With the approval of the Tax Collector and Treasurer, the Director of the Bureau of Delinquent Revenue is authorized to contract with persons or entities having information regarding funds to which the City is entitled for the purpose of recovering such funds. The Director of the Bureau of Delinquent Revenue may enter into such contracts only if: (1) said Director, after exercising due diligence, determines that there is not other practical means for recovering such funds and (2) the payment of any fee or costs to the contractor is made contingent upon the City recovering such funds and shall be payable to said contractor only out of funds actually recovered pursuant to the contract.
(Added by Ord. 165-90, App. 5/10/90)
The Director of the Adult Probation Department is designated as the County Officer of San Francisco responsible for collection of monies ordered by the courts pursuant to Section 1203.1c of the California Penal Code, and shall make inquiry into the ability of the defendant to pay all or a portion of the costs of incarceration, develop a scale for determining a defendant's ability to pay such costs, develop payment schedules, receive payments, and deposit into the general fund through the County Treasurer any funds determined by a court to be the amounts to be reimbursed by such defendant to the County in a manner in which the court believes reasonable and compatible with the defendant's financial ability.
The Director of the Adult Probation Department shall base the costs of incarceration, including costs of booking, upon a determination made by the Sheriff and approved by the Controller, to be reviewed annually by the Board of Supervisors, of the average per-day costs of incarceration in the County Jail or other local detention facility. The Board of Supervisors may adopt such further legislation as is necessary to effectuate the purpose of this ordinance, but not to repeal the collection of monies pursuant to Section 1203.1c of the California Penal Code.
(Enacted by Proposition J, 6/5/84)
The Director of the Adult Probation Department, as the county officer designated responsible for the collection of monies pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 10.39-2 and California Penal Code Section 1203.1c, shall annually base the average per-day costs of incarceration, including the costs of booking, in the County Jail or other local detention facility upon a determination made by the Sheriff and approved by the Controller.
For fiscal year 1984-85, the average per-day costs of incarceration are hereby determined to $48 per day.
(Added by Ord. 379-84, App. 8/31/84)
(Added by Ord. 153-86, App. 5/2/86; repealed by Ord. 131-18, File No. 180132, App. 6/14/2018, Eff. 7/15/2018, Retro. 7/1/2018)
The Bureau of Delinquent Revenue Collection may, with the approval of the Controller and the consent of the department or office submitting the claim, compromise any claim which may be reported to it for collection and may, with the consent of the Controller, abandon any claim presented to the bureau for collection. Before the collection of any claim is abandoned, the reasons for abandonment and the recommendation of the bureau shall be submitted to the Controller. If the Controller should approve the abandonment of the claim, the department in whose favor the claim exists shall be given credit for the amount thereof, if the amount has been charged against the department. If not so charged, the department shall be released from all liability for the collection of the amount.
(Amended by Ord. 168-63, App. 7/16/63)
The Bureau of Delinquent Revenue Collection is authorized to collect reasonable attorney's fees, collection fees, and other costs incurred in collecting claims for money owed to the City. These costs may be added to the original charge and may be collected from the debtor.
(Added by Ord. 297-00, File No. 001803, App. 12/22/2000; amended by Ord. 176-05, File No. 050983, App. 7/29/2005)
The collection of delinquent revenues and delinquent accounts due to any municipally owned utility under the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.598 of the Charter. Accounts due to any such utility and which are delinquent for more than 90 days shall be reported by the head of the utility or by the Manager of Utilities to the Controller. If the head of the utility or the Manager of Utilities is of the opinion that the accounts cannot be collected, they may, with the approval of the Controller, be cancelled. In the event of such cancellation, the utility or the Public Utilities Commission shall no longer be responsible for their collection.
(Bill No. 662, Ord. No. 9.0231(C.S.), Sec. 5)
The collection of delinquent revenues and delinquent accounts due to the Department of Social Services, the Port of San Francisco or the Airports Commission and accounts in amounts of $300 or less held by any other department, shall be made by those departments. Accounts due to any such department and which are delinquent for more than 90 days shall be reported by the department head to the Controller; and if the department head is of the opinion that the accounts cannot be collected, they may, with the approval of the Controller, be cancelled and in the event of such cancellation, the department shall no longer be responsible for their collection.
(Amended by Ord. 504-83, App. 10/14/83; Ord. 24-88, App. 1/28/88; Ord. 165-88, App. 4/26/88)
The Bureau of Delinquent Revenue Collection shall make quarterly reports to the Board of Supervisors showing the total number of claims submitted to the Bureau during the preceding quarter, as well as the amount collected on such claims.
(Bill No. 662, Ord. No. 9.0231(C.S.), Sec. 6)