This committee shall be charged with the responsibility of formulating policy as it affects the use of public streets by public and private utilities, such as overall traffic regulations during utility construction or maintenance; utility advance planning, and other means to insure minimum disruption and inconvenience to the general public using the surface of the streets; utility joint trenches; utility tunnels; and condition of trench repairs.
(Added by Ord. 273-74, App. 6/6/74)
There are hereby established two subcommittees to the Street Utility Coordinating Committee as follows:
(a) Committee for Utility Liaison on Construction and Other Projects (CULCOP). This subcommittee shall consist of staff level personnel from the Bureau of Engineering of the Department of Public Works; San Francisco Department of Telecommunications and Information Services; San Francisco Water Department; Hetch Hetchy Water and Power System; Municipal Railway; San Francisco Fire Department; San Francisco Department of Electricity; San Francisco Redevelopment Agency; Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Gas Division; Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Electric Division; Pacific Telephone Company; Western Union and the Television Signal Corporation. The chair shall be a representative of the Bureau of Engineering as designated by the City Engineer. Meetings shall be monthly at a time and place designated by the chair. The duties of this subcommittee will be to work out scheduling of utility work that is connected with Department of Public Works projects and to plan the utilities undergrounding construction program.
(b) Committee for Planning Utility Construction Program. This subcommittee shall consist of representatives of the Department of Public Works; San Francisco Department of Telecommunications and Information Services; San Francisco Water Department; Hetch Hetchy Water and Power System; San Francisco Police Department; Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Gas Division; Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Electric Division; Pacific Telephone Company; Western Union; and Television Signal Corporation. The chair shall be a representative of the Department of Public Works as designated by the Director of Public Works. Meetings shall be at the call of the chair. This subcommittee shall be responsible for detailed planning of a 12 months construction program of all street utilities, exclusive of Public Works Department projects which are financed wholly or in part by gas tax or ad valorem funds and utilities undergrounding program, including traffic regulations during utility construction or maintenance, and other duties as assigned by the Street Utilities Coordinating Committee. The Director of Public Works shall transmit to private utility companies and to said subcommittee a list of approved gas tax and ad valorem projects, as soon as such projects are approved by the Board of Supervisors.
(Added by Ord. 273-74, App. 6/6/74; amended by Ord. 192-99, File No. 990879, App. 7/1/99).
There is hereby established a committee to be known as the Citizens Advisory Committee for Street Utility Construction consisting of 21 members to be appointed by the Mayor as follows: one representative from each of the following: Department of Public Works; San Francisco Department of Telecommunications and Information Services; Police Department; Water Department; Municipal Railway; Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Gas Division; Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Electric Division; Pacific Telephone Company; Western Union; Television Signal Corporation; San Francisco Planning and Urban Renewal Association; Greater San Francisco Chamber of Commerce; San Francisco Council of District Merchants Association; Associated General Contractors of California; organized labor; Downtown Association; and six members selected from neighborhood organizations representing the various neighborhoods within the City. The committee shall elect a chair from the membership thereof. Any member may delegate an alternate within his or her respective organization to represent him or her at any meeting of the committee in the member's absence. Vacancies on the committee shall be filled by the Mayor in the manner herein provided for the appointment of the original members.
(Added by Ord. 273-74, App. 6/6/74; amended by Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96; Ord. 192-99, File No. 990879, App. 7/1/99)
The duties of the committee shall be to secure citizens' input concerning general problems relating to the use of any digging-up of streets and sidewalks by utility companies or city departments, and to recommend to the Street Utilities Coordinating Committee ways and means to alleviate these problems.
(Added by Ord. 273-74, App. 6/6/74)