It is found and declared that there exist in the City and County of San Francisco substandard and unsanitary residential buildings and dwelling units whose physical conditions and characteristics render them unfit or unsafe for human occupancy and habitation, and which conditions and characteristics are such as to be detrimental to or jeopardize the health, safety and welfare of their occupants and of the public.
It is further found and declared that there exist in the City and County of San Francisco residential buildings and dwelling units which were legally constructed according to standards now generally recognized to be obsolete and deficient in terms of current, modern housing standards for construction, use, occupancy, light and ventilation and sanitary facilities. The continued existence of these obsolete and deficient residential buildings and dwelling units is detrimental to or jeopardizes the health, safety and welfare of their occupants and of the public.
It is further found and declared that the existence of such substandard buildings by reason of being unsanitary, obsolete and deficient as dwelling units threatens the physical, social and economic stability of sound residential buildings and areas, and of their supporting neighborhood facilities and institutions; necessitates disproportionate expenditures of public funds for remedial action; impairs the efficient and economical exercise of governmental powers and functions; and destroys the amenity of residential areas and neighborhoods and of the community as a whole.
For these reasons it is hereby declared to be the policy of the City and County of San Francisco:
(1) That it is in the public interest of the people of San Francisco to protect and promote the existence of sound and wholesome residential buildings, dwelling units and neighborhoods by the adoption and enforcement of such standards, regulations and procedures as will remedy the existence or prevent the development or creation of dangerous, substandard, unsanitary or obsolete and deficient residential buildings and dwelling units.
(2) That the adoption and enforcement of a Housing Code is a necessary municipal governmental function in the interest of health, safety and welfare of the people of San Francisco.
(Added by Ord. 399-89, App. 11/6/89; amended by Ord. 161-92, App. 6/4/92; Ord. 256-07, App. 11/6/2007)
The purpose of this Code is to provide for the maintenance of the minimum requirements for the protection of life, limb, health, property, safety and welfare of the general public and the owners and occupants of residential buildings in San Francisco. In case of any conflict between the provisions of this Code and other provisions of the Municipal Code, the most restrictive shall govern except as set forth in Section 104(a).
(Added by Ord. 399-89, App. 11/6/89; amended by Ord. 161-92, App. 6/4/92; Ord. 256-07, App. 11/6/2007)