Creation of Committee. | |
Membership and Qualifications. | |
Organization and Terms of Office. | |
Duties. | |
Meetings and Procedures. | |
Sunset. |
Editor’s Notes:
Former Chapter 5, Article XXVI (“Wage Theft Task Force”), which comprised former Secs. 5.260 through 5.260-5, was repealed by Ord. 4-19, File No. 180217, App. 1/25/2019, Eff. 2/25/2019.
Former Chapter 5, Article XXVI (“Back Streets Business Advisory Board”), which comprised former Secs. 5.260 through 5.265, was enacted by Ord. 279-04, File No. 041356, App. 11/26/2004, and amended in part by Ord. 8-08, File No. 071565, App. 1/18/2008. It expired by operation of its sunset provision on 12/31/2008.
The Board of Supervisors hereby establishes the South of Market Community Planning Advisory Committee (“Committee”).
(Added by Ord. 242-19, File No. 181215, App. 11/1/2019, Eff. 12/2/2019)
(a) The Committee shall consist of 11 voting members. Together, the members of the Committee shall represent the cultural diversity of the East SoMa, Central SoMa, and Western SoMa neighborhoods, and ideally will include renters of residences in the neighborhoods, resident homeowners in the neighborhoods, low-income residents, local merchants, and representatives of established neighborhood groups within the East SoMa, Central SoMa, and Western SoMa Plan Areas. All members shall live, work, or own a business within the boundaries of the East SoMa, Central SoMa, or Western SoMa Area Plans. When fully constituted, at least three members shall live within the boundaries of the East SoMa, Central SoMa, or Western SoMa Area Plans.
(b) Seats 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 shall be held by individuals nominated by the District 6 Supervisor and appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
(1) Seat 1 shall be held by an individual who has small business expertise.
(2) Seat 2 shall be held by an individual with familiarity and experience in infrastructure and/or safety, as relating to pedestrians, bicyclists, or transit.
(3) Seat 3 shall be held by an individual who has familiarity and experience in historic preservation and/or cultural preservation.
(4) Seat 4 shall be held by an individual who has familiarity and experience in development and/or management of affordable housing.
(5) Seat 5 shall be held by an individual who provides direct social services to SoMa residents.
(6) Seats 6 and 7 shall have no additional required qualifications.
(c) Seats 8, 9, 10, and 11 shall be held by individuals appointed by the Mayor.
(1) Seat 8 shall be held by an individual with a record of advocacy for parks, recreation, and open space in San Francisco.
(2) Seat 9 shall be held by an individual who has expertise in employment development or represents labor interests.
(3) Seats 10 and 11 shall have no additional required qualifications.
(d) There shall be 11 alternate members of the Committee, one designated for each of the 11 seats. Alternate members shall be appointed for their respective seats in the same manner prescribed in subsections (b) and (c). The alternate members of the Committee ideally will meet the requirements set forth in subsections (b) and (c) for their respective seats, but in any event must meet the standards set for voting members in subsection (a). An alternate member shall temporarily serve on the Committee as a voting member when there is a vacancy in the seat, or when the seat is filled but the member holding the seat is absent from the meeting; the same is true for an alternate member temporarily serving on a subcommittee or working group.
(e) Each member and each alternate member of the Committee shall serve at the pleasure of their respective appointing authority and may be removed by their appointing authority at any time.
(Added by Ord. 242-19, File No. 181215, App. 11/1/2019, Eff. 12/2/2019)