The Director of Health is hereby authorized to enter into and execute written agreements on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco with persons who agree to provide services voluntarily to the homeless or to patients treated at Department of Public Health Facilities, including hospital facilities, under the clinical supervision of a City employee, including but not limited to physicians providing medical care. These agreements may provide that the volunteer is an employee of the City and County of San Francisco for purposes of the Tort Claims Act. The Director of Health shall, on an annual basis, report to the Risk Manager the circumstances under which the volunteers are selected, the protocols under which they operate, the location of operations, and any other information suggested by the Risk Manager to enable the Risk Manager to assess the City's potential liability for operation of this medical services program.
(Added by Ord. 531-88, App. 12/16/88; amended by Ord. 418-89, App. 11/17/89; Ord. 337-99, File No. 992043, App. 12/30/99)