Creation of Committee. | |
Membership and Qualifications. | |
Organization and Terms of Office. | |
Duties. | |
Meetings and Procedures. | |
Sunset. |
Editor’s Notes:
Former Chapter 5, Article XXVI (“Wage Theft Task Force”), which comprised former Secs. 5.260 through 5.260-5, was repealed by Ord. 4-19, File No. 180217, App. 1/25/2019, Eff. 2/25/2019.
Former Chapter 5, Article XXVI (“Back Streets Business Advisory Board”), which comprised former Secs. 5.260 through 5.265, was enacted by Ord. 279-04, File No. 041356, App. 11/26/2004, and amended in part by Ord. 8-08, File No. 071565, App. 1/18/2008. It expired by operation of its sunset provision on 12/31/2008.
The Board of Supervisors hereby establishes the South of Market Community Planning Advisory Committee (“Committee”).
(Added by Ord. 242-19, File No. 181215, App. 11/1/2019, Eff. 12/2/2019)
(a) The Committee shall consist of 11 voting members. Together, the members of the Committee shall represent the cultural diversity of the East SoMa, Central SoMa, and Western SoMa neighborhoods, and ideally will include renters of residences in the neighborhoods, resident homeowners in the neighborhoods, low-income residents, local merchants, and representatives of established neighborhood groups within the East SoMa, Central SoMa, and Western SoMa Plan Areas. All members shall live, work, or own a business within the boundaries of the East SoMa, Central SoMa, or Western SoMa Area Plans. When fully constituted, at least three members shall live within the boundaries of the East SoMa, Central SoMa, or Western SoMa Area Plans.
(b) Seats 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 shall be held by individuals nominated by the District 6 Supervisor and appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
(1) Seat 1 shall be held by an individual who has small business expertise.
(2) Seat 2 shall be held by an individual with familiarity and experience in infrastructure and/or safety, as relating to pedestrians, bicyclists, or transit.
(3) Seat 3 shall be held by an individual who has familiarity and experience in historic preservation and/or cultural preservation.
(4) Seat 4 shall be held by an individual who has familiarity and experience in development and/or management of affordable housing.
(5) Seat 5 shall be held by an individual who provides direct social services to SoMa residents.
(6) Seats 6 and 7 shall have no additional required qualifications.
(c) Seats 8, 9, 10, and 11 shall be held by individuals appointed by the Mayor.
(1) Seat 8 shall be held by an individual with a record of advocacy for parks, recreation, and open space in San Francisco.
(2) Seat 9 shall be held by an individual who has expertise in employment development or represents labor interests.
(3) Seats 10 and 11 shall have no additional required qualifications.
(d) There shall be 11 alternate members of the Committee, one designated for each of the 11 seats. Alternate members shall be appointed for their respective seats in the same manner prescribed in subsections (b) and (c). The alternate members of the Committee ideally will meet the requirements set forth in subsections (b) and (c) for their respective seats, but in any event must meet the standards set for voting members in subsection (a). An alternate member shall temporarily serve on the Committee as a voting member when there is a vacancy in the seat, or when the seat is filled but the member holding the seat is absent from the meeting; the same is true for an alternate member temporarily serving on a subcommittee or working group.
(e) Each member and each alternate member of the Committee shall serve at the pleasure of their respective appointing authority and may be removed by their appointing authority at any time.
(Added by Ord. 242-19, File No. 181215, App. 11/1/2019, Eff. 12/2/2019)
(a) Members of the Committee shall serve three-year terms; provided, however, that the term of the initial appointees, including alternates, in Seats 1, 2, 7, and 8 shall expire at noon on August 1, 2021; the term of the initial appointees in Seats 3, 4, 9, and 10, including alternates, shall expire at noon on August 1, 2022; and the term of the initial appointees in Seats 5, 6, and 11, including alternates, shall expire at noon on August 1, 2023. There shall be no limits on the number of terms a member may serve on the Committee, as either a voting member or an alternate.
(b) Service on the Committee shall be voluntary and members shall receive no compensation from the City.
(c) Any voting member who misses three regular meetings of the Committee within a six-month period without the express approval of the Committee by majority vote at or before each missed meeting shall be deemed to have resigned from the Committee 10 days after the third unapproved absence. The Committee shall inform the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in the case of a Board appointee, and the Mayor’s Office in the case of a mayoral appointee, of any such resignation. Any absence of a voting member of the Committee shall be deemed approved by the Committee, and shall not count as an unapproved absence, if the alternate member of the Committee designated for the seat attends a meeting in place of the absent voting member.
(d) The Planning Department, in consultation as appropriate with other members of the Interagency Planning and Implementation Committee described in Chapter 36 of the Administrative Code, shall provide expertise to the Committee as appropriate. The Planning Department shall provide administrative and clerical support for the Committee.
(Added by Ord. 242-19, File No. 181215, App. 11/1/2019, Eff. 12/2/2019)
(a) The general purpose of the Committee shall be to provide input to the Board of Supervisors, the Mayor, and City agencies regarding the implementation of the Central SoMa Plan, Western SoMa Area Plan, and East SoMa Area Plan. The City agencies to which the Committee may provide input include, but are not limited to, the Planning Department, the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development, the Office of Economic and Workforce Development, the Municipal Transportation Agency, the Recreation and Park Department, the Department of Public Works, the Arts Commission, and the Interagency Planning and Implementation Committee. The Committee’s prioritization of revenue expenditures described in subsection (b) below that are collected from development projects in the Central SoMa Plan Area shall be consistent with the Central SoMa Implementation Program document.
(b) The Committee may provide advice regarding the following:
(1) Prioritization of community improvement projects and other public investments funded by the Central SoMa Infrastructure Impact Fund, established in Planning Code Section 433.4, including review of any proposed In-Kind Agreements;
(2) Prioritization of community improvement projects and other public investments related to transit, parks and recreation, complete streets, and environmental sustainability that are funded by proceeds of the Central SoMa Community Facilities District special tax, as described in Planning Code Section 434;
(3) Prioritization of community improvement projects and other public investments funded with Eastern Neighborhoods Impact Fee revenues collected from development projects within East SoMa, Central SoMa, and Western SoMa pursuant to Planning Code Section 423, including review of any proposed In-Kind Agreements;
(4) Proposed revisions or updates to the Central SoMa Implementation Program Document;
(5) Proposed revisions to the sections of the Planning Code or other Codes that are related to implementation of the Central SoMa Plan, Western SoMa Area Plan, and East SoMa Area Plan; and
(6) Monitoring implementation of the Central SoMa Plan, Western SoMa Area Plan, and East SoMa Area Plan.
(c) The Committee also may provide advice on the following issues regarding development projects and proposals within the boundaries of the East SoMa Area Plan, Central SoMa Plan, or Western SoMa Area Plan, or within 0.25 miles of the boundaries of said area plans but outside the boundaries of the Showplace Square/Potrero Hill, Mission, Central Waterfront, and Market and Octavia Area Plans:
(1) Individual development proposals;
(2) Compliance by individual development projects with specific conditions of project approvals;
(3) Design and programming of open spaces, including Privately-Owned Public Open Spaces (POPOS); and
(4) Development proposals for public properties.
(d) City agencies may seek input from the Committee on policy matters regarding land use and zoning changes, capital improvement plans, and other activities that implement the Central SoMa Plan, Western SoMa Area Plan, and East SoMa Area Plan.
(e) The Committee shall collaborate with the Planning Department and relevant city agencies in monitoring implementation of the Central SoMa Plan, Western SoMa Area Plan, and East SoMa Area Plan at approximately every fifth year, in coordination with the duties required by this Section 5.26-4 and Administrative Code Section 10.E;1
and provide input to Plan Area monitoring efforts for required time-series reporting.
(f) The Committee shall coordinate with the SoMa Community Stabilization Fund Community Advisory Committee established in Administrative Code Chapter 5, Article XXVII, when providing advice on matters within the programmatic jurisdiction of both committees.
(Added by Ord. 242-19, File No. 181215, App. 11/1/2019, Eff. 12/2/2019)
(a) The Board of Supervisors and Mayor shall make initial appointments to the Committee by no later than three months after the effective date of the ordinance in Board File No. 181215 establishing the Committee. The Committee shall hold its inaugural meeting not more than 30 days after voting members have been appointed to six seats. There shall be at least 10 days’ notice of the inaugural meeting. Following the inaugural meeting, the Committee shall hold a regular meeting not less than once every three months until the sunset date set forth in Section 5.26-6.
(b) The Committee shall elect its officers and may establish bylaws and rules for its organization and procedures. The Committee may establish subcommittees or working groups. Each such subcommittee or working group shall include at least two voting Committee members, but may also include other individuals selected by the Committee who are not voting members of the Committee.
(Added by Ord. 242-19, File No. 181215, App. 11/1/2019, Eff. 12/2/2019)
Unless the Board of Supervisors by ordinance extends the term of the Committee, this Article XXVI
, and hence the Committee, shall expire by operation of law, and the Committee shall terminate, on January 1, 2035. After that date, the City Attorney shall cause this Article XXVI
to be removed from the Administrative Code. Notwithstanding Rule 2.21 of the Board of Supervisors Rules of Order, which provides that advisory bodies created by the Board should sunset within three years, the Board intends the Committee to exist for longer than three years.
(Added by Ord. 242-19, File No. 181215, App. 11/1/2019, Eff. 12/2/2019)