Designated Departments shall have authority until January 8, 2026 to accept and expend gifts, grants from nongovernmental sources, services, bequests of money, and other donations, of up to $10 million, for purposes of supporting the City’s efforts on the Core Initiatives. The Controller is authorized to establish special funds as required to appropriately account for funds so received. Designated Departments shall annually report to the Board of Supervisors on such donations and expenditures 1
(Added by Ord. 10-25, File No. 250040, App. 2/12/2025, Eff. 3/15/2025)
As authorized by Administrative Code Section 3.18, the Controller may transfer appropriated funds within a department for the purpose of supporting the City’s work on the Core Initiatives. Until January 8, 2026, such transfers shall not be further limited by administrative requirements not required by Section 3.18 or the Charter.
(Added by Ord. 10-25, File No. 250040, App. 2/12/2025, Eff. 3/15/2025)
(a) The Controller in consultation with the City Administrator shall have authority to adopt rules and regulations to effectuate the purposes of this Chapter 21B. By way of example but not limitation, these rules and regulations may govern the expedited approval of Contracts and Leases for Core Initiatives to ensure increased transparency and accountability, and additional public reporting of activities conducted under this Chapter 21B. Nothing in this subsection (a) shall limit the authority of the Controller or City Administrator to conduct regular audits or reviews of department activities.
(b) A Designated Department that enters into or amends a Contract or Lease for a Core Initiative under Section 21B.3 shall submit to the Board of Supervisors a report every three months that includes the following information for each such Contract or Lease that the department executed during the prior reporting period: the name of the party with whom the City has entered into the Contract or Lease; the services to be provided under the Contract; the amount of funds conveyed or received; the duration of the Contract or Lease; and any measurable outcomes of the Contract or Lease.
This Chapter 21B shall expire by operation of law on May 5, 2029. Upon expiration of this Chapter 21B, the City Attorney is authorized to cause this Chapter to be removed from the Administrative Code.
Editor’s Note:
Chapter 21C (“Miscellaneous Prevailing Wage Requirements”) was redesignated as Labor and Employment Code by Ord. 221-23, File No. 230835, approved November 3, 2023, effective December 4, 2023, and operative January 4, 2024.
(Added by Ord. 222-99, File No. 990877, App. 8/6/99; amended by Ord. 9-11, File No. 101007, App. 1/7/2011; Ord. 12-12
, File No. 111190, App. 2/2/2012, Eff. 3/3/2012; Ord. 75-14
, File No. 140226, App. 5/28/2014, Eff. 6/27/2014; redesignated as Labor and Employment Code Sec. by Ord. 221-23, File No. 230835, App. 11/3/2023, Eff. 12/4/2023, Oper. 1/4/2024)
(Added by Ord. 3-03, File No. 021504, App. 1/24/2003; amended by Ord. 9-11, File No. 101007, App. 1/7/2011; Ord. 12-12
, File No. 111190, App. 2/2/2012, Eff. 3/3/2012; Ord. 75-14
, File No. 140226, App. 5/28/2014, Eff. 6/27/2014; redesignated as Labor and Employment Code Sec. by Ord. 221-23, File No. 230835, App. 11/3/2023, Eff. 12/4/2023, Oper. 1/4/2024)
(Added by Ord. 299-06, File No. 061468, App. 12/12/2006; amended by Ord. 5-07, File No. 061584, App. 1/19/2007; Ord. 9-11, File No. 101007, App. 1/7/2011; Ord. 12-12
, File No. 111190, App. 2/2/2012, Eff. 3/3/2012; redesignated as Labor and Employment Code Sec. by Ord. 221-23, File No. 230835, App. 11/3/2023, Eff. 12/4/2023, Oper. 1/4/2024)
(Added by Ord. 12-12
, File No. 111190, App. 2/2/2012, Eff. 3/3/2012; amended by Ord. 90-14, File No. 140383, App. 6/19/2014, Eff. 7/19/2014; Ord. 10-16
, File No. 150874, App. 2/10/2016, Eff. 3/11/2016; Ord. 187-16, File No. 160199, App. 10/14/2016, Eff. 11/13/2016; Ord. 211-16, File No. 160891, App. 10/28/2016, Eff. 11/27/2016; redesignated as Labor and Employment Code Sec. by Ord. 221-23, File No. 230835, App. 11/3/2023, Eff. 12/4/2023, Oper. 1/4/2024)
1. Ord. 187-16, Section 2, states: “as indicated in Administrative Code Section 21C.10(e) (now at Labor and Employment Code Section (e)), Section 21C.10 (now at Labor and Employment Code Section ) shall become operative only upon the initial setting of a Prevailing Rate of Wages for the categories of work covered by that section.”
1. Ord. 211-16, Section 4, states: “as indicated in Administrative Code Section 21 C.11(e) (now at Labor and Employment Code Section (e)), Section 21 C.11 (now at Labor and Employment Code Section ) shall become operative only upon the initial setting by the Board of Supervisors of a Prevailing Rate of Wages for the categories of work covered by that section.”