The Community Mental Health Service may provide any or all the following services for the City and County:
(a) Out-patient psychiatric clinics for those who are unable to obtain private care, including referrals by physicians and surgeons.
(b) In-patient psychiatric services for those who are unable to obtain private care, including referrals by physicians and surgeons.
(c) Rehabilitation services for patients with psychiatric illnesses for those who are unable to obtain private care, including referrals by physicians and surgeons.
(d) Information services to the general public and educational services furnished by qualified mental health personnel to schools, courts, health and welfare agencies, probation departments and other appropriate public or private agencies or groups authorized in the approved plan for Community Mental Health Services.
(e) Psychiatric consultant services to public or private agencies for the promotion and coordination of services that preserve mental health and for the early recognition and management of conditions that might develop into psychiatric illnesses.
(f) Any other services which are now or which may be subsequently permitted by the Short-Doyle Act (Sections 9000 to 9058 of the State Welfare and Institutions Code).
(Ord. No. 193-58, Sec. 5; amended by Ord. 337-99, File No. 992043, App. 12/30/99)