(a) The Board of Supervisors finds that: (1) contracting with the City is an important municipal affair, and that the award of contracts to Contractors who fail to deal with the City in good faith compromises the integrity of the contracting process and results in the improper expenditure of public funds, and (2) the public contracting process is for the benefit of the public, not Contractors, and it serves the public interest to empower the City to Debar or Suspend a Contractor that has engaged in conduct that undermines the integrity of the public contracting process.
(b) The Board of Supervisors recognizes that the City must afford Contractors due process in any determination that precludes any individual or business entity from participating in the contracting process. This Chapter 28 does not apply to a determination of nonresponsibility for a single contract or identifiable group of contracts, but rather to the broader determination of irresponsibility of a Contractor for the general purpose of contracting with the City for a specified period. The Board of Supervisors therefore adopts this Chapter to prescribe standard procedures for the prosecution, determination, and implementation of administrative Debarments and Suspensions.
(Added by Ord. 8-04, File No. 031503, App. 1/16/2004; amended by Ord. 239-20, File No. 200896, App. 11/25/2020, Eff. 12/26/2020)
The following definitions apply for only the purposes of this Chapter 28:
Affiliate. Any individual person or business entity related to a Contractor where such individual or business entity, directly or indirectly, controls or has the power to control the other, or where a third person controls or has the power to control both. Indicia of control include, but are not limited to: interlocking management or ownership; identity of interests among family members; shared facilities and equipment; common use of employees or a business entity organized following the Suspension, Debarment, bankruptcy, dissolution or reorganization of a person which has the same or similar management; and/or ownership or principal employee as the Contractor.
Charging Official. Any City department head or the President of any board or commission authorized to award or execute a contract under the Charter or the Administrative Code, the Mayor, the Controller, the City Administrator, the Director of Administrative Services, or the City Attorney. All Charging Officials are authorized to act on behalf of the City in prosecuting any administrative Debarment proceeding and in issuing an Order of Debarment or issuing an Order of Suspension under this Chapter 28.
City. The City and County of San Francisco.
Contractor. Any individual person, business entity, or organization that submits a qualification statement, proposal, bid, or grant request, or that contracts directly or indirectly with the City for the purpose of providing any goods or services or construction work to or for, or applies for or receives a grant from, the City including without limitation any Contractor, subcontractor, consultant, subconsultant or supplier at any tier, or grantee. The term “Contractor” shall include any responsible managing corporate officer, or responsible managing employee, or other owner or officer of a Contractor who has personal involvement and/or responsibility in seeking or obtaining a contract with the City or in supervising and/or performing the work prescribed by the contract or grant.
Day. A calendar day unless otherwise specified.
Debarment. The administrative determination against a Contractor declaring such Contractor irresponsible and disqualified from participating in the procurement process for contracts, or from entering into contracts, directly or indirectly, with or applying for or receiving grants or other benefits from the City for a period specified in the Debarment order.
Suspension. Ineligibility of a Contractor that is the subject of an arrest, indictment, or other criminal or civil charge by a governmental entity (federal, state or local), as specified in greater detail in Section 28.3(b) from participating in the procurement process for contracts or from entering into contracts directly or indirectly with, or applying for or receiving grants from, the City.
(Added by Ord. 8-04, File No. 031503, App. 1/16/2004; amended by Ord. 239-20, File No. 200896, App. 11/25/2020, Eff. 12/26/2020)
Notwithstanding any other provision of the Administrative Code, any Charging Official shall have authority to issue Orders of Debarment or Suspension against any Contractor in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Chapter 28.
(Added by Ord. 8-04, File No. 031503, App. 1/16/2004; amended by Ord. 239-20, File No. 200896, App. 11/25/2020, Eff. 12/26/2020)
(a) Debarment. A Charging Official shall issue an Order of Debarment for any Contractor who the hearing officer, based on evidence presented, finds to have engaged in any willful misconduct with respect to any City bid, request for qualifications, request for proposals, grant request, purchase order and/or contract, or grant award. Such willful misconduct may include, but need not be limited to the following: (1) submission of false information in response to an advertisement or invitation for bids or quotes, a request for qualifications, or a request for proposals; (2) failure to comply with the terms of a contract or with provisions of the Municipal Code; (3) a pattern and practice of disregarding or repudiating terms or conditions of City contracts or grants, including without limitation repeated unexcused delays and poor performance; (4) failure to abide by any rules and/or regulations adopted pursuant to the Municipal Code; (5) submission of false claims as defined in this Administrative Code, Chapter 6, Article V, or Chapter 21, Section 21.35, or other applicable federal, state, or municipal false claims laws; (6) a verdict, judgment, settlement, stipulation, or plea agreement establishing the Contractor’s violation of any civil or criminal law or regulation against any government entity relevant to the Contractor’s ability or capacity honestly to perform under or comply with the terms and conditions of a City contract or grant; (7) an order, decision, verdict, judgment, settlement, stipulation, or plea agreement establishing the Contractor’s intentional or willful violation of any civil or criminal law or regulation governing wages or unfair labor practices, including, but not limited to, violations under California Labor Code sections 98.1, 1771.1 and 1775, San Francisco Labor and Employment Code , , , and Section , and 29 U.S.C. § 158(a); (8) collusion in obtaining award of any City contract or grant, or payment or approval thereunder; and/or (9) the offer or provision of any gift or money to a public official, if that public official is prohibited from accepting the gift or money by any law or regulation.
(b) Suspension. Any Charging Official may issue an Order of Suspension to a Contractor on the basis that the Contractor has been arrested or indicted, or become the subject of a criminal, civil or administrative complaint issued by a government entity, where the arrest or indictment, criminal, civil, or administrative complaint alleges that the Contractor has violated a civil or criminal law or regulation against any government entity relevant to the Contractor's ability or capacity honestly to perform under or comply with the terms and conditions of a City contract or grant including, but not limited to, the grounds for Debarment set forth in Section 28.3(a).
(a) Any Charging Official may initiate an administrative Debarment proceeding by issuing Counts and Allegations. A Charging Official may issue Counts and Allegations against any Contractor relating to any matter consistent with the grounds for debarment as stated in Section 28.3(a). A Charging Official may issue Counts and Allegations regardless whether such Charging Official awarded, was responsible for, or was involved in any way with the underlying contract or circumstances leading to the Counts and Allegations.
(b) The Charging Official shall append to the Counts and Allegations a photocopy of this Chapter 28 of the Administrative Code. Failure to append this Chapter 28, however, shall not affect the force or validity of the Counts and Allegations.
(Added by Ord. 8-04, File No. 031503, App. 1/16/2004; amended by Ord. 239-20, File No. 200896, App. 11/25/2020, Eff. 12/26/2020)
(a) Debarment Counts and Allegations. The Charging Official shall serve the Counts and Allegations on each named individual person or business entity in a manner ensuring confirmation of delivery. For example, the Charging Officer may achieve service by United States Postal Service certified mail, return receipt requested or with other delivery confirmation, hand delivery (messenger service), or other commercial delivery service that provides written confirmation of delivery.
The Charging Official shall also serve the Counts and Allegations on the Controller, City Administrator and the City Attorney.
(b) Suspension Order. The Charging Official shall serve the Suspension Order on the named Contractor in a manner ensuring confirmation of delivery. For example, the Charging Officer may achieve service by United States Postal Service certified mail, return receipt requested or with other delivery confirmation, hand delivery (messenger service), or other commercial delivery service that provides written confirmation of delivery.
The Charging Official shall also serve the Suspension Order on the Controller, City Administrator and the City Attorney.
(Added by Ord. 8-04, File No. 031503, App. 1/16/2004; amended by Ord. 239-20, File No. 200896, App. 11/25/2020, Eff. 12/26/2020)
(a) Debarment Counts and Allegations. Within 15 business days after receipt of the Counts and Allegations, the Contractor may submit a written request for an administrative hearing. The Contractor may make such request through counsel or other authorized representative. The Contractor shall file any such request with the Controller with copies to the Charging Official, the City Attorney, and the City Administrator.
(b) Order of Suspension. At any time during a period of Suspension, a suspended Contractor may submit a written request to the Charging Official requesting the official to lift the Order of Suspension on the grounds that the Contractor’s alleged conduct does not meet the legal requirement for Suspension, or based on facts or circumstances unknown to the Charging Official, or based on new facts, circumstances, or law. The Charging Official shall provide a written response within 14 Days. If the Charging Official’s written response declines to lift the Order of Suspension, or the Charging Official fails to provide a written response within 14 Days, the suspended Contractor may submit in writing within 7 Days a request for an administrative hearing. The suspended Contractor may make such request through counsel or other authorized representative. The suspended Contractor shall file any such request with the Controller with copies to the Charging Official, the City Administrator, and the City Attorney.
(Added by Ord. 8-04, File No. 031503, App. 1/16/2004; amended by Ord. 239-20, File No. 200896, App. 11/25/2020, Eff. 12/26/2020)