The Mental Health SF Implementation Working Group (“Implementation Working Group”) is hereby established.
(Added by Ord. 300-19, File No. 191148, App. 12/20/2019, Eff. 1/20/2020, Oper. 1/20/2020)
(a) The Implementation Working Group shall consist of 13 members, appointed by the Mayor, the Board of Supervisors, or the City Attorney, as specified in subsection (b).
(b) Seats 1-13 shall be filled as follows:
(1) Seat 1 shall be held by a person with expertise working on behalf of healthcare workers, appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
(2) Seats 2 and 3 shall each be held by a person who identifies as having a mental health condition or identifies as having both a mental health condition and substance use condition (“dual diagnosis”), and who has accessed mental health or substance use services in San Francisco, appointed by the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors, respectively.
(3) Seat 4 shall be held by a City peace officer, emergency medical technician, or firefighter (“First Responder”) with expertise in mental health and/or substance use treatment, appointed by the Mayor.
(4) Seats 5 and 6 shall each be held by a substance use treatment provider with expertise in mental health treatment and harm reduction, appointed by the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors, respectively.
(5) Seat 7 shall be held by a mental health or substance use treatment provider with experience working with criminal system-involved patients, appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
(6) Seat 8 shall be held by a psychiatrist or other behavioral health professional with expertise providing services to transitional age youth (ages 18-24) in San Francisco, appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
(7) Seat 9 shall be held by a person with experience in the management or operation of residential treatment programs, appointed by the Mayor.
(8) Seat 10 shall be held by an employee of the Department of Public Health with expertise in working with dually diagnosed persons, appointed by the Mayor.
(9) Seat 11 shall be held by a person with experience providing supportive housing in San Francisco, appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
(10) Seat 12 shall be held by an employee of the Department of Public Health with experience in health systems or hospital administration, appointed by the Mayor.
(11) Seat 13 shall be held by a person with expertise in the field of health law, appointed by the City Attorney.
(Added by Ord. 300-19, File No. 191148, App. 12/20/2019, Eff. 1/20/2020, Oper. 1/20/2020)
(a) Members of the Implementation Working Group shall serve two-year terms, beginning on June 1, 2020; provided, however, the term of the initial appointees in Seats 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 shall be one year, expiring on June 1, 2021.
(b) Members of the Implementation Working Group shall serve at the pleasure of their respective appointing authorities, and may be removed by the appointing authority at any time.
(c) The Mayor, Board of Supervisors, and City Attorney shall make initial appointments to the Implementation Working Group within 90 days of the effective date of this Article XLIV.
(d) The Implementation Working Group’s inaugural meeting shall be held within 90 days of the effective date of this Article XLIV, provided that a majority of the members have been appointed and are present at the meeting. There shall be at least ten days’ public notice of the inaugural meeting.
(e) The Implementation Working Group shall meet at least monthly after the inaugural meeting.
(f) Any member who misses three regular meetings of the Implementation Working Group within any 12-month period without the express approval of the Implementation Working Group at or before each missed meeting shall be deemed to have resigned from the body 10 days after the third unapproved absence. The Implementation Working Group shall inform the appointing authority for the resigned member’s seat of any such resignation.
(g) Service on the Implementation Working Group is voluntary and members shall receive no compensation from the City, except that a City employee appointed to Seat 4, 10, or 12 shall receive compensation from the City as an employee, because work on the Implementation Working Group shall be considered part of the employee’s work for the City.
(h) The Department of Public Health shall provide administrative and clerical support for the Implementation Working Group. All City officials and agencies shall cooperate with the Implementation Working Group in the performance of its functions.
(i) One representative from each of the following departments shall attend meetings of the Implementation Working Group to be available for consultation by its members: the Department of Public Health, the Human Services Agency, the Department of Disability and Aging Services, and the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing.
(a) The Implementation Working Group shall have the power and duty to advise the Mental Health Board or any successor agency, the Health Commission, the Department of Public Health, the Mayor, and the Board of Supervisors, and may advise the San Francisco Health Authority, on the design, outcomes, and effectiveness of Mental Health SF, established by Section 15.104 of the Administrative Code. The Implementation Working Group shall evaluate the effectiveness of Mental Health SF in meeting the behavioral health and housing needs of eligible participants, by reviewing program data, and shall review and assess the Implementation Plan that is required to be submitted to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors under subsection (h)(3) of Section 15.104 of the Administrative Code.
(b) The Implementation Working Group shall work with the Controller and the Department of Human Resources to conduct a staffing analysis of both City and nonprofit mental health services providers to determine whether there are staffing shortages that impact the providers’ ability to provide effective and timely mental health services. If the staffing analysis concludes that there are staffing shortages that impact timely and effective service delivery, the staffing analysis shall also include recommendations regarding appropriate salary ranges that should be established, and other working conditions that should be changed, to attract and retain qualified staff for the positions where there are staffing shortages.
(c) By no later than October 1, 2020, and every year thereafter, the Implementation Working Group shall submit to the Board of Supervisors, the Mayor, and the Director of Health a written report on its progress.
(d) By no later than June 1, 2021, the Implementation Working Group shall submit to the Board of Supervisors, the Mayor, and the Director of Health its final recommendations concerning the design of Mental Health SF, and any steps that may be required to ensure its successful implementation.
(e) Within six months of the effective date of this Article XLIV, the Implementation Working Group shall submit to the Mayor, the Board of Supervisors, and the Director of Health the staffing analysis required by subsection (b).
(f) In the event that the actual or projected annual cost of implementing Mental Health SF exceeds $150 million, as annually adjusted to reflect changes in the Consumer Price Index (the “Cost Cap”), the Implementation Working Group shall submit to the Board of Supervisors, the Mayor, and the Director of Health recommendations for how to reduce the scope of services provided by Mental Health SF in order to reduce annual costs so that they do not exceed the Cost Cap.
(Added by Ord. 300-19, File No. 191148, App. 12/20/2019, Eff. 1/20/2020, Oper. 1/20/2020)
This Article XLIV shall expire by operation of law, and the Implementation Working Group shall terminate, on the effective date of the ordinance in Board File No. 240984 amending this Section 5.44-5. After its expiration, the City Attorney is authorized to cause this Article XLIV to be removed from the Administrative Code.