If, after reviewing materials provided by an agency, department or other entity (each an "agency") receiving proceeds from the sale of bonds, the committee, after conducting its own independent audit and after consultation with the City Attorney, determines that bond proceeds were spent on purposes not authorized by the ballot measure, the committee may, by majority vote, prohibit the issuance of bonds for any remaining bond authorization.
The committee's decision to prohibit the sale of authorized, unsold bonds may be appealed by the agency to the Board within 30 days. The Board may overturn this decision by a supermajority vote of the members present at the meeting at which the matter is presented.
The prohibition on the issuance of bonds for any remaining bond authorization may be lifted by the Board after the agency provides the committee and the Board with documentation of corrective action satisfactory to the Board.
(Added by Proposition F, 3/5/2002)