(a) Debarment Counts and Allegations. Within 15 business days after receipt of the Counts and Allegations, the Contractor may submit a written request for an administrative hearing. The Contractor may make such request through counsel or other authorized representative. The Contractor shall file any such request with the Controller with copies to the Charging Official, the City Attorney, and the City Administrator.
(b) Order of Suspension. At any time during a period of Suspension, a suspended Contractor may submit a written request to the Charging Official requesting the official to lift the Order of Suspension on the grounds that the Contractor’s alleged conduct does not meet the legal requirement for Suspension, or based on facts or circumstances unknown to the Charging Official, or based on new facts, circumstances, or law. The Charging Official shall provide a written response within 14 Days. If the Charging Official’s written response declines to lift the Order of Suspension, or the Charging Official fails to provide a written response within 14 Days, the suspended Contractor may submit in writing within 7 Days a request for an administrative hearing. The suspended Contractor may make such request through counsel or other authorized representative. The suspended Contractor shall file any such request with the Controller with copies to the Charging Official, the City Administrator, and the City Attorney.
(Added by Ord. 8-04, File No. 031503, App. 1/16/2004; amended by Ord. 239-20, File No. 200896, App. 11/25/2020, Eff. 12/26/2020)
Failure of the Contractor to submit to the City a written request to be heard within the time required by this Chapter 28, or failure of the Contractor or the Contractor’s representative to appear for a requested hearing that has been duly noticed, shall be deemed admission by the Contractor to the Counts and Allegations.
(Added by Ord. 8-04, File No. 031503, App. 1/16/2004; amended by Ord. 239-20, File No. 200896, App. 11/25/2020, Eff. 12/26/2020)
(a) A Charging Official shall request either the Controller or the City Administrator (“City Representative”) to appoint a hearing officer for any Debarment or Suspension proceeding. If either the Controller or the City Administrator is the Charging Official, then that City Representative shall request the other to appoint the hearing officer.
(b) Within 14 Days of the Charging Official’s request, the City Representative shall appoint a hearing officer and notify the Contractor and the Charging Official of the appointment. The appointed hearing officer shall be an attorney licensed to practice in California, with not less than five years experience. The notice of appointment shall include the name of the hearing officer. The Contractor or the Charging Official may object to the appointed hearing officer within five business days of the notification. If the City Representative, at the City Representative’s sole discretion, appoints a new hearing officer, then the City Representative shall notify the Contractor and the Charging Official as soon as practicable but not more than 14 Days after receipt of the objection.
(Added by Ord. 8-04, File No. 031503, App. 1/16/2004; amended by Ord. 239-20, File No. 200896, App. 11/25/2020, Eff. 12/26/2020)
(a) Within 14 Days of appointment, the hearing officer shall notify each Contractor named in the Counts and Allegations or Suspension Order and the Charging tt1 Official, the Controller, the City Administrator and the City Attorney of the scheduled hearing date. The hearing date shall be set at the hearing officer’s sole discretion except, for a Debarment hearing, the hearing must commence within 120 Days of the date the Charging Official served the Counts and Allegations; a Suspension hearing must commence within 30 Days of the date the Suspended Contractor requested a hearing pursuant to Section 28.6(b) 1 The hearing officer may extend the deadline for holding a hearing only upon good cause shown; proceeding as expeditiously as possible is in the public’s best interests.
(b) Discovery pursuant to the California Code of Civil Procedure is not applicable to this administrative debarment or suspension procedure.
(c) The hearing officer shall have the sole discretionary authority to direct any named Contractor and the ccCharging1 Official to submit in advance of the hearing statements, legal analyses, lists of witnesses, exhibits, documents or any other information the hearing officer deems pertinent. The hearing officer may request the respective parties to submit rebuttals to such information. The hearing officer may limit the length, scope, or content of any such statement, analysis, list, rebuttal, document, or other requested information. The hearing officer shall set firm due dates for all written presentations.
(d) If the hearing officer determines, with the written agreement of each named Contractor and the Charging Official, that the hearing shall be by written presentation, all final writings shall be due no later than 120 Days of the date the Charging Official served the Counts and Allegations or Order of Suspension.
(Added by Ord. 8-04, File No. 031503, App. 1/16/2004; amended by Ord. 239-20, File No. 200896, App. 11/25/2020, Eff. 12/26/2020)
1. So in Ord. 239-20.
(a) Hearings may occur in person, on an electronic meeting platform if deemed necessary by the hearing officer, or in writing, as set forth in the foregoing Section 28.09. 1 If the hearing is to occur in person or on an electronic meeting platform, the hearing officer shall specify the time and place for the Charging Official to present the case and for the Contractor to rebut the charges. The hearing officer shall have the sole discretion to allow offers of proof, set time limitations, and limit the scope of evidence presented based on relevancy.
(b) The Charging Official shall present evidence in support of the Debarment or Suspension to the hearing officer. The Contractor may present evidence in defense and/or mitigation. Each side shall be entitled to call witnesses, and the hearing officer may allow cross-examination of witnesses. The hearing officer may ask questions of any party.
(c) The hearing officer shall consider the evidence submitted by the Charging Official and the Contractor. Within 14 Days of the hearing, or of the date final written presentations are due, the hearing officer shall issue Findings and a Decision. The hearing officer shall serve the Findings and Decision on the Charging Official, the named Contractor(s), and/or their respective counsels or authorized representatives, and shall submit the same to the Controller, City Administrator, and City Attorney.
(d) If the hearing officer finds that the named Contractor has committed willful misconduct as described in Section 28.3 and orders a term of Debarment, the Charging Official shall issue an Order of Debarment consistent with the hearing officer’s decision. The Charging Official shall serve the Order on each named Contractor, their counsel or authorized representative, if any, the City Attorney, the City Administrator, and the Controller. An Order of Debarment under this Chapter 28 shall be the final administrative determination by the City in the matter.
(e) For a Suspended Contractor, the hearing officer may consider evidence and argument by the Contractor to support its assertion that the City should terminate the Order of Suspension, provided that the Charging Official shall be entitled to offer evidence and argument in opposition to the Contractor’s assertion. If the Contractor establishes that the underlying basis of the Order of Suspension has been finally resolved without a verdict, judgment, settlement agreement or plea agreement against the Contractor, the hearing officer shall terminate the Order of Suspension. An Order of Suspension upheld by a hearing officer under this Chapter shall be the final administrative determination by the City in the matter. Any termination of an Order of Suspension shall not preclude a Charging Officer from initiating Debarment proceedings against the Contractor based on the underlying conduct of the Suspension Order pursuant to section 28.4 following termination of the Order of Suspension.
(Added by Ord. 8-04, File No. 031503, App. 1/16/2004; amended by Ord. 239-20, File No. 200896, App. 11/25/2020, Eff. 12/26/2020)
1. So in Ord. 239-20.