(a) In order to facilitate the implementation of the Authority in a timely manner, the City Treasurer and the City Controller may enter into contracts with the Authority for the provision of fiscal services, with or without compensation from the Authority, under such terms and conditions as the Treasurer and Controller may require. If any such contract is executed, the Controller shall establish and maintain a specific account or accounts for this purpose. In addition, other City departments may enter into contracts with the Authority, with or without compensation, for the provision of various services that may be needed by the Authority. All such contracts are subject to the applicable approval process as required by the San Francisco Charter, the San Francisco Administrative Code and the respective department regulation and policy.
(b) In adopting this Chapter, the Board recognizes that the funding of IHSS is the product of a complex relationship of federal, State and City financing, and that the ability of the Authority to operate and to negotiate the wages and benefits of the independent providers of IHSS is contingent upon the availability of adequate funding from all sources. Nothing in this Chapter is intended to require the City to appropriate any funds for the operation of the Authority or for the payment of wages or benefits to the independent providers of IHSS.
(c) The Human Services Agency through the Department of Disability and Aging Services shall be the financial liaison between the City and County of San Francisco and the Authority. The Human Services Agency shall take appropriate action in order to procure all available federal and State funds for the administration and delivery of IHSS, and by contract, grant, or agreement, transfer monies procured from these sources and from any funds that the City may appropriate, to the Authority for the operation of its designated functions, subject to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter and the Administrative Code. The Authority shall submit its annual funding request to the Department of Disability and Aging Services no later than the deadline determined by the Human Services Agency to enable the Agency to prepare and submit its budget to the Mayor’s office. The Authority shall comply with all claiming and reporting deadlines set by the Human Services Agency and the Department of Disability and Aging Services.
The total of all operating costs, wages, and benefits proposed or established by the Authority must be consistent with the provisions of the final City budget.
The Authority may not establish a payment rate that includes the costs of wages, benefits and operation, until the governing body of the Authority makes a finding that the funds necessary for payment of that rate are legally available.
(d) If and when the federal or State agencies responsible for IHSS promulgate regulations that authorize and create direct funding mechanisms for the Authority, the Authority and the Human Services Agency may modify their agreements to facilitate that direct financial relationship.
(Added by Ord. 185-95, App. 6/9/95; amended by Ord. 67-00, File No. 000354, App. 4/28/2000; Ord. 213-08, File No. 081014, App. 9/19/2008; Ord. 109-24, File No. 240281, App. 6/6/2024, Eff. 7/7/2024)
The Authority shall submit annually a report to the Board of Supervisors detailing its functions and evaluating its operation for that year. In addition, such report shall present the Authority's specific goals and objectives for the coming year and its plan for meeting those goals and objectives. If, for any coming year, the Authority intends to expand its duties, the Authority shall present a detailed plan and budget for the implementation of that expansion of duties. Such plan shall be circulated to all interested City departments and community groups prior to presentation to the Board of Supervisors.
(Added by Ord. 185-95, App. 6/9/95)
Prior to any transfer of federal or State-mandated IHSS functions from City responsibility to the Authority, all affected Commissions, by resolution, and the Board of Supervisors, by ordinance, must approve such relinquishment by the City to the Authority of responsibility with respect to IHSS services. Further, the Authority, through its applicable process, must accept all legal liability for those legally mandated responsibilities transferred by the City to the Authority.
(Added by Ord. 185-95, App. 6/9/95)
The enumeration of powers in this Chapter of some of the provisions of Welfare and Institutions Code Section 12301.6 shall not be interpreted as manifesting an intent of the Board of Supervisors to subject either the City or the Authority to duties or liabilities not imposed by that statute.
(Added by Ord. 185-95, App. 6/9/95)
By establishing the Authority, the City and County of San Francisco is assuming an undertaking only to promote the general welfare. It is not assuming, nor is it imposing on its officers and employees, an obligation for breach of which it is liable in money damages to any person who claims that such breach proximately caused injury.
(Added by Ord. 185-95, App. 6/9/95)
(a) If any provision of this Chapter, or the application of any such provision to any person or circumstance, shall be held invalid, the remainder of this Chapter, to the extent it can be given effect, or the application of those provisions to persons or circumstances other than those to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected thereby, and to this end the provisions of this Chapter are severable.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (a) of this Section, if any provision of this Chapter imposing limitations or restrictions on the Authority, or the powers or duties of the Authority, including the ability of the Authority to propose or establish payment rates, shall be held invalid, the provisions of this Chapter shall not be deemed severable and this Chapter shall be held invalid in its entirety.
(Added by Ord. 185-95, App. 6/9/95)
All Employees of the In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority, including, without limitation, IHSS personnel referred to consumers, or referred by consumers for inclusion in the Authority, shall be deemed to be “Covered Employees” and shall be paid no less than the “Minimum Compensation,” as that term is defined in of the Labor and Employment Code, and shall be deemed “Employees” and paid no less than the “Minimum Wage,” as that term is defined in of the Labor and Employment Code. This Section shall be implemented in a manner that does not conflict with applicable federal or State laws.
(Added by Ord. 216-00, File No. 001272, App. 9/8/2000; amended by Proposition J, 11/4/2014)