(a) Ceiling Heights. Unless legally constructed as such, no habitable room shall have a ceiling height less than seven feet six inches. Any room, other than a habitable room, shall have a ceiling height of not less than seven feet.
(b) Superficial Floor Area. Every dwelling unit and congregate residence shall have at least one room which shall have not less than 120 square feet of superficial floor area. Every room which is used for both cooking and living or both living and sleeping purposes shall have not less than 144 square feet of superficial floor area. Every room used for sleeping purposes shall have not less than 70 square feet of superficial floor area. When more than two persons occupy a room used for sleeping purposes the required superficial floor area shall be increased at the rate of 50 square feet for each occupant in excess of two. Guest rooms with cooking shall contain the combined required superficial areas of a sleeping and a kitchen, but not less than 144 square feet. Other habitable rooms shall be not less than 70 square feet.
Notwithstanding any provision of this Section, children under the age of six shall not be counted for purposes of determining whether a family with minor children complies with the provisions of this Code.
(c) Width. No habitable room except a kitchen shall be less than seven feet in width. Rooms used as guest rooms with cooking shall have a 10-foot minimum width.
(d) Housing Access. To promote access to housing by families, it shall be unlawful for the owner, lessor, lessee, sublessee, real estate broker, assignee, or other person having the rights of ownership, the right of possession, or other right to rent or lease any dwelling unit or any agent or employee of such person to refuse to rent or lease, or otherwise deny, a dwelling unit to a family, as defined in Section 401 of this Code, on the basis of the actual or potential number of occupants if the total number of persons occupying a room for sleeping purposes does not violate the minimum superficial floor area standards prescribed in Subsection (b) of this Section.
(e) Remedies. A violation of Subsection (d) of this Section shall be subject to the civil remedies specified in Section 204(e) of this Code.
(Added by Ord. 399-89, App. 11/6/89; amended by Ord. 161-92, App. 6/4/92; Ord. 123-93, App. 4/29/93; Ord. 350-95, App. 11/3/95; Ord. 256-07, App. 11/6/2007)
General. For the purpose of determining the light or ventilation required by this Section, any room may be considered as a portion of an adjoining room when one-half of the area of the common wall is open and unobstructed and provides an opening of not less than one-tenth of the floor area of the interior room or 25 square feet, whichever is greater.
Exterior openings for natural light or ventilation required by this Section shall open directly onto a public way or a yard or court located on the same lot as the building.
1. Required windows may open into a roof porch where the porch:
a. Abuts a public way, yard or court; and
b. Has a ceiling height of not less than seven feet; and
c. Has a longer side at least 65 percent open and unobstructed.
2. Skylights.
(a) Natural Light and Ventilation – Habitable Room. Guest rooms and habitable rooms within a dwelling unit or congregate residence shall have an aggregate window area of not less than one-twelfth of the floor area or 10 square feet, whichever is greater. In one-family and two-family dwellings not more than one story and basement in height, a skylight is permitted over a required court or side yard if the skylight ventilating area equals the minimum required window area for rooms ventilated by such court and where another source of ventilation to the court exists or is provided, e.g., a tunnel entrance. In no case shall a skylight be permitted when a sleeping room opens into an enclosed court or side yard.
Openable Window Area. In guest rooms and habitable rooms within a dwelling unit or congregate residence one-half of the required window area in all rooms and hallways shall be openable.
Clerestory windows are permitted, provided they meet the requirements for ventilation as set forth in this Code.
(b) Reserved.
(c) Mechanical Ventilation. An approved system of mechanical ventilation or air conditioning may be used in lieu of openable exterior windows. Such system shall provide not less than two air changes per hour, except that in bathrooms, containing a bathtub, shower or combination thereof, laundry rooms and similar rooms such system shall provide five air changes per hour. A minimum of 15 cubic feet per occupant of the air supply shall be taken from the outside per Section 1202.5 of the Building Code. The point of discharge of exhaust air shall be at least three feet from any opening into the building.
Bathrooms that contain only a water closet, lavatory or combination thereof and similar rooms may be ventilated with an approved mechanical recirculating fan or similar device designed to remove odors from the air.
In single-family dwellings, separate switches for the light and ventilation are permissible.
Any person in charge of a building in which an exhaust fan system of ventilation is installed and used pursuant to this chapter, who fails, neglects or refuses to operate and maintain the system in good order and repair so that the air in each for which it is provided is not completely changed within the specie intervals, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(d) Exit Corridors. Every exit corridor in all apartment houses or hotels shall be ventilated as follows:
(1) Windows Required. In an apartment house or hotel, every exit corridor shall have at least one window unless it is lighted and ventilated by a skylight, a ventilated connecting hallway, or a mechanical ventilation system pursuant to the provisions of this Section.
(2) Window Area and Location. Each required window shall be 10 square feet in area, at least 50 percent of which shall be openable.
(3) Existing transoms in corridor walls shall be removed and the openings covered or closed with incombustible materials fastened so as to prevent the opening of the transoms. A transom is defined as a window above a door or any other window in a hallway, corridor or passageway, other than exterior windows.
(4) Doors opening to corridors from guest rooms or dwelling units shall be maintained in a normally closed position except when used for entrance or egress to the room or dwelling unit.
(5) Skylight Permitted. Skylights shall be permitted in lieu of the required windows in exit corridors in the topmost story of apartment houses and hotels.
(6) Skylight Area and Location.
(i) Each skylight shall have an effective horizontal area of glass of at least eight square feet.
(ii) Each skylight shall be so arranged that its entire ventilating area may be readily opened, or its ventilators may be fixed permanently in an open position providing not less than 400 square inches of ventilating area.
(7) Mechanical Ventilation. An exit corridor of an apartment house or hotel may, in lieu of any window, be:
(i) Lighted and ventilated by a connecting exit corridor equipped with a window or skylight meeting the requirements of this chapter; or
(ii) Ventilated by an approved mechanical system of ventilation designed and operated to produce not less than two complete changes of air per hour.
(8) Stairway Ventilation.
(i) Each enclosed stairway shall be vented at the top by means of a skylight or other approved means of ventilation. If by other approved means, the net ventilating area shall be not less than five percent of the cross-sectional area of the stairwell.
(ii) Construction of skylights shall conform to the Building Code.
(e) Electrical Convenience Outlets. Every habitable room shall have at least one electrical convenience outlet and every kitchen shall have at least two electrical convenience outlets; or in a kitchen in which all major appliances such as range, refrigerator, stove, oven, disposal unit and/or dishwasher are built into the wall or cabinets of said kitchen, or in which there is no major electrical appliance or in which the major appliance is operated from a central unit in the building, one electrical convenience outlet shall be furnished for each 12 feet of continuous counter and for each separate counter area. Ceiling and wall lighting fixture outlets shall not be included in the required number of the required outlets.
Rooms with running water shall require wall switches for control of the lighting outlets.
All new outlets, fixtures and wiring shall comply with the Electrical Code.
(f) Dormitories – Capacity. No dormitory shall contain sleeping accommodations for more than 15 persons, nor shall any dormitory be so overcrowded as to be inconsistent with the requirement of this chapter for rooms used for sleeping purposes, or for the amount of sleeping room floor area per occupant.
The bed frames shall be made of hard, smooth, incombustible, nonabsorbent material; the beds to be arranged as follows:
(1) Not less than three feet of horizontal space between beds.
(2) Not less than one foot of clear space between the floor of the dormitory and the underside of the lower bed.
(g) Artificial Light. In every apartment house and in every hotel there shall be installed artificial light sufficient in volume to illuminate properly every exit corridor, passageway, public stairway, fire escape egress, elevator, public water closet compartment, or toilet room to prevent safety hazard.
(Added by Ord. 399-89, App. 11/6/89; amended by Ord. 160-92, App. 6/4/92; Ord. 161-92, App. 6/4/92; Ord. 350-95, App. 11/3/95; Ord. 192-02, App. 9/17/2002; Ord. 136-05, App. 6/28/2005; Ord. 256-07, App. 11/6/2007)
(a) Dwelling Units, Lodging Houses and Congregate Residences. Dwelling unit, lodging houses and congregate residence shall be provided with a water-closet, a lavatory, and a bathtub or shower, within the unit, except that one facility for the exclusive use of a single dwelling unit may be situated off the exit corridor on the same floor.
(b) Hotels. Hotel guestrooms shall be provided with a water-closet, a lavatory, and a bathtub or shower, within the guest room or said facilities may be situated off the exit corridor on the same floor pursuant to the table indicated below.
Single-user water-closets, lavatories, bathtubs, and showers that are situated off the exit corridors shall be made available for the use of all residents, regardless of gender or gender identity, and shall be identified as all-gender facilities by signage that complies with Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations.
The following table will be used in determining the minimum number of public sanitary facilities required per floor when guest rooms do not contain the requisite sanitary facilities:
Total Number of Public Sanitary Facilities Required for Guest Rooms (per Floor)
*Existing Number of Guest Rooms per Floor | Public Sanitary Facilities Required |
*Existing Number of Guest Rooms per Floor | Public Sanitary Facilities Required |
2 - 20 | 2 |
21 - 30 | 3 |
31 - 40 | 4 |
41 - 50 | 5 |
51 - 60 | 6 |
61 - 70 | 7 |
Etc. | |
*NOTE: Existing guest rooms with private sanitation facilities are not part of the guest room floor total for purposes of this requirement.
(c) Kitchen. Every dwelling unit shall be provided with a kitchen having adequate and clean facilities for the preparation, storage and preservation of food and every kitchen shall be provided with a kitchen sink constructed of approved nonabsorbent and impervious materials. No wooden sink or sink of similar absorbent material will be permitted. The space underneath the sink or wash tray shall be constructed so as to provide for its ventilation and inspection.
All appliances provided by the owner shall be maintained in good working condition, excluding minor damage caused by inappropriate housekeeping practices or improper use.
Community kitchens and kitchens in guest rooms shall comply with Section 507 of this Code.
(d) Fixtures.
(1) All plumbing fixtures shall be connected to a sanitary sewer. All plumbing fixtures shall be connected to an approved system of water supply and required fixtures shall be provided with hot and cold running water, except water closets shall be provided with cold water only.
(2) All plumbing fixtures shall be of an approved nonabsorbent material. No timers or devices, other than water conservation fixtures required by Chapters 12 and 12A of this Code, shall be permitted to restrict or interrupt the water flow from showerheads installed in any dwellings, apartment houses, dormitories, lodging houses, and hotels, as defined in this Code; provided, however, that the prohibition set forth in section 505(d)(2) shall not apply to owner-occupied dwelling units.
(3) For the purposes of this Section, water heated to a minimum temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit (41 degrees Centigrade) and a maximum of 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 degrees Centigrade) at the tap shall be furnished to hotels and apartment houses.
(4) Each building shall provide four gallons of hot water storage capacity per guest room and eight gallons of hot water storage capacity per dwelling unit.
(5) Shower heads with no more than a 2.5- gallon-per-minute flow shall be required. Showerheads of the ball-joint type that cannot easily be removed from the wall without structural alteration are exempt from this requirement.
(e) Water Closet Compartment. See Sections 1210 in the Building Code.
(f) Room Separations. No room used for the preparation of food shall be used for sleeping purposes except as otherwise provided in the Building Code.
Every kitchen or room in which food is stored or prepared shall be separated from any water closet or urinal compartment by at least a tight-fitting door.
(1) No change is required in apartment houses and hotels constructed prior to August 17, 1923.
(2) No change is required in dwellings constructed prior to January 1, 1929.
Every partition in a building separating a kitchen with gas appliances from a room used for sleeping purposes shall extend to the ceiling or, if there is no ceiling, to the roof. An opening in the partition shall be provided with a door; provided, however, that a wall or partition an opening not exceeding three feet in width and seven feet in height may be permitted.
Every water closet, bathtub or shower required by this Code shall be installed in a room which will afford privacy to the occupant.
(g) Installation and Maintenance. All sanitary facilities shall be installed and maintained in safe and sanitary condition and in accordance with all applicable laws.
All plumbing fixtures, gas appliances and appurtenances thereto and their installation, maintenance, repair or alteration shall comply with the requirements of the Plumbing Code and all other applicable sections of the Municipal Code.
(h) Waterproofing – Basements. The walls and floor of every basement which is below the ground level shall be waterproofed and dampproof, and, whenever necessary in the opinion of the Director, the walls and floor shall be provided with approved waterproofing protection.
(i) Drainage. See Appendix Section J109 of the Building Code. One-family and two-family dwellings, other than those buildings constructed or converted to an R-3 Occupancy in which the Plumbing Code and/or Building Code in effect at the time of construction or alteration, require other provisions, are exempt from the drainage requirements for balconies and other projections, provided the drainage from the projection or balcony falls within the property lines and does not adversely affect adjacent property.
(j) Grab Bars. The water-closet, lavatory, and bathing facilities provided for guest rooms situated on the same floor and used in common are required to have grab bars that comply with Chapter 11B of the California Building Code; except that limitations within existing floor and room configurations will be taken into consideration regarding grab bar location and configuration. Building permits are required for installation, however all Department of Building Inspection fees required by Section 110A of the San Francisco Building Code will be waived for the facilities identified in the application if the applicant obtains the building permit within 60 days from the date this subsection (j) becomes effective.
(Added by Ord. 399-89, App. 11/6/89; amended by Ord. 160-92, App. 6/4/92; Ord. 161-92, App. 6/4/92; Ord. 350-95, App. 11/3/95; Ord. 192-02, App. 9/17/2002; Ord. 256-07, App. 11/6/2007; Ord. 29-13, App. 2/26/2013, Eff. 3/26/2013; Ord. 128-17, File No. 170159, App. 6/30/2017, Eff. 7/30/2017; Ord. 25-18, File No. 171285, App. 2/14/2018, Eff. 3/17/2018)
(a) Community kitchens.
(1) General. Community kitchens provided for the use of occupants of guest rooms shall comply with this section and shall not be removed but may be replaced.
The number of guest rooms that may be served by a community kitchen shall be based on the following schedule:
Minimum Size of Community Kitchen (superficial area in square feet)
1 | Number of Guest Rooms Served |
100 (9.29 m2) | 1 - 6 |
10 (0.929 m2) | Per additional guest room |
1 NOTE: Superficial floor area is the net floor area within the enclosing walls of the room in which the ceiling height is not less than 7'6" (2.286 m) excluding built-in equipment such as wardrobes, cabinets, kitchen units or fixtures which are not readily removable. Adjacent dining areas may be counted as additional superficial floor area.
(2) Cooking facilities. Only electric cooking appliances shall be used in community kitchens. Where they consist of electric plates, not more than two single or one double unit shall be permitted for each guest room served by the kitchen. Gas fuel appliances shall be prohibited.
Electric plates shall be securely attached to a metal shelf or metal table and shall be located not closer than 3 inches (76.2 mm) from a wall surface. Where a wall of combustible construction is located closer than 24 inches (609.6 mm) to an electric plate, a wall guard consisting of sheet metal of not less than 28 gauge over 1/4-inch (6.35 mm) millboard, or other approved materials, shall be secured to the adjacent wall directly to the rear of the electric plates. Such protective wall guard shall extend a minimum of 24 inches (609.6 mm) above the cooking top for the full width of the appliance.
Storage facilities. Countertops shall be of noncombustible construction. One noncombustible food storage cabinet with a minimum of 4 square feet (0.3716 m2) of shelf space shall be provided for each guest room served by the community kitchen. Countertops may be of combustible materials, provided the countertop is of an approved nonabsorbent material. Cooking appliances shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. Countertops of combustible materials shall not be used to support electric plates.
Cabinets located over the cooking area shall have a minimum of 30 inches (762 mm) clearance above the cooking top and shall have a noncombustible covering on the underside above the cooking area.
(3) Construction. Community kitchens shall be located in a room with a self-closing door. The minimum ceiling height shall be 7'6" (2.286 m). Floors shall be waterproofed as required in Section 2306.9 for floors. At least one metal kitchen sink drainboard shall be provided. Each sink shall be provided with hot and cold running water.
(b) Guest room cooking facilities. Cooking facilities located within guest rooms shall comply with Section 507(a).
(Added by Ord. 256-07, App. 11/6/2007; amended by Ord. 72-21, File No. 210346, App. 5/14/2021, Eff. 6/14/2021)