(a) Whenever a landlord charges a tenant a rent which exceeds the limitations set forth in this Chapter, retaliates against a tenant for the exercise of any rights under this Chapter, or attempts to prevent a tenant from acquiring any rights under this Chapter 37, the tenant may institute a civil proceeding for injunctive relief and/or money damages, and in cases where the landlord has charged an excessive rent in violation of Section 37.9B(a), injunctive relief and/or money damages of not less than three times the amount of excess rent collected; provided, however, that any monetary award for rent overpayments resulting from a rent increase which is null and void pursuant to Section 37.3(b)(5) shall be limited to a refund of rent overpayments made during the three-year period preceding the month of filing of the action, plus the period between the month of filing and the date of the court's order. In any case, calculation of rent overpayments and re-setting of the lawful base rent shall be based on a determination of the validity of all rent increases imposed since April 1, 1982, in accordance with Sections 37.3(b)(5) and 37.3(a)(2) above.
(b) Any organization with tax exempt status under 26 United States Code Section 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) that has a primary mission of protecting the rights of tenants in San Francisco may bring a civil action for injunctive relief and/or damages against a landlord who has wrongfully endeavored to recover, or has recovered, possession of a rental unit in violation of Section 37.9(a)(8), or who has collected excess rent in violation of Section 37.9B(a). Such action shall be filed within three years after an affected tenant knew, or through the exercise of reasonable diligence should have known, of the facts constituting the violation. However, before bringing any action under this Section 37.11A(b), the organization shall first provide 30 days’ written notice of its intent to initiate civil proceedings by serving a draft complaint on the City Attorney’s Office and on any known address(es) of the affected tenant(s), and may bring the action under this Section 37.11A(b) only if neither the City Attorney’s Office nor the tenant(s) have initiated civil proceedings by the end of the 30 day period. Any monetary award for rent overpayments shall be for two times any excess amounts of rent charged, as well as any other sums reasonably expended to investigate and prosecute the claim, and shall be limited to the three-year period preceding the month of filing of the action, plus the period between the month of filing and the date of the court’s order.
(Added by Ord. 20-84, App. 1/19/84; amended by Ord. 162-93, App. 5/28/93; Ord. 363-93, App. 11/18/93; Ord. 293-98, App. 10/2/98; Ord. 160-17, File No. 170349, App. 7/27/2017, Eff. 8/26/2017)
This Section is enacted in order to assure the smooth transition to coverage under this Chapter of owner-occupied buildings containing four units or less, as a result of the repeal of the exemption for owner-occupied units. The provisions of this Section apply only to such units. The units are referred to as "newly covered units" in this Section. The term "effective date of coverage" as used herein means the effective date of the repeal of the owner occupancy exemption.
(a) The initial base rent for all newly covered units shall be the rent that was in effect for the rental unit on May 1, 1994. If no rent was in effect for the newly covered unit on May 1, 1994, the initial base rent shall be the first rent in effect after that date.
(b) All rents paid after May 1, 1994, in excess of the initial base rent under Section 37.12(a), shall be refunded to the tenant no later than December 15, 1994. If the landlord fails to refund the excess rent by December 15, 1994, the tenant may deduct the amount of the refund from future rent payments, or bring a civil action under Section 37.11A, or exercise any other existing remedies. All tenants residing in newly covered units are entitled to this refund, even if the tenant vacated before the effective date of coverage of the newly covered units.
(c) As soon as practical after the effective date of coverage, the Board shall mail to the landlords of record of newly covered units a notice advising of the repeal of the exemption for owner-occupied buildings containing four units or less. The notice shall include information deemed appropriate by the Board to explain the requirements and effects of the change in the law. It shall be the responsibility of landlords to distribute a copy of said notice to all newly covered units within 15 days of the date the Board mails such notice to landlords. Distribution shall be by mail properly addressed to a tenant of the newly covered unit, or by personal delivery to a tenant of the newly covered unit, or by placing said notice under the door of the primary entrance to the newly covered unit.
(Added by Proposition I, 11/8/94; amended by Ord. 88-95, App. 4/7/95)
(a) A landlord shall provide a minimum of one key or key-set per rental unit for each adult occupant, without charge.
(b) Additional Keys/Key-Sets. A tenant may request keys/key-sets in addition to those provided pursuant to Section 37.13(a), for his or her convenience. Requested additional keys/key-sets must be provided within fourteen (14) days of the tenant's written request stating the reason(s), unless the landlord timely denies the request in writing as provided in Section 37.13(b)(2). Examples of tenant reasons for receiving additional keys/key-sets include, but are not limited to: admitting a service provider, delivery person, houseguest, or relative. All keys are issued for the duration of a tenancy to be returned upon vacating the unit.
(1) When providing requested additional keys/key-sets to a tenant, the landlord may charge only for the documented cost of replicating the additional keys/key-sets, which cost shall be paid by the tenant upon delivery of the requested additional keys/key-sets. Additional keys/key-sets shall be provided without requiring any other cost, fees, deposits, or terms or conditions of any kind whatsoever.
(2) The landlord may deny the request for additional keys/key-sets only for good reason, such as unlawful occupancy in the tenant's unit or the tenant's pattern of lease violation. Any landlord denial must be provided to the tenant in writing, stating specific reasons for the denial, within fourteen (14) days of the written request.
(3) A tenant may file a petition with the Board to decide a disputed request for additional keys or key-sets which may constitute a substantial decrease in housing services, and/or to decide a disagreement concerning landlord charges or deposits (Section 37.13(b)(1)). A disputed request includes a failure to respond within fourteen days (Section 37.13(b)), a disagreement concerning landlord terms and conditions (Section 37.13(b)(1)), and a denial (Section 37.13(b)(2)).
(A) The Board through its Administrative Law Judges shall conduct a hearing in order to decide the petition.
(B) The decision of the Administrative Law Judge shall be final unless the Board vacates the decision on appeal.
(C) Either party may file an appeal of the Administrative Law Judge's decision with the Board. Such appeals are governed by Section 37.8(f).
(4) Unreasonable denial of additional keys/key-sets requested under this Section 37.13(b), or failure to respond to the tenant's written request within fourteen days by providing either the keys/key-sets or a written denial as provided by Sections 37.13(b) and (b)(2), or imposition of terms or conditions prohibited by Section 37.13(b)(1), constitutes a substantial decrease in housing services for which the Administrative Law Judge may order a corresponding reduction in rent.
(Added by Ord. 34-04, File No. 031879, App. 3/19/2004; amended by Ord. 66-05, File No. 041688, App. 4/15/2005)
(Former Sec. 37.13 added by by Ord. 62-02, File No. 020343, App. 5/3/2002; currently codified as Sec. 37.14A)