(Added by Ord. 439-96, App. 11/8/96; redesignated as Sec. 23.6 and amended by Ord. 15-01, File No. 001965, App. 2/2/2001)
Not less than 10 days prior to action by the Board of Supervisors approving a sale, transfer, or other conveyance of fee title to City-owned property, including but not limited to approval of a conveyance as part of the settlement of litigation, the Clerk of the Board shall work with City departments to make certain that the department having jurisdiction of the City-owned property shall cause notice of the proposed action t0 be given as follows:
(b) Written notice describing the proposed action shall be mailed to all owners and, to the extent practicable, occupants of properties within 150 feet of the Transfer Site in the same Assessor's Block and on the block face across from the Transfer Site. When the Transfer Site is a corner lot, the notification area shall further include all property on both block faces across from the Transfer Site, and the corner property diagonally across the street. The latest City-wide Assessor's roll for names and addresses of owners shall be used for such notice.
(c) Written notice describing the proposed action shall also be mailed to persons or organizations that have indicated an interest in the Transfer Site or its area by including their names on a list maintained by the Planning Department.
This notice requirement shall not apply to a transfer of jurisdiction between one City agency or department and another City agency or department.
Failure to comply with these notice requirements shall not invalidate conveyance of such property.
(Added by Ord. 25-04, File No. 031989, App. 2/19/2004)
(a) All City departments shall report to the Director of Property annually, no later than ninety (90) days before the end of each fiscal year, the physical condition, current utilization and department contact information for real property and facilities under the jurisdiction of such department on a form to be provided by the Director of Property. Such information shall be summarized and maintained by the Director of Property in an Annual Real Property and Facility Report, and relevant portions of such information shall be included in the Real Estate Information System (REIS) located on the Real Estate Division's intranet website. The Annual Real Property and Facility Report shall include a limited Real Estate Asset Management Plan for the upcoming fiscal year with the Director of Property's recommendations regarding specified City real property assets, including facility maintenance and management, capital repairs, and potential acquisitions or dispositions (subject to the Surplus Property Ordinance and other City requirements), with the intent of increasing the City's efficient utilization of its real property assets.
(b) Each City department with jurisdiction over real property shall assign a real property and facilities staff person to work with the Real Estate Division in the timely reporting of information as required by this section. This staff person shall, following the Director of Property's approval, cause the appropriate data to be entered in the Real Estate Division's REIS.
(c) The Director of Property shall present the Annual Real Property and Facility Report, including the Asset Management Plan, to the Board of Supervisors. Upon the Board of Supervisors' approval of the Asset Management Plan, the Director of Property shall, consistent with his or her authority and working with applicable City departments, implement the recommendations in the Asset Management Plan subject to any required City approvals following environmental review.
(d) Each fiscal year the Director of Property shall include in his or her proposed budget sufficient funds to maintain the REIS, and to perform the tasks contemplated by the Asset Management Plan.
(Added by Ord. 59-05, File No. 050061, App. 4/1/2005)
(a) Agreements with Government Entities for an Acquisition, Conveyance, or Lease of Real Property are exempt from the Competitive Bidding Process and Competitive Bidding Procedures requirements of Chapter 23.
(b) As set forth in Section 1.25 of this Code, agreements with Government Entities for an Acquisition, Conveyance, or Lease of Real Property are not subject to provisions of the Municipal Code, including but not limited to the Administrative, Labor and Employment, Environment, or Police Codes, imposing obligations or other restrictions on contractors.
(c) This Section 23.9 applies to all agreements for an Acquisition, Conveyance, or Lease of Real Property under Chapter 23, however they are titled, including but not limited to any Lease, contract, memorandum of understanding, or similar instrument memorializing mutual obligations between the City and a Government Entity or Government Entities.
(Added by Ord. 107-24, File No. 240301, App. 5/24/2024, Eff. 6/24/2024)