The Steering Committee shall serve as the policy setting body of the Council. Duties of the Steering Committee shall include the establishment of the organization and structure of the Council, creation of working groups when necessary to implement the objectives of the Council, and oversight of the operations of the Council.
(1) Presiding Judge of the Superior Court;
(2) Mayor;
(3) President of the Board of Supervisors;
(4) District Attorney;
(5) Chief of Police;
(6) Sheriff;
(7) President of the Commission on the Status of Women;
(8) Chief of Adult Probation;
(9) Executive Director of Department of Emergency Management;
(10) Executive Director of the Domestic Violence Consortium;
(11) Executive Director of Human Services Agency;
(12) Executive Director of the Consortium for Elder Abuse Prevention;
(13) Executive Director of Safe & Sound, which operates the San Francisco Child Abuse Prevention Council;
(14) Director of the Department of Public Health;
(15) Executive Director of the Department of Disability and Aging Services;
(16) Executive Director of the Department of Children, Youth & Their Families;
(17) Medical Examiner;
(18) Director of the Department of Child Support Services;
(19) Chief of Juvenile Probation;
(20) Public Defender;
(21) Director of the Department of Animal Care and Control;
(22) Superintendent of San Francisco Unified School District;
(23) Human Resources Director;
(24) Chief of the Fire Department;
(25) Director of the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing; and
(26) Director of the Department of Early Childhood;
(27) Director of the Department of Police Accountability; and
(28) Executive Director of the Human Rights Commission.
If at any time an agency responsible for designating a member to Seat 1, 10, 12, 13, or 22 declines to designate a member and leaves the seat vacant for 60 days or longer, the Board of Supervisors may appoint a member of the public to fill the seat until such time as the agency designates a member.
The Steering Committee shall have the authority to appoint up to six additional members to the Council. Each such member shall have professional and/or lived experience in issues of family violence prevention or intervention, and shall represent the diversity of the communities most impacted by family violence. Each of these members shall serve for a term of one year at the pleasure of the Steering Committee.
(b) Limitations on Service in Community-Based Organization Seats. No individual may serve as a Council member in seat 10, 12, or 13, either as a named member or as a designee, for more than six years out of any nine-year period. For the purpose of calculating the number of years of service, any service prior to May 1, 2015, shall not count.
(c) Assistance of the City Attorney. The Council may request the City Attorney’s Office to provide advice and legal counsel to the Council.
(d) Meetings. The Council shall meet at least once a quarter at such times and places as the Council shall designate.
(Added as Sec. 5.190-4 by Ord. 217-07, File No. 070884, App. 9/21/2007; amended by Ord. 48-15, File No. 150083, App. 4/24/2015, Eff. 5/24/2015; redesignated and amended by Ord. 100-18, File No. 180216, App. 5/4/2018, Eff. 6/4/2018; amended by Ord. 50-21, File No. 210142, App. 4/16/2021, Eff. 5/17/2021, Retro. 5/1/2021; Ord. 189-22, File No. 220808, App. 9/8/2022, Eff. 10/9/2022; Ord. 109-24, File No. 240281, App. 6/6/2024, Eff. 7/7/2024)
(a) Removal of Council Members. If a member of the Council appointed by the Steering Committee misses three regularly scheduled meetings of the Council in any 12-month period without the express approval of the Council, the Steering Committee may appoint a new member to fill that seat on the Council. If a member in seats 1 through 28 on the Council who has been designated by the named member to fill the seat misses three regularly scheduled meetings of the Council in any 12-month period without the express approval of the Council, the Steering Committee may ask the named member to designate another individual to occupy that seat.
(b) Compensation. Members of the Council shall not be compensated, nor shall they be reimbursed for expenses.
(c) Annual Report. The Council shall submit an annual report of its recommendations to the Board of Supervisors, and may present that report at a hearing at the Board’s request. The Council also may submit recommendations to the courts and the Mayor.
(Added as Sec. 5.190-5 by Ord. 217-07, File No. 070884, App. 9/21/2007; amended by Ord. 48-15, File No. 150083, App. 4/24/2015, Eff. 5/24/2015; redesignated by Ord. 100-18, File No. 180216, App. 5/4/2018, Eff. 6/4/2018; amended by Ord. 108-24, File No. 240302, App. 5/24/2024, Eff. 6/24/2024, Retro. 5/1/2024)
(a) The Mayor shall designate a City department 1
provide support to the Council and the Steering Committee in scheduling meetings, developing meeting agendas, and performing such other functions as are necessary to promote the work of the Council.
(b) All City departments, commissions, boards and agencies shall cooperate with the Council in conducting its business.
Unless the Board of Supervisors by ordinance extends the term of the Family Violence Council, this Article XIX shall expire by operation of law, and the Council shall terminate, on May 1, 2027. After that date, the City Attorney is authorized to cause this Article to be removed from the Administrative Code.
(Added as Sec. 5.190-7 by Ord. 48-15, File No. 150083, App. 4/24/2015, Eff. 5/24/2015; redesignated and amended by Ord. 100-18, File No. 180216, App. 5/4/2018, Eff. 6/4/2018; amended by Ord. 50-21, File No. 210142, App. 4/16/2021, Eff. 5/17/2021, Retro. 5/1/2021; amended by Ord. 108-24, File No. 240302, App. 5/24/2024, Eff. 6/24/2024, Retro. 5/1/2024)