of value if it could reasonably be expected to influence the officer’s vote, official actions, or judgment with respect to a particular pending legislative or administrative action, or could reasonably be considered as a reward for any official action or inaction on the part of the officer. This subsection (a)(3) does not prohibit a City elective officer or member of a board or commission from engaging in outside employment.
(b) Exception: public generally. The prohibition set forth in subsection (a)(1) shall not apply if the resulting benefit, advantage, or privilege also affects a significant segment of the public and the effect is not unique. For purposes of this subsection (b):
(1) A significant segment of the public is at least 25% of:
(A) all businesses or non-profit entities within the official’s jurisdiction;
(B) all real property, commercial real property, or residential real property within the official’s jurisdiction; or
(C) all individuals within the official’s jurisdiction.
(2) A unique effect on a public official’s financial interest includes a disproportionate effect on:
(A) the development potential or use of the official’s real property or on the income producing potential of the official’s real property or business entity;
(B) an official’s business entity or real property resulting from the proximity of a project that is the subject of a decision;
(C) an official’s interests in business entities or real properties resulting from the cumulative effect of the official’s multiple interests in similar entities or properties that is substantially greater than the effect on a single interest;
(D) an official’s interest in a business entity or real property resulting from the official’s substantially greater business volume or larger real property size when a decision affects all interests by the same or similar rate or percentage;
(E) a person’s income, investments, assets or liabilities, or real property if the person is a source of income or gifts to the official; or
(F) an official’s personal finances or those of his or her immediate family.
(Added by Ord. 129-18, File No. 180280, App. 5/30/2018, Eff. 6/30/2018, Oper. 6/30/2018)